Bright Sword Military System

Chapter 552 Mountain Troops

Chapter 552 Mountain Troops
Dahuai Village, the headquarters of the Eighth Route Army.

The chief and the chief of staff were looking at Zhongtiao Mountain on the map, feeling helpless.

There is a saying that "it is easy to attack a city and difficult to defend it", and this saying also applies to Zhongtiao Mountain.

The reason why the Eighth Route Army was able to successfully capture Zhongtiao Mountain was mainly because the devils were caught off guard... After the Battle of Zhongtiao Mountain, the devils had pushed their main force forward to the north bank of the Yellow River, and the rear fortifications were basically left to the gendarmerie brigade and the puppet army.

As I said before, the devil's military police brigade is similar to Hans' SS army. After the frontline captures a certain place, the task of law and order and "suppression of bandits" is left to the military police brigade, so that the frontline troops can concentrate on fighting the enemy.

However, the gendarmerie brigade was short of troops and lacked heavy equipment, coupled with a large number of mutinies from the puppet army, so Zhongtiao Mountain was successfully taken down with almost no decent resistance.

Mountainous areas are the combat environment where the Eighth Route Army is best at and the devils have the most headaches.

But this is just because the casualties of devils fighting the Eighth Route Army in mountainous areas will increase significantly, it does not mean that devils cannot match the Eighth Route Army in mountainous areas.

In fact, the devils are still more powerful than the Eighth Route Army in mountainous areas, but the Eighth Route Army is often able to deal with the devils by virtue of the mountainous terrain and advantages.

The chief of staff looked at the documents and analyzed: "Chief, Zhongtiao Mountain is different from Luliang Mountain! When it was in the hands of the stubborn army, the devils almost investigated the fortifications of Zhongtiao Mountain. In addition, Zhongtiao Mountain The devils captured many stubborn soldiers during the Battle of the Mountains. After interrogation, they have basically figured out the topography of Zhongtiao Mountain, and they even have traitors as guides, so our advantage of "familiarity with the terrain" no longer exists!"

The Chief nodded heavily.

In fact, not only did they not have the advantage of "familiarity with the terrain", because Zhongtiao Mountain had always been controlled by the recalcitrant army before, and it was not the main target of the Eighth Route Army's operations, so they didn't know much about Zhongtiao Mountain.

The devils at this time are likely to be more familiar with the terrain of Zhongtiao Mountain than the Eighth Route Army.

The chief of staff went on to say: "If the devils do something, I think the devils are likely to deal with the recalcitrant army. Before the war, they relied on a large number of spies and traitors disguised as civilians to sneak into our army's defense area. After the war, they should cooperate with the inside and outside or seize the commanding heights and key points to deal with us. The army strikes!"

The chief pointed his fingers, thought for a while before remembering, and said, "That's it, the 'Continental Advancement Team'!"

"That's right, it's the Continental Advancement Team!" said the chief of staff, "This team has sneaked into the headquarters before, but fortunately it was blocked by Xiao Dongbei, otherwise I really don't know what troubles will happen!"

When the devils attacked Zhongtiao Mountain where the recalcitrant troops were stationed, they actually used special operations tactics. This tactic was especially effective in mountainous areas, because mountainous areas lacked heavy equipment, and a small number of troops occupying favorable terrain could block a large number of enemy troops.

The stubborn army is not familiar with this kind of special operations. They often find that the supply lines and commanding heights are in the hands of the devils as soon as they start fighting. Sometimes they can't even tell whether the opponent is an enemy or a friend, so they are defeated by the devils in a short time.

This is what Wang Xuexin said, the devils are likely to attack by combining special operations and conventional operations.

Although the chief and the chief of staff did not know the term "special operations", they did know this style of play, and the analysis made it even more difficult to deal with this style of play.

"If it was in the past!" the chief of staff continued to analyze: "Our army used the terrain to fight guerrilla attacks against the devils, or if we had a relatively complete line of defense in Luliang Mountain, maybe we wouldn't need to worry about the devils' tactics. But now...we are in the middle Tiaoshan has to defend every key point, and there are not many troops at each point. If the devil's "Continental Advancement Team" observes secretly, they can find many weaknesses and make use of them..."

This is also "offensive is greater than defensive".

The defensive side is in a passive position in the strategic situation, and the offensive side can secretly observe and grasp the enemy's activity patterns, and then formulate targeted combat plans to hit them with one blow.

Therefore, both the chief and the chief of staff knew in their hearts that passive defense was unstoppable.

If you can't defend passively, you must take the initiative to attack or actively defend, but this is easier said than done.

How can the devils take the initiative to attack while they are still outside the mountains?

Is it possible to give up the favorable terrain in the mountains and go to the plains to fight the devils?
This is obviously unrealistic.

What kind of defense is active defense?

Just as the chief and the chief of staff were thinking hard about how to deal with it, a telegram was sent from the independent regiment.

The staff officer reported: "Chief, the Independence Regiment came to ask for soldiers and said they wanted to form a new army!"

The chief thought it was Li Yunlong who came to take advantage again, and scolded without raising his head: "What are you doing, you are here to ask for soldiers at this time! Tell Li Yunlong that there are no soldiers, if you have the ability to recruit yourself!"

"Yes!" The staff officer responded and was about to call back, but was stopped by the chief of staff.

"Wait!" the chief of staff asked: "He said he was going to form an army? What kind of army?"

The staff officer handed the telegram to the chief of staff, and said, "It's Xiao Dongbei's idea, saying that it is to form a mountain combat force to deal with possible attacks by the devils in the future!"

The chief of staff couldn't help turning his head to look at the chief in surprise when he heard the words, and the chief who was looking at the map couldn't help but raised his head when he heard the words, took a look at the telegram from the chief of staff, and then laughed happily: "Chief of staff, Xiao Dongbei Do you want us to go ahead?"

"I think it's likely to be so!" The chief of staff nodded: "This guy, I don't know where he got so many crazy ideas. We're still worrying about this, and Xiaodongbei is about to start making preparations!"

Then the chief of staff frowned again, and said, "Building a mountain combat force...can it deal with devils' tactics?"

The chief thought about it for a while, then nodded and said: "I think it's okay. I think this kind of mountain combat force is likely to perform similar tasks to the 'Continental Advancement Team'."

"But... this kind of troops can defend against the Devil's 'Continental Advancement Team'?" The chief of staff was still skeptical.

The chief raised his head and replied: "We shouldn't always think about defense, we should think about attacking. At that time, the devils will also have regular troops entering the mountains, and it will be time for this army to play a role."

The chief of staff said "Oh": "The devils' mainland assault team' beat us, and our mountain troops beat the devils, and we don't suffer from each other!"

"Probably that's what it means!" The chief nodded and said, "Besides, if it is confirmed which important area the devils 'Continental Advancement Team' is sticking to, our mountain troops can give them a surprise!"

"That's right!" The chief of staff's eyes lit up when he heard it. He looked at the telegram and said, "If this is the case, 100 people will definitely not be enough. At least one battalion is needed! And each regiment requires a battalion like this." , we must form it as soon as possible!"

The best way to deal with special operations is actually special operations.

This conclusion, which is familiar in modern times, was groped out in blood and sacrifices in World War II when special operations were just taking shape.

But with Wang Xuexin here, this process can be avoided.

(End of this chapter)

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