Chapter 549

At that time, Wang Xuexin was drinking the coffee given by Sun Erwei in the office.

In this era and as a soldier of the Eighth Route Army, it is simply a luxury to drink a cup of fragrant and steaming coffee.

But what made Wang Xuexin dumbfounded was that when he was drinking and sighing, Xie Baoqing, who sent the documents, asked with concern: "Battle Commander, are you feeling unwell?"

Wang Xuexin was puzzled by the question, and did not understand what Xie Baoqing meant.

Xie Baoqing looked at the dark coffee in the tooth cup, and said, "Why else would you drink the medicine? But the taste of the medicine is a bit strange..."

Wang Xuexin almost burst out laughing, but he held it back in the end, as if nothing had happened: "Well, it's just a cold, take some medicine and you'll be fine!"

What Xie Baoqing sent up was the defense line reconstruction plan, which is what Wang Xuexin said before, to build the defense line into a dual-purpose fortification, which can fight on both sides.

Wang Xuexin opened it and took a look. The firepower points, trenches, traffic trenches, and tunnels, etc., all have a good appearance.

However, this does not seem to be difficult. After all, the Eighth Route Army has built anti-slope fortifications before, and now it is just combining them with the bunkers and fortifications built by the stubborn army.

"Battalion Commander!" Xie Baoqing interjected, "There seems to be some movement on the devil's side!"

Wang Xuexin asked without raising his head: "Are they planning to attack Yuncheng?"

"No, it's not the devils from this side!" Xie Baoqing replied, "It's the devils from the other side of the Yellow River!"

Wang Xuexin frowned with an "oh".

This was somewhat beyond Wang Xuexin's expectation, but it seemed normal.

Because just as Wang Xuexin estimated, if the devils let the war situation continue like this, they will only be able to withdraw their troops from the Yellow River area in the end.

The devil is not willing to admit defeat, so there must be some actions.

Attacking Yuncheng to the north of Zhongtiao Mountain is definitely not feasible. Yuncheng is under the attack of the Eighth Route Army's Luliang Mountain and Zhongtiao Mountain defense lines.

Unable to attack from the north, the devils would naturally consider attacking Zhongtiao Mountain from the south.

There are at least several advantages for the devils to attack Zhongtiao Mountain from the south:
First, the fortifications on Zhongtiao Mountain are all facing north, and there are almost no fortifications facing south, which provides convenience for the devils to attack.

Second, the devils had their backs to the Yellow River, and on the other side of the Yellow River was the recalcitrant army. It was almost impossible for the recalcitrant army to cross the Yellow River to attack the devils at this time, so the devils would not be attacked by the enemy, and they could deal with the Eighth Route Army with all their strength.

In fact, this is exactly what the recalcitrant army wanted to see. The Eighth Route Army and the devils fought together on the other side of the river, and they watched the excitement on the other side of the river.

Thirdly, and most importantly, the devils' attack force from the south can be deployed quickly, and it is possible to take Zhongtiao Mountain in a short time.

This is determined by the fact that Zhongtiao Mountain does not have much strategic depth, and its width is only fifteen kilometers.

However, although it is 1000 kilometers, the 2000 kilometers is a mountainous area with an altitude of [-] to [-] meters. If it is [-] kilometers on a plain, it will be a half-day march.

But mountainous areas are beneficial to the Eighth Route Army and equally beneficial to the devils.

Because in some dangerous places, if the devils send out elite troops to take them down, they will be able to take care of each other and cut the Eighth Route Army into several unconnectable parts before encircling and annihilating them.

Wang Xuexin rubbed his chin, he probably guessed how the devil was going to attack.

This should be a coordinated operation between special forces and ordinary forces, or it can also be said to be a battle between mountain forces.

The Eighth Route Army may be good at mountain climbing and cross-country guerrilla warfare, but serious mountain warfare... This requires preparation in advance. Devils are never easy to deal with, otherwise they will suffer big losses if they are not careful.

Just when Wang Xuexin fell into deep thought, Sun Erwei rushed into the office excitedly and said, "Wang, he replied, he should agree with us!"

"Who?" Wang Xuexin almost forgot about this, and then realized: "You mean Stilwell?"

"Yes!" Sun Erwei handed over the telegram that he had translated into Chinese, but the Chinese was written...indescribably, and there were several typos in it.

This should be a characteristic of Chinese.

Foreigners who learn Chinese generally believe that it is not difficult to learn to "speak", but it is too difficult to learn to "write".

Even so, Wang Xuexin still understood the meaning of the telegram, Stilwell was saving face, and he admitted that Wang Xuexin's statement was correct in another way.

"How should we respond?" Sun Erwei said: "But I think it is necessary to remind you that although Stilwell is the commander, his power is very limited. He can only participate but not make combat plans, so..."

Wang Xuexin nodded to express his understanding.

As a modern person, Wang Xuexin certainly knew this. Stilwell, the commander in name, was just a middleman, and it was actually Alexander, who never set the sun, who actually commanded the battle.

In fact, you only need to appoint Alexander as the commander from the fact that the sun never sets to see what kind of heart they have.

Alexander was the commander who directed the retreat from Dunkirk, so he also had the nickname "The Runaway General".

The intention of Sun Never Setting to send him here is to let him once again bring the Sun Never Set army back to Asan's territory safely instead of fighting.

Alexander's method is to let the Huaxia army fight the devils in the rear, and flee with the troops without saying a word... Even so, he almost couldn't escape a few times, and this shameless guy actually ordered the Huaxia army to rush to the rescue.

"That's enough, Sun Erwei!" Wang Xuexin said, "I mean, at least the supplies and supplies are in the hands of General Stilwell, right?"

"Yes, of course!" Sun Erwei replied: "This is one of the reasons why we can be the middleman!"

What this is saying is that the war on the Burma Road has nothing to do with Ying Jiang. If Ying Jiang hadn't provided supplies for the two armies, how could Ying Jiang He De send someone to be the commander, even in name.

"Just like I said before!" Wang Xuexin said: "Put enough supplies and transport capacity on the Chinese army. In addition, if it can be precisely know, if the sun never sets if you want to lose a battle, so they I will try my best to leave the materials intact to the devils..."

Sun Erwei gave an "oh" and nodded slightly to express his understanding.

Turning around, Sun Erwei forwarded Wang Xuexin's words to Stilwell.

Stilwell stared blankly at the contents of the telegram, then pushed his glasses, and said, "Interesting! With the help of the sun that never sets, leave things to the devil..."

(End of this chapter)

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