Chapter 547

Sun Erwei did not answer Wang Xuexin's words, but walked to the radio station with a sullen face, but he hesitated and sat in a daze just after turning on the power.

"Is there any difficulty?" Wang Xuexin asked.

Sun Erwei turned around and said, "Although I believe you are right, Wang! But...the politicians in the country don't think so. You know, they will directly use what you said to question the sun never sets." , and the sun never sets will just find an excuse to prevaricate. The final result is that we can't change anything..."

As an intelligence officer, Sun Erwei understands these things too well.

Wang Xuexin thinks that what Sun Erwei said is reasonable, even if what Wang Xuexin said is well-founded and in line with the facts, but after all, Wang Xuexin is in China, and Yingjiang is closely connected with the sun and can communicate at any time.

Just relying on Sun Erwei, an intelligence officer, to tell Yingjiang this possibility, the result is likely to be nothing.

"Does Davis have a solution?" Wang Xuexin asked.

"He is already on his way back to China." Sun Erwei shook his head helplessly: "This is an order from you when you went to a meeting. He needs to report the suggestions he got here to General Halsey in detail. He asked me to report to you Say goodbye and say he will come again!"

Then Sun Erwei added: "In addition, he is in charge of equipment research and development, so he can't influence those politicians either!"

Then Wang Xuexin thought of a person and said, "Why don't we contact General Halsey, doesn't he still owe me a favor?"

Sun Erwei was a little embarrassed: "You can indeed do this, but I don't think it will have much effect! It's not that General Halsey won't return your favor, but...General Halsey is nicknamed 'Brave Bull'. Everyone thinks that he is more suitable for fighting on the battlefield than discussing the strategic direction!"

When Sun Erwei said this, Wang Xuexin understood. If Halsey were to tell this matter, Yingjiang would probably think that he was going crazy again. How could he not trust the army that never sets the sun but trust the Huaxia army!
In addition, Halsey has always served in the navy, and his interest and research is also in ship-to-air combat, but he knows nothing about land combat. It may be counterproductive to ask him to come forward.

Thinking of this, Wang Xuexin couldn't help frowning. It seemed that he was thinking about things simply. He thought that he only needed to analyze the matter clearly and then send it to Ying Jiang, so that they would pay attention.

This is not the case.

This is actually related to international influence.

If Huaxia at this time has the same level of influence as the sun never sets, Yingjiang may still pay attention to such information.

But at this time, Huaxia is almost synonymous with poverty and weakness in the international arena. Coupled with the poor performance of the recalcitrant army in the face of devils, Huaxia has almost no sense of presence in the world. Considerable contribution, but the victorious country not only has no benefit but is also divided up by the great powers...

This situation did not come to an end until the Volunteers fought a battle.

When Wang Xuexin was in trouble, Sun Erwei reluctantly said: "Maybe, I can contact Stilwell."

"Stilwell?" Wang Xuexin's eyes widened instantly.

It was Sun Erwei who was even more surprised.

"You know Stilwell?" Sun Erwei asked.

"Oh..." Wang Xuexin was stunned for a moment: "He is often active in Huaxia, I have heard of this name before!"

Only then did Sun Erwei realize that Stilwell did often go to China as an envoy, and he was an expert in China. It is not surprising that people in China would know this name.

"He is now the chief of staff and commander!" Sun Erwei said: "He is precisely responsible for protecting the Yunnan-Burma Highway. He is my classmate, and we learned Chinese together at the University of California..."

"Then what are you waiting for?" Wang Xuexin was overjoyed: "As long as you explain it to him, the rest will be settled!"

Sun Erwei spread his hands and replied: "That's the problem, Wang! Stilwell is not a person who is easy to 'talk', do you know what his nickname is?"

"what is it call?"

"Acetary Joe, you can also call it Bitter Joe!" Sun Erwei replied with a wry smile: "This is because he is extremely mean and has almost no friends. I don't think we can convince him!"

Wang Xuexin has heard a little about this, but that is in modern times, not now.

But Wang Xuexin still had hope, saying, "Why don't we try?"

"Okay!" Sun Erwei sat in front of the radio.

It was not difficult for Sun Erwei to contact Stilwell.

This is not because he and Stilwell are classmates, but because they were stationed in China at the same time as intelligence officers, and Stilwell's job at this time... is to try to unite the Chinese Expeditionary Army and the Sun Never Set Army , It also needs to be connected with the intelligence network stationed in China.

So it didn't take long for Sun Erwei to directly send what Wang Xuexin said to Stilwell's office.

Then there was no answer, and there was no reply after waiting for more than half an hour, which made Sun Erwei wonder whether the other party had received the telegram.

Sun Erwei sent another letter: "Joe, you treat your old classmates with silence?"

Then Stilwell finally called back: "So, this is how you treat your old classmates? Conspire with the Huaxia people for our supplies?"

Sun Erwei rolled his eyes, then handed the telegram to Wang Xuexin.

Wang Xuexin almost fainted when he saw the telegram.

But Stilwell's statement is really fucking reasonable. The purpose of what Wang Xuexin said is to let Yingjiang leave more materials, equipment and facilities to the Chinese Expeditionary Army instead of the sun never setting.

Then why can't this statement be an excuse for materials?

Sun Erwei still didn't give up, and immediately wrote back: "The person who said this has no interest in this matter. He can even be said to be the enemy of the Chinese Expeditionary Army. Of course it is not for supplies! Think about it, or observe , Is the army on which the sun never sets is in such a state? God, this is related to whether you can win this battle!"

This time Stilwell only replied with two words: "I have read it!"

Sun Erwei slapped the table angrily, and cursed: "Look, this guy is such a person, I just said it won't work!"

So Wang Xuexin faced another difficult problem: if the other party has a skeptical attitude from the beginning, then he will not believe what you say, no matter how much you talk about it, the other party will only find it annoying.

After thinking about it, Wang Xuexin suggested: "We can say this: If you really trust the army that never sets, why don't you let them guard one line of defense and the Huaxia Expeditionary Army guard the other? You can try this, Let's see if the side that never sets the sun will agree!"

(End of this chapter)

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