Bright Sword Military System

Chapter 538 Air Combat

Chapter 538 Air Combat
Finding "Zero War" is not difficult. Yingchan only needs to send a few "Wildcats" into the devil's combat radius on Wake Island to search... Not long after the devils took Wake Island, they were worried that Yingchan would lose their foothold on Wake Island. From time to time, the sneak attack even recaptured Wake Island, so while building Wake Island, the "Zero Fighter" was continuously dispatched to patrol the surrounding waters.

This is another benefit of the ultra-long range of "Zero War": the long range means a long time in the air... If the "Zero War" has a range of more than 3000 kilometers with an auxiliary fuel tank, it will have a long time in the air based on its maximum speed of 530 kilometers A horrific six hours.

This makes it unnecessary to return to refuel frequently, thus improving the patrol efficiency.

Of course, this also requires the pilot's physical strength and will...Flying for six hours in a row is torture for the pilot.

What Eagle Sauce has to do is to search for these "zero battles" patrolling the outskirts of Wake Island.

The Enterprise took off six fighters and divided them into three groups to search in three directions. Major Logan was the group that flew to the southwest waters of Wake Island.

Logan's wingman was piloted by a young man named Jason. Before he joined the army, he drove an agricultural plane to spray pesticides, so he got the nickname "pesticide".

Logan didn't think Jason was a good pilot.

Logan guessed that this might have something to do with Jason's experience of flying an agricultural aircraft... the same job he did the same every day, and he became numb after a few years, which directly led to his slow reaction, which was fatal on the battlefield .

Logan looked at the sky, there were some thin clouds.

This does not seem to be a good thing, because it will affect the line of sight. If you encounter an enemy plane, you will be in close combat... I am afraid that you will be shot down before you can react, let alone confirm the "uncertainty".

Logan glanced at the photo taped to the side... Others usually carry a photo of their wife with them, but Logan took his daughter's.

He has only one wish, to watch his daughter grow up.

If it is for this wish, he just needs to continue flying like this.


Logan gritted his teeth and said to Jason on the radio: "Pesticide, we have to change direction and fly east!"

"Why?" Jason asked.

"The enemy is used to patrolling clockwise around the island!" Logan explained: "If we also search clockwise, we will probably never meet, understand?"

"That's right!" Jason responded excitedly: "I should have thought of it a long time ago!"

Then Jason said "yo hoo": "Come on, you bastards!"

This is another thing Logan doesn't like about Jason.

Logan believes that as a pilot, you should keep calm at all times. It is best to face the upcoming battle with a normal mind. Too much fear and too much excitement are not good things.

Logan was very cautious along the way. Sometimes he climbed above the clouds and sometimes flew upside down... These seemingly random movements are actually Logan observing different heights and different directions. His eyes are like radar searching every direction. A possible location for an enemy aircraft to appear.

Then, suddenly, Logan yelled, "Climb, Pesticide! Climb now!"

"Did you spot the enemy plane?" Jason was a little surprised, he didn't find anything.

"Yes!" Logan replied: "There are two 'Zero Fighters' at three o'clock, they don't seem to have spotted us! Not sure about it later!"

Jason was a little frustrated. He was almost taken away by the major. If he hadn't been flying with the major, he might have plunged into the arms of the enemy plane right now.

After a while, Jason found two small dots in the direction indicated by the major.

Jason's heart trembled, it was "Zero Battle" that's right, he had seen it countless times in the photos, Jason even dreamed of shooting down such a plane as his first victory.

At this time, "Zero War" had discovered them, so they climbed together.

Logan was taken aback. The Zero War climbed much faster than the Wildcat, and it didn't take long for the enemy to surpass their altitude and fly overhead.

"This is not a good thing!" Logan said to himself.

Because if such a posture is maintained, when the enemy and the enemy meet, it will be a "zero battle" dive while the "wildcat" is in a climbing state.

Obviously "Zero War" will have more advantages.

Logan remembered what Halsey confessed before departure: "Gentlemen! According to this assumption, we should first maintain our own altitude, because there is enough space to dive when we have an altitude. Once we have an altitude, once our tail is bitten by an enemy plane Use a dive to escape, understand?"

Is it high enough to dive now?
Logan looked at the meter, 6000 meters, maybe enough!

But how much is a height enough to get rid of the enemy?
Logan didn't know, he didn't even know if the dive could get rid of the enemy plane.

These all need his "confirmation".

But Logan knew one thing, it would definitely not work if it continued like this. By then, all the fighter planes would be shot down by the enemy and there would be no chance to dive.

Thinking of this, Logan ordered: "Turn, Jason, turn!"

Speaking of which, Logan pulled the nose and turned to the side...

Startled, Jason yelled "Major!" before following.

It's no wonder Jason hesitated, he thought Logan made a low-level mistake that even a "rookie" like him would not make:

The speed of the enemy plane is faster than our plane, the speed of the "Zero" fighter is 533 per hour, and the speed of the "Wildcat" fighter is 512 per hour.

When the fighter planes of the enemy and us are flying towards each other, turn to the side. If you are fast, you can escape from the battle, but if you are slow... that means exposing your own tail to the enemy, so you don't even have a chance to fight to the death.

But Jason followed suit.

Logan added another sentence: "Stop talking nonsense and listen to my orders!"

"Yes, Major!" Jason replied, hoping he was wrong.

But the battle situation was just as Jason thought. Seeing the "Wildcat" fighter turn around, the two Zero Fighters stopped climbing and chased them up from behind.

The Devil pilots who were driving the two planes even laughed loudly: "Are you afraid of becoming like this? Choose to escape regardless of the situation!"

Logan did act like he was running away.

However, in the face of the speed, range and maneuverability of "Zero War", "Wild Cat" is like a clumsy panda, and it is almost impossible to escape.

The Devil pilot seemed to have seen the moment when the two "Wildcats" were beaten to pieces.

At this time, the "wild cats" made another unbelievable movement. They turned around and started to climb again...

It is well known that the climbing performance of "Zero War" is better than that of "Wildcat", so doing this is because you think you don't die fast enough.

So the distance between the enemy and ourselves quickly narrowed.

Getting closer, getting closer...

Just as the Devil pilot was about to fire a bullet, Major Logan shouted: "Dive, dive now!"

As he said that, Logan drove the "Wildcat" across a beautiful arc in the air, and the fighter quickly changed from climbing to diving at a high speed.

(End of this chapter)

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