Chapter 551
Wang Xuexin went to ask Li Yunlong for soldiers immediately.

When it comes to forming an army, people are the foundation, so don't say anything if there are no one.

As soon as Li Yunlong heard that Wang Xuexin was here to ask for someone, he agreed wholeheartedly: "No problem, you can take down Yuncheng with your little Northeast, and you can choose the soldiers of our independent regiment as you like!"

This is Li Yunlong's style. Although he said that he treats all battalions equally, he will favor whoever can win the battle.

If others were not convinced, he would snap back with one sentence: "If you are jealous, let me see how many victories you have won? Don't be so fucking yelling!"

In fact, the army is like this. Discipline is discipline, but there are still unwritten rules under discipline, especially in the war years, it is even more important that all matters are aligned with war, and victory is the only criterion.

There is a saying that goes, "It doesn't matter whether a cat is white or black, as long as it catches mice, it is a good cat."

In the same way, if the cat can't catch mice, it doesn't matter what color it grows...except for pets.

But Wang Xuexin was a little embarrassed, he said: "Leader, I'm afraid this independent group is not enough for me to pick!"

"What?" Li Yunlong was stunned when he heard that: "How many people do you want?"

"At least 100 people!" Wang Xuexin replied: "Form a company!"

When Li Yunlong heard this, he became angry. He stared at him and said with his teeth bared and shaking his hands, "I said Xiaobei, it's almost done! It's true that you made great contributions to the battle against Yuncheng, and it's also true that you won aid for our Eighth Route Army." , but you can't make our independent regiment cramp!"

At this time, although the independent regiment has been supplemented with more than 2000 troops...a considerable part of the troops is the large establishment of Wang Xuexin's Fifth Battalion.

Wang Xuexin's Fifth Battalion itself has both tanks and elite soldiers. It has much more troops than the other battalions. Now they are still asking for soldiers, and they want a hundred of them. They are simply bandits!
Zhao Gang, who was sorting out the documents, felt a little strange when he heard it. He stopped what he was doing and raised his head and asked, "Little Northeast, why do you need so many soldiers? There are more!"

Wang Xuexin replied: "Political commissar, isn't there nothing I can do? We... just heard that the devils in the Yellow River area are doing something, so we want to make some preparations in advance!"

Zhao Gang let out an "oh".

However, Li Yunlong was still frowning: "You have to make preparations in advance, wouldn't it be enough to use the soldiers of the fifth battalion to prepare?"

"Regimental Commander!" Wang Xuexin explained: "The soldiers of my fifth battalion are all trained to fight with tanks, and then train them for mountain warfare... Do you think it is appropriate?"

Before Li Yunlong answered, Zhao Gang pointed his fingers and replied, "It's not suitable, it's definitely not suitable! For example, we need tanks and mountains in a certain battle, so why should they be divided into two halves? Another example, if they are in the mountains Injured or even sacrificed in the battle, it directly caused the tank to be uncoordinated..."

"Oh, Lao Zhao!" Li Yunlong interrupted Zhao Gang: "I know this is inappropriate, but we have to understand what is going on in this mountain battle, right?"

Then Li Yunlong turned to Wang Xuexin and asked, "Little Northeast, are you bluffing me? Which of our Eighth Route Army didn't run all over the mountains with guns in hand, and we still need to train for mountain warfare?"

"Captain, we don't call it mountain warfare..."

"What else can you call it if you don't call it fighting in the mountains?" Li Yunlong became more and more unconvinced when he heard this: "It's in the mountains again, fighting against puppet army devils, can it be called street fighting or plain fighting?"

Wang Xuexin couldn't laugh or cry when he heard it. After thinking about it, he could only explain this way: "Commander, the situation is a little different now. Have we been using the mountains to deal with the devils and fight against the devils? Even if we set up a defense line later , that is also from using the geographical advantage of the highlands to control and block the traffic routes of the devils, so that the devils cannot go deep into the hinterland of our army?"

Li Yunlong thought about it for a while, and then replied: "Yes, is there any question?"

"That can be called guerrilla warfare, or positional warfare!" Wang Xuexin replied: "Serious mountain warfare, that is, both the enemy and ourselves maneuver in the mountainous areas. You defend, I attack, I attack and you defend! Commander, think about it. , How long and wide is the defense line of Zhongtiao Mountain?"

"It's still a question!" Li Yunlong replied: "More than 100 kilometers long and [-] kilometers wide!"

"How many troops have we stationed in such a long line of defense?" Wang Xuexin asked again.

Then Li Yunlong understood.

At this time, the Eighth Route Army's defense line was too long...the Luliang Mountain defense line plus the Zhongtiao Mountain defense line, so its strength was slightly insufficient.

Among them, the Luliang Mountain defense line is the foundation of the Eighth Route Army, so it cannot be given up no matter what, because the focus of troops is on Luliang Mountain.

As for the newly conquered Zhongtiao Mountain, the Eighth Route Army only dispatched more than [-] troops to garrison the key points, plus the recalcitrant troops stranded on Zhongtiao Mountain, barely reached [-] troops... In fact, it can only do so If you really want to defend the entire Zhongtiao Mountain, then the troops will be too scattered, which is equivalent to not defending all of them.

You must know that the stubborn army used 20 troops to garrison Zhongtiao Mountain at the beginning, and they couldn't hold it. It was all over when they were rushed by the three divisions of the Devils.

Now the Eighth Route Army only uses 5 troops to defend... In principle, if it weren't for the devils because the overseas battle started at this time and the troops and resources were seriously insufficient, there is little hope of being able to defend.

Wang Xuexin finally came to a conclusion: "Therefore, once this battle starts, I think there must be an enemy among us and me among the enemies. The enemy and us are intertwined and distributed in the Zhongtiao Mountain area. It is very likely that there will not be a clear line of defense at that time. , There will be a large number of small-scale, small-scale battles for important places!"

Zhao Gang listened and nodded again and again: "Xiao Dongbei is right. The mountainous area is inconvenient to supply and it is not suitable for a large army to deploy. If the devils plan to enter the mountainous area to fight our army, and our army does not collapse like the stubborn army, it will inevitably develop into a large army. Small hills or small highlands are competing one by one!"

Wang Xuexin went on to say: "I'm thinking, some special maneuvering methods in the mountains are very important at this time, for example, the devil's agent team can climb rocks and mountains. With this ability, they can suddenly appear behind our army without being restricted by the geographical environment... ...Although the scale is small, after each battle, it will be quite amazing after a long time! More importantly, if our army has no way to counter them by then, the morale of our army will be hit hard!"

Li Yunlong's complexion slowly eased when he heard this. He was stunned for a while, and then he said "ah", "Why do I need more than 100 people? It turned out to be for this matter. No problem! I will go to the chief for you." Then someone has to go!"

This is what Wang Xuexin wants to say.

He originally wanted to ask the chief directly, but as the battalion commander of the independent regiment, it seemed inappropriate to bypass Li Yunlong and ask the chief...

(End of this chapter)

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