Chapter 553
The chief of staff's wish was good, to form a mountain battalion for each regiment...but in reality it was very difficult to achieve.

The main reason is that at this time the Eighth Route Army had insufficient soldiers and their quality was uneven.

It is possible for a large regiment of 3000 or more than 5000 like Chu Yunfei to form a mountain camp, but the regiments of the Eighth Route Army are often more than a thousand, and some cannot be replenished in time or even have less than 1000 people. It is unrealistic to gather a battalion of mountain troops.

On the other hand, it is this kind of mountain troops that require small but refined troops.

The reason is that steep mountain warfare often does not require a large number of people. A few people on the commanding heights can suppress dozens or even hundreds of enemies.

Too many people means that the quality is not enough, and even it is easy to be discovered by the enemy or even inconvenient to maneuver.

For example, rock climbing sneak attack, this is almost the same as a platoon or even a class unit. If you send a company to climb rocks from the rear...the probability of being discovered by the enemy is very high.

Therefore, when the chief of staff sent a telegram saying that Wang Xuexin could transfer a battalion, Wang Xuexin politely declined.

Wang Xuexin answered this way: "Chief, the mountain combat troops are expensive and not expensive. If each regiment can form a mountain battalion, then it is not much different from the conventional troops. What's more, with such a large establishment, our army is very expensive. May not have the ability to equip it!"

Wang Xuexin told Sun Erwei before that he only needed a thousand sets of rock climbing equipment, which were prepared for the formation of mountain companies in all regiments of the army.

So the total size should be around 1000 people.

Some imports and exits have little impact, and it is not difficult for the rock climbing equipment arsenal to produce some in a pretentious manner, not to mention that there will be problems such as wear and tear in the follow-up, and it is impossible to rely entirely on imports.

Of course, rock climbing equipment is not enough, Wang Xuexin took some time to consider the combat methods of the mountain troops.

If this is placed in modern times, it goes without saying that mountain warfare is the world of helicopters and drones... A mountain with an altitude of 1000 and [-] meters may take half a day or even a day for people to climb it, but it only takes a few days for a helicopter. minute.

From this mountain to that mountain, if you use two legs to go up and down, the straight-line distance may only be one kilometer, but it may take a few days to walk, and the helicopter also only takes a few minutes.

So the helicopter can be said to be an artifact of mountain warfare.

But in this era, helicopters have not been used in actual combat, especially the Eighth Route Army with difficult conditions. Wang Xuexin can only think of a combat method suitable for this era.

The equipment must be mainly Springfield rifles.

This is not only because the Eighth Route Army can produce ammunition at this time, but also because this rifle has a sniper type... just add a scope, which has to be purchased from Yingjiang. A squad of two snipers is equipped with a sniper rifle. There are only about ten of them, which is still affordable.

In addition, and more importantly, curved fire weapons.

The characteristic of mountain combat is that there are many obstacles, such as stones, mounds, etc. If the target hides behind the concealed object and fires, such as the grenadier commonly equipped by devils, this cannot be dealt with by rifles and sniper rifles. Curve fire is necessary equipment.

Fifty cannons?

Wang Xuexin frowned.

Although the [-] small cannon was prepared by Wang Xuexin to fight against the devil's grenade, and it worked well in actual combat.

But it is not suitable for special forces such as mountain companies.

The main reason is that the quality of the [-] small cannon is not good enough, and the barrel is tough and easily damaged.

This is not a big deal for conventional troops, but if it is used for mountain companies...the people who have gone through mountains and rivers with cannons and shells on their backs have worked so hard. Confidence takes a serious toll.

Therefore, the equipment of the mountain company must be good, otherwise it is better not to bring it.

But what else can you bring besides the [-] small cannon?

Use the devil's grenade?
Doesn't that mean that grenades have to be all made by devils?

What if it is not seized and it is too late to replenish?
Suddenly, Wang Xuexin slapped his thigh... Damn, doesn't Yingjiang have a grenade?And it is used by the Springfield rifle. It only needs to install a small device on the muzzle to launch the grenade, with a range of more than 300 meters.

More importantly, if you use this thing, you don't even need to bring the cannon, which can save a lot of weight and don't take up the establishment. This is not a trivial matter for mountain troops.

Thinking that Wang Xuexin wanted to find Sun Erwei immediately.

Unexpectedly, Sun Erwei came here before he got up.

"Wang, I have something to discuss with you!" Sun Erwei said.

"Oh, it just so happens that I have something to ask you!" Wang Xuexin replied, "Tell me first!"

"It's like this!" Sun Erwei sat down on the office chair in front of Wang Xuexin naturally, shaking an English telegram in his hand, and said, "I just received a telegram from the colonel, because your tactics and It is suggested that it is effective in air combat, so it is foreseeable that we will soon enter the battle of seizing the island with the devil. And the battle of seizing the island is not good for our army. The terrain on the island is complicated and full of mountains and jungles. This situation seems to be similar to The Eighth Route Army Zhongtiaoshan battlefield is very similar!"

Wang Xuexin said "oh", he probably guessed what Sun Erwei meant.

Sure enough, Sun Erwei went on to say: "Therefore, the superior hopes that I can participate in the training and combat of your army as a military observer, and then send the tactical points to the country, so that we can avoid unnecessary casualties in our future battles." !"

Because of the low pressure of the war, especially the very backward land warfare tactics, a considerable part of the troops that went to the Pacific battlefield were recruits with no war experience.

Wang Xuexin pretended to hesitate: "This... I'm afraid it's not suitable?"

In fact, this is also in the interests of China. After all, devils are the common enemy of the two countries. As long as it is not good for devils, it is good for China.

The reason why Wang Xuexin hesitated was just to add some chips to his hand.

"What's inappropriate?" Sun Erwei asked back: "Worried that we can't keep it secret? Don't worry, Wang! We will do a good job of keeping it secret!"

"No, Sun Erwei!" Wang Xuexin replied: "The issue of confidentiality is only secondary. Of course I believe you. But I don't know if you have considered this issue. The difference in firepower between our army and your army is too great. Our army is basically still in the state of millet plus rifles. Our army's tactics are formulated based on our army's firepower, and may not be applicable to your army!"

Sun Erwei nodded slowly, and he also felt that it was true after being told by Wang Xuexin. The firepower of the Eighth Route Army was too far behind that of Yingjiang, and its tactics might not be able to be used for reference.

Seeing Sun Erwei's disappointment on his face, Wang Xuexin pretended to be thoughtful and said, "Unless..."

"Unless what?" Sun Erwei asked.

"Unless we equip an army of about 1000 people!" Wang Xuexin said: "According to the firepower configuration of the Yingjiang army, the equipment will be provided by your army, and we will fight the enemy on the battlefield. After studying the tactics..."

Before Wang Xuexin finished speaking, Sun Erwei replied ecstatically: "No problem! Let's do it like this!"

(End of this chapter)

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