Bright Sword Military System

Chapter 550 Humanity

Chapter 550 Humanity
Regarding the matter of borrowing a knife to kill someone, Sun Erwei still hesitated.

He said to Wang Xuexin: "Wang, is it a bit inhumane to do this..."

"Inhumane?" Wang Xuexin asked with a strange expression, "Did we do anything?"

Sun Erwei looked at Wang Xuexin's reaction in a daze, he hesitated and said: "We are not leaving it to the devils..."

"No no!" Wang Xuexin interrupted Sun Erwei: "Who said those are reserved for devils? Those are just used to deal with mice, understand?"

Sun Erwei opened his mouth half-opened for a while, and then nodded and said after a while: "That makes sense! Those were not meant for people to eat, but the devil picked them up and ate them himself, so we can't blame us!"

Wang Xuexin nodded seriously: "That is, if they think their lives are too long, can we still stop them?"

Sun Erwei laughed and raised his fist, Wang Xuexin naturally raised his fist and touched it.

This surprised Sun Erwei, this gesture is not popular among Chinese people.

Wang Xuexin quickly explained: "I met a foreigner before, and he taught me this!"

Sun Erwei let out an "oh" before he was relieved.

For the Huaxia Expeditionary Army, Wang Xuexin can only do this.

At this time, Wang Xuexin was more than 2000 kilometers away from the Yunnan-Myanmar Highway, and there was still a stubborn army in the middle. It was impossible to lead troops directly to participate in the war.

Wang Xuexin thinks that after doing these things himself, there are at least several aspects of influence:

The first is to make the expeditionary force more abundant.

In the early days of the expeditionary force entering the battlefield, due to the obstruction of the never-setting sun, the army was unable to enter the theater smoothly. The vanguard of the 200th Division still relied on walking to reach the defense line at night. This is one of the reasons why the 200th Division was surrounded by devils in the first battle and suffered heavy casualties.

The second is supply.

Because the eagle sauce focuses on leaving supplies for the army that never sets, so that the Chinese army is fighting against the devils with their belts tight. Many cars and tanks were unable to drive to the front line in time due to insufficient fuel. As a result, they went forward in groups. Refueling tactics.

Once again, it is the problem of the army that never sets when the sun secretly withdraws from the exposed flank.

During this period, a rare and strange event happened in the history of war. The devils chased and killed the army that never sets, and the footsteps almost did not stop, but one day they rested for half a day.

Not because of anything else, but after occupying a warehouse and finding a warehouse full of wine, the devil had to rest because he was so drunk.

From this we can also see how luxurious the army is on which the sun never sets. When the friendly troops on the battlefield cannot even meet the basic supplies, they can still enjoy the wine imported from France...

The sun never sets on the western front of the army, which was defeated like a mountain, and the eastern front of the expeditionary army was naturally copied by the devils.

But if the devils get into trouble because they ate the seized food, they will give the expeditionary army a chance to surround the devils.

At that time, although I dare not say that it will change the direction and outcome of the war, it is still possible to reduce the casualties of the expeditionary force and allow them more reaction time.

The only thing Wang Xuexin worried about was whether Stilwell would do what he said, or whether he could do it well.

But Wang Xuexin was relieved by the feedback from Sun Erwei soon after.

Sun Erwei came to Wang Xuexin on the third day.

As soon as he saw Wang Xuexin, he whispered to Wang Xuexin in a mysterious voice: "Wang, Stilwell has made arrangements!"

"So fast?" Wang Xuexin was surprised because the efficiency of modern Yingjiang is very low. It is common to build a building for a year or two and repair a section of road for a few months.

But after thinking about it, I found that I was habitually substituting modern thinking into this era.

Eagle Sauce in this era is different. The people are all hardworking and efficient, otherwise they would have launched an aircraft carrier in less than a week.

Then Wang Xuexin asked curiously: "How did he do it?"

Leaving this matter aside for Wang Xuexin, Wang Xuexin felt embarrassed.

The reason is that this is a supply sent to the front line for use by the troops.
Sun Erwei explained: "It's like this. Stilwell got a batch of expired canned food, known as spare food, and sent an assistant to take care of it himself. Without his approval, it is not allowed to be used!"

Wang Xuexin secretly praised it in his heart, it was a good idea, those pampered soldiers who never set the sun would look down on these expired canned food, but it was different when the devils came, they would not distinguish which ones were expired and which ones were not.

"In addition..." Sun Erwei said: "General Stilwell also transferred two special trains for the Chinese army in the name of transporting supplies! The supply is also gradually tilting towards the expeditionary army. To be exact, it is not tilting, but General Stilwell The reserve supplies were called to supply the expeditionary force, but the sun never sets and has not been found yet!"

Wang Xuexin nodded to express his understanding.

Stilwell, who had no real power, really needed to do something secretly if he wanted to do something. Otherwise, he would protest and oppose after being found out by Alexander, and he might be in trouble.

Now Stilwell will hide it for a while, and when the battle starts, he will only focus on escaping without setting the sun.

Wang Xuexin was relieved when he heard the news, and the next step is to see the performance of the expeditionary army itself.

"Thank you, Sun Erwei!" Wang Xuexin expressed his gratitude to Sun Erwei from the bottom of his heart. If this matter could not be done without his help, it might save many outstanding Chinese soldiers.

Sun Erwei smiled and shook his head: "I should thank you, Wang! This may save many Yingjiang soldiers!"

This is true.

The more the Huaxia battlefield develops in a better direction, the more it can hold back the devils, so Yingjiang can save a lot of people from dying.

This is the so-called "common interest", just like comrades-in-arms on the battlefield are mutually beneficial and win-win. In fact, there is no one to thank whom.

Because everyone is doing these things for the benefit of their own country.

Otherwise, how could Yingjiang take the lives of precious pilots to establish a hump route to deliver supplies to China.

When Wang Xuexin turned his eyes to the documents on the desktop, he remembered the establishment of the mountain army, so he said to Sun Erwei: "I need a thousand sets of rock climbing tools, I wonder if you can..."

"Climbing tools?"

Wang Xuexin explained: "We fought against devils in Zhongtiao Mountain, and sometimes we had to use these tools."

"No problem!" Sun Erwei agreed immediately: "These are free! Even if I thank you for doing so much!"

Wang Xuexin suddenly discovered that it is quite cost-effective to cooperate with Yingjiang, not only in China's interests, but also occasionally get something.

The problem is...

Wang Xuexin didn't know which direction this battle would develop after his own changes.

But this is not something Wang Xuexin can grasp, he can only take one step at a time.

(End of this chapter)

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