Chapter 539 Trying
At the moment of turning, the huge maneuvering overload made Logan dizzy for a while.

But Logan, who has more than ten years of driving experience, is not nervous because of this. He knows how to deal with this kind of dizziness, that is, don't trust your eyes but trust your feelings.

Logan even took advantage of this moment to make a short report to the headquarters: "The Falcon began to dive at an altitude of 6500 meters. The battalion commander had better be right!"

Halsey, who was listening to this on the aircraft carrier, understood the meaning of Logan's words. Logan was worried that there would be no time later...or it could be said that there was no life report.

"This guy!" Halsey said to the staff, "he gave up his chance of survival to try!"

Ryan nodded in agreement.

Logan is an experienced old pilot. His plane just encountered the enemy head-on. Based on his experience and piloting level, he does have a chance to shoot down the enemy.

but now……

Logan took the initiative to let the enemy bite his tail, and his life and death depended on whether the deduction of the Huaxia Battalion Commander was correct.

"The height is 5000 meters!"

"The height is 4000 meters!"


Logan is controlling the aircraft to make irregular curve movements while looking to the left and right... In principle, the pilot cannot see the enemy aircraft biting his own tail behind him, so he cannot observe the dive performance of "Zero War" .

The observation should have been done by Jason, but Jason didn't know where he flew to.

It was only later that Logan found out that Jason panicked because his tail was bitten by "Zero War", so he stopped following Logan to maneuver and try to shake off his tail.

So Logan can only rely on himself.

Logan was maneuvering at a large angle while diving, and at the moment the nose turned, he could see "Zero Fighter" following behind.

What made Logan feel a little strange was that the originally very flexible "Zero War" seemed a little clumsy at this time, and his movements were always half a beat slower than Logan's, and sometimes even had a tendency to disengage...

This boosted Logan's confidence, and he reported: "General, I think he is right, the enemy's planes do have problems when they dive!"

Halsey, who was waiting nervously on the other side, hurriedly asked, "What's the problem? Make it clear!"

"I'm not sure!" Logan replied, "Their planes seem to be more difficult to control..."

Then Logan stopped talking, because the enemy plane had already opened fire on him, and a string of bullets flew past the "Wildcat"'s fuselage. Logan felt that several bullets hit the fuselage, because he heard some strange thoughts. .

As soon as Logan pressed the nose of the plane, he dived to the ground at a greater angle and faster speed. He only dropped 2000 meters in height, and he found that the plane behind him had been thrown away.

Logan immediately pulled up the nose and climbed, because he knew that the next dive could only be done by maintaining the altitude, so he had the opportunity to throw off the pursuit of "Zero War" again.

At this moment, Logan heard Jason shouting in panic: "Major, I can't shake it..."

"Pesticide!" Logan immediately ordered: "Dive, immediately!"

While talking, he saw Jason's "Wildcat" being closely pursued by a "Zero" above his head, and Logan immediately chased after him in the fighter plane...

Predicting that Jason's fighter plane was about to dive, Logan used a "shortcut" to cut into the section of Jason's route and smoothly bit the tail of "Zero War".

This time Logan saw clearly that "Zero Fighter" was indeed very clumsy when diving, especially when diving at high speed. It looks like the pilot is trying to control the fuselage, and the speed is much slower.

This made it easy for Logan to catch up with it, and then "da da" fired a bunch of bullets, the fuselage of "Zero War" was hit with debris, and then the engine swayed to the side with black smoke.

Logan looked around again, and the other "Zero Fighter" should have spotted other "Wildcats" who came to reinforce them, so they stopped fighting and turned around and fled.

"He's right, General!" Logan looked at the "Zero War" that fell into the sea and reported: "This kind of aircraft is extremely unstable when they dive, and we have found its weakness!"

The headquarters immediately burst into joy, and Halsey said excitedly: "Yes, Logan! You made a good start! Also, remember what you did today, I need you to explain every detail to other pilots in detail! "

"Yes, General!"

When the news reached Huaxia, Wang Xuexin was browsing the seizure situation of mines and factories sent by the headquarters.

This time the Eighth Route Army achieved fruitful results. A total of seven iron mines and nine copper mines were seized, and there were thirteen corresponding iron and copper smelting plants.

Except for three of these thirteen smelters that suffered relatively large losses when they were blasted and set on fire by devils during the battle, the rest were only lightly damaged, that is, most of them fell into the hands of the Eighth Route Army intact, and it only took a few days or a dozen Repairs ranging from days to days can resume work and production immediately.

The reason why most of them are "minor damage" is actually related to devils.

At this time, the army of the devils was seriously insufficient. Most of the soldiers stationed in the factories were puppet soldiers. In some factories, there was only one small leader of the devils and one or two assistants who were injured and unable to fight... The devils made full use of their manpower. Disabled soldiers with severed hands were sent to factories to do accounting and statistics work. On the other hand, they also used these ghosts to intimidate the puppet army.

Disabled soldiers can actually intimidate the puppet army!
Hearing this situation, Wang Xuexin didn't know what to think.

The result of this was that as soon as the Eighth Route Army gained the upper hand on the battlefield, these factories, including those working laborers who would rather die under the bayonet, began to rebel.

For those who did not dare to rebel, when the Eighth Route Army officially attacked, the chaos inside was already out of control.

So the devils had no time to blow up the factory.

In some factories, the order to "blow up the factory" was indeed arranged, but the explosives were replaced by loess by the puppet army.

The puppet army is not stupid. They know that they should do their best to "make meritorious service" at this time, so as to win the "leniency" of the Eighth Route Army.

What's more, they are in the factory themselves, and the devils can "dedicate their allegiance to the empire" together with the factory, and there is no need for the puppet army to do so.

The battalion commander Wang Xuexin didn't need to know about these things.

But the chief said this: "The fight against Yuncheng is Xiaodongbei's plan, and he should know the result. What's more, the more he knows, the better he can grasp the overall situation, and he can make better, more, and more timely proposals." Suggestion!"

Wang Xuexin was a little helpless, and he was regarded as a staff officer.

At this moment, he heard the shouts of Sun Erwei and Davis:
"Great! We won!"

"He's right, I said, and he's definitely right!

"My lord, we have won!"


(End of this chapter)

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