Bright Sword Military System

Chapter 546 Benefits

Chapter 546 Benefits
"I'm a little worried!" Wang Xuexin said, "Can these grains be safely delivered to our hands?"

"What are you worried about?" Sun Erwei asked.

But as soon as he asked Sun Erwei, he understood.

"Are you worried that the Burma Road will be cut off by devils?" Sun Erwei laughed: "Don't worry, king! We have sent people there to preside over the overall situation, and besides that, we have brought a lot of supplies and equipment!"

Wang Xuexin knew it was true.

It is also not in the interests of Yingjiang that the Burma Road was cut off by the devils.

Ying Jiang hopes that China can hold the devils longer instead of being completely blocked and collapsed quickly, so that the devil's troops will be in China instead of being transferred to the Pacific battlefield... This is very important for Ying Jiang, who is at a disadvantage at this time.

So Eagle Sauce sent Stilwell there, and became the chief of staff and commander based on a large amount of supplies and equipment.

However, he is only the commander in name. At this time, he does not have much command power. His task is to coordinate the relationship between the Sun Never Set Army and the Huaxia Expeditionary Army so that the two armies can unite the front against the devils.

"It seems that you have great confidence in the army where the sun never sets!" Wang Xuexin asked Sun Erwei.

Wang Xuexin knew that Sun Erwei's confidence could not come from the Chinese army, especially the stubborn army.

In fact, not only Sun Erwei, but the entire Eagle Sauce believed that the focus of this battle should be on the army on which the sun never sets, so most of the supplies and equipment were centered on the army on which the sun never sets.

Who would have thought that the army on which the sun never sets almost never fired a single shot, leaving these equipment and supplies to the devils.

"Of course!" Sun Erwei replied: "They have sufficient troops, well-equipped equipment, and rich combat experience!"

Hearing this, Wang Xuexin almost laughed angrily.

In fact, the army where the sun never sets in the colonies is just a group of mobs, and the real elite is actually the Chinese Expeditionary Army.

However, Wang Xuexin did not argue with Sun Erwei on this issue, because unless it was a result of a battle, there would be no reason for it.

Wang Xuexin said: "Sun Erwei, have you considered a question, the sun never sets from the beginning to the end, they didn't want to win this battle, they probably only want to lose..."

Sun Erwei laughed: "Wang, you really know how to joke, no one wants to lose a battle!"

"Really?" Wang Xuexin asked back: "Then let's have a good discussion on this issue!"

Speaking of which, Wang Xuexin moved two chairs smoothly, and after sitting down, motioned for Sun Erwei to sit in front of him.

Sun Erwei sat down and handed a cup of coffee to Wang Xuexin, and said, "Would you like a cup of coffee?"

"Thank you!" Wang Xuexin replied and took a sip of coffee naturally.

Seeing something wrong with Sun Erwei's eyes, Wang Xuexin immediately realized that something went wrong, he shouldn't know about coffee...

Thinking about it, Wang Xuexin looked at the cup curiously and asked, "Coffee? I thought it was brown sugar water!"

Sun Erwei laughed again: "I brought it from China. It's for refreshing. It's not common in China!"

Wang Xuexin didn't say anything, but felt speechless for a while.

Sun Erwei is good at everything else, but he likes to use these little things to show off in front of others, and he is satisfied only after gaining a sense of superiority.

"Continue the topic just now!" Wang Xuexin said: "In terms of the interests of the Burma Road, Huaxia and Yingjiang are consistent, right?"

"Of course!" Sun Erwei replied, but immediately reacted: "No, no, Wang! It should be Huaxia, Sunbuset and Yingjiang. The interests of the three countries are the same!"

"Really?" Wang Xuexin asked back: "Then tell me, what is the benefit of the sun never setting?"

"God!" Sun Erwei replied: "That is a colony where the sun never sets, of course they don't want to throw it away..."

"Will they throw it away?" Wang Xuexin interrupted Sun Erwei.

"What do you mean?" Sun Erwei didn't understand the meaning of these words.

"Let's put it this way!" Wang Xuexin said: "Do you think that in this great battle, will the Devils and Hans' camp win the war, or the Sun Never Sets, Eagle Sauce, Mao Xiong, Huaxia and other countries will win the war? "

"Of course it's us!" Sun Erwei replied without thinking.

This is not a subjective judgment made by Sun Erwei as a member of Yingjiang, but that the gap between the camps is too great.

At this time, the sun never sets on the world's most powerful country, Eagle Sauce, the number one industrial economy, and Mao Xiong, the number one military...

Although the current battle situation is indeed unfavorable to the Allied Forces, even a fool can see that the devil camp cannot fight a protracted war, and it will definitely fall into trouble after a long time. This is the general direction that cannot be changed.

This is also the reason why the recalcitrant army declared war on the devils immediately after the Pearl Harbor incident... In fact, the recalcitrant army did not strengthen its determination to resist the war until this time.

"So!" Wang Xuexin continued to analyze: "Let's go back to the battle of the Burma Highway. I still have the same question. Will it lose its colony when the sun never sets? Even if it loses this battle?"

Sun Erwei replied without thinking: "Of course..."

But he was stunned as soon as he said the word "Of course", and then his face sank, and after a while he nodded his head slightly, then stood up from the chair with a "teng" and took two steps beside him, Then he said to Wang Xuexin: "God, you are right. Even if Sun Never Set loses this battle, when we finally win a complete victory, these colonies will be returned to Sun Never Set. So..."

"So winning or losing has nothing to do with the never-setting sun!" Wang Xuexin continued: "In fact, it is in the interests of the never-setting sun to lose, because if you win the battle with the Huaxia army, then the people in this colony will think that it was the Huaxia army who rescued them." If they get rid of them, this will shake the colonial rule that the sun never sets, which means it is not in the interest of the never setting sun!"

Seeing Sun Erwei's face became more and more ugly, Wang Xuexin finally concluded: "So, Sun Erwei, you actually have confidence that the sun will never set? Have high hopes for an army that only hopes to win but not win? And leave supplies and equipment to the They are not given to the Chinese Expeditionary Army who have a stake in life and death?"

What Wang Xuexin said is the truth.

Because of the obstruction of the never-setting sun, the Huaxia Expeditionary Force could not even supply basic ammunition and fuel.

The Sun Never Sets Army time and time again strongly urges the Huaxia Army to build a line of defense against the devils together, and again and again secretly retreats without notifying the Huaxia Army to give up the flanks of the Huaxia Army to the devils.

"Now!" Finally, Wang Xuexin concluded: "What is Yingjiang's interest? To supply supplies to an army that does not want to win a battle, or to supply a real elite?"

Seeing that Sun Erwei didn't answer, Wang Xuexin added another sentence: "In addition, for the interests of the Chinese people, I think it is necessary to remind you, don't try to unite these two armies with different interests!"

(End of this chapter)

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