Bright Sword Military System

Chapter 540 Saatchi Cross

Chapter 540 Saatchi Cross
Sun Erwei and Davis rushed into Wang Xuexin's office and embraced Wang Xuexin like a carnival.

"Have they tried diving?" Wang Xuexin asked.

"Yes!" Sun Erwei nodded excitedly: "Just now, our pilot successfully dived out of the fight with the enemy, and then turned the tables and shot down a 'Zero'!"

"General Halsey asked me to pass on his thanks!" Davis said, "He asked me to tell you that he owes you a favor!"

"Oh!" Sun Erwei helped introduce: "You may not know Halsey, he is the captain of the USS Enterprise!"

Of course Wang Xuexin knew about Halsey, a guy who gained a great reputation for commanding the aircraft carrier to fight against the devils during Yingjiang's difficult times, especially when he escorted the first air raid on Tokyo a few months later.

But of course Wang Xuexin couldn't answer that he knew. It was very strange that an Eighth Route Army battalion commander would know about Yingjiang's general.

"I made a note of it!" Wang Xuexin replied with a smile: "This favor is not something you can get casually. Tell General Halsey that one day I will ask him for it back!"

Sun Erwei and Davis couldn't help laughing.

"After the war, they analyzed the battle situation carefully!" Davis pushed the glasses on the bridge of his nose, and said, "They think that the 'Zero War' is probably because the airframe is too light and the engine power is insufficient, and the air resistance encountered during the dive Too much impact on speed and stability. God, who would have thought that you would have reasoned this out, you may not have even seen a 'Zero'..."

"I really haven't seen it!" Wang Xuexin replied.

This is the truth, if you have ever seen it, it was on TV or in movies.

Wang Xuexin thinks that Yingjiang's analysis is reasonable. When the plane dives at high speed, it will produce a lot of air resistance at a high speed.

The same amount of resistance acts on the "Wildcat" and "Zero War" at the same time, and the impact is different.

Although two iron balls land on the ground at the same time, lighter objects are more affected by resistance. For example, feathers will move irregularly in the air due to air resistance.

Coupled with the lack of horsepower of the "Zero War", this kind of difficult control and unstable flight appeared.

Sun Erwei raised a doubt: "But we can't always dive, does that mean we are still at a disadvantage!"

"It is true!" Davis agreed. "But we are not as defenseless as before!"

Wang Xuexin hesitated when he heard this. He has a way to make the Yingjiang fighter basically equal to "Zero War".

But Wang Xuexin didn't know whether to say it or not.

After thinking about it, Wang Xuexin believed that if Ying Jiang could turn to a counterattack in advance on the Pacific battlefield, he would be able to transfer the devil's troops and resources to overseas instead of Huaxia earlier, which is obviously beneficial to Huaxia.

So Wang Xuexin said: "Sun Erwei, although I don't understand air combat, there is a saying in China called 'response to all changes with the same'. Since your aircraft is not as maneuverable as the enemy, then don't engage in too much combat with the enemy." A contest in flight maneuvering..."

"We think so too!" Davis nodded: "So, Major Logan believes that we should always maintain a high altitude tactically, rely on the speed of diving to attack the enemy during combat, and then immediately disengage to prepare for the second round attack!"

"No, that's not what I'm talking about!" Wang Xuexin touched his pocket and took out cigarettes from his pocket, holding one in each hand while demonstrating while explaining: "I mean, our planes may be able to cross-fly like this... so The advantage of doing this is that each other can cover each other's tail, once a certain fighter plane is bitten by the enemy's "Zero" tail, it will inevitably be exposed to the firepower of another plane at the moment of crossing."

Wang Xuexin glanced at the two people who were in a daze, and then said: "This is what I mean by 'responsible to all changes with the same'. The mobility of the 'Zero War' can always bite the tail of the 'Wild Cat'. Considering throwing it off and letting it bite. But in the meantime we'll have another 'Wildcat' on the tail of the 'Zero Fighter'. So it's not a question of maneuvering or who bites whose tail It's not a question, but a question of who can shoot accurately and who has more firepower, don't you think so?"

Sun Erwei swallowed his saliva with a "gulu", and then looked at Davis: "Is this tactic... feasible?"

Davis froze for a while before answering: "I'm not sure, but it does sound reasonable. Maybe our way of thinking is wrong. We have been thinking about how to get rid of the entanglement of enemy planes, but never thought of such a thing. One for another... I mean, it sounds cruel, but at least it won't be unilaterally slaughtered by the enemy!"

"Then what are you waiting for!" Sun Erwei jumped up: "We should immediately tell the general about this tactic and let them analyze whether it is feasible!"

Davis woke up like a dream, knowing that he couldn't wait for this moment, because a second later might mean that a fighter would be shot down because he didn't know this tactic, so he got up and walked towards the dormitory with Sun Erwei.

Wang Xuexin is very sure that this tactic is feasible.

Because this is actually not a tactic he invented, but a tactic invented by Yingjiang pilots in the air battle with the "Zero", which is the so-called "Saatchi Crossover".

This tactic is a bit like the western cowboy duel with pistols, but instead of shooting at each other, you shoot me down and I shoot you down.

If you can't outmaneuver the enemy, why not simply and rudely trade your life for your life?In this way, at least the battle loss ratio can be tied.

Judging from these tactics, Eagle Sauce was quite brave when facing the devils in World War II.

No wonder they were able to rise rapidly after the war to take the top spot in the world.

But now and then.

The people of Yingjiang in this era have experienced the Great Depression and developed rapidly under Roosevelt’s New Deal. Most of them are hard-working, hard-working, and quite conscientious...Because they have lived in poverty, they have a job opportunity and live well. Only then will we cherish it more, will we have a full sense of happiness and confidence in the country, and then we will have the motivation and passion to work.

It is precisely because of such people that during the war it was possible to launch an aircraft carrier a week and produce hundreds of planes and tanks every day.

(Note: According to statistics, Yingjiang produced an average of 42 planes and 128 tanks per day in 82, which is inseparable from the people working overtime and working day and night.)
But if the common people are made lazy by capital and welfare, on the one hand, the factory cannot recruit people, and on the other hand, the common people do not go to work with subsidies... This is no longer the eagle sauce of the past.

Eagle sauce was respectable during World War II, but not now.

On the contrary, in modern China, the people have experienced decades of rapid development after so many years of suffering, and they have become the eagle sauce of World War II.

(End of this chapter)

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