Bright Sword Military System

Chapter 554 Unless...

Chapter 554 Unless...

Eagle sauce is actually justified in being so worried.

The main reason is that Ying Jiang doesn't have much combat experience at this time.

Ying Jiang did not participate in the war until the end of the war, and there were not many troops participating in the war. Later, because there was no war pressure in the country, he did not pay attention to the development of the army...

Although Eagle Sauce is not an island country, it is unique in the entire Americas, surrounded by small and weak countries, so there is basically no need to worry about land warfare. Just like other island countries, it only needs to develop the navy and air force.

Therefore, Yingjiang's army only maintains a scale of more than 26... Nominally, it is 17, but it is actually only 4, of which 13 are stationed in foreign colonies, and the domestic available force is only [-].

In Yingjiang's own words, their infantry looks like this:

"All panting and grinning, wearing ill-fitting military uniforms, crookedly carrying old-fashioned rifles, walking endlessly on the vast and boundless land."

It is conceivable that Yingjiang ranks second in terms of land area, but only garrisoned with more than [-] troops. How desperate is this infantry?

However, as soon as the Pacific War broke out, Ying-chan immediately realized that something was wrong. The war seemed to be not only about sea and air battles but also land battles... because Ying-chan's need for war was not only to defend his country's territory, but also to compete with the enemy for islands in the Pacific Ocean. , What's more, they need to be sent to the territory of other countries to fight the devils and Hans.

Therefore, Eagle Sauce urgently expanded its army at this time.

In fact, the expansion of the army began after the surrender of Gaul, but it was not large in scale, and it only brought together the few infantry divisions that were originally dissatisfied.

After the Pearl Harbor incident, a large-scale military expansion began, with an expansion of 140 million people in just one year.

What is the concept of expanding from 10,000+ people to more than 100 million people?The veterans in the army don't even have a fraction of that size.

But the army pays attention to inheritance and experience. At this time, the Yingjiang Army has no inheritance and no experience. All the recruits are recruits. Even if they are training, they don't know where to train, and their tactics are seriously behind.

(This is also reflected in Spielberg's "Pacific War")

Therefore, the Eagle Sauce Army became stronger and stronger during World War II, and in many cases it still needed a command that never sets.

The point is that this army has strong industrial and financial resources and material support in the rear. Before charging, it can use firepower to bombard the enemy's positions for days and nights...

Although this is a performance that is not very good at fighting, it also gives soldiers a higher survival rate and gives recruits the opportunity to grow into veterans.

What Sun Erwei is doing now is hoping to gain some combat experience from the Eighth Route Army so that the Yingjiang Army can prepare for future battles.

In Sun Erwei's view, it doesn't cost much to equip an army of more than [-] people, but it can test the formation, equipment and tactics of the Eagle Sauce Army, and provide experience for the entire army. Even the enemies are the same... The significance of this reference is too great.

So why not do it?

It's blood money!

But for Wang Xuexin, there is nothing more beautiful than being able to set up this mountain army and get equipment for free.

Then Sun Erwei asked before leaving: "By the way, didn't you just tell me something?"

Wang Xuexin was taken aback. He definitely couldn't talk about buying equipment at this time. Wouldn't it be self-inflicted to talk about it?

But it was just such a stunned moment, and then Wang Xuexin said with a bit of greed: "It's nothing, I just... just wanted to ask if you could bring me some coffee, this thing seems to be quite useful!"

"Let me just say it!" Sun Erwei laughed loudly: "You will like it! No problem, I'll ask someone to bring you some!"

Sun Erwei moved quickly.

After all, this is Yingjiang's own business, and the interests of the country are more important than anyone else, so the others stand aside in advance.

Sun Erwei only sent a telegram, and Ying Jiang gathered a thousand sets of equipment at the third brother...Ying Jiang's equipment was originally piled up at the third brother to support the Sun Never Set and the Expeditionary Army, but now it is just to pick them up Just come out.

However, Wang Xuexin made a small modification.

The firepower configuration of the 12-man infantry squad of Eagle Sauce is usually like this:

10 Garand semi-automatic rifles, one M1918 Browning automatic rifle (equivalent to a squad machine gun), and one Springfield sniper rifle.

A row of three classes.

A company adds a light firepower platoon to the three infantry platoons.

This light firepower platoon is powerful, with three M1919 Browning machine guns plus one M2 heavy machine gun, plus three 60MM mortars and three rocket launchers.

In this way, the total establishment of an infantry company has reached 193 people, which is properly the size of a reinforced company of the Eighth Route Army, and its firepower even exceeds that of a regiment of the Eighth Route Army. I'm afraid it can't compare to Yingjiang's company, especially when there are many soldiers in the main regiment using old and seriously aging rifles.

Therefore, when Sun Erwei handed this firepower configuration to Wang Xuexin, Wang Xuexin couldn't explain it in words, as if he had knocked over a five-flavored bottle, he didn't know what it was like.

"Is there any problem?" Sun Erwei asked Wang Xuexin when he saw that Wang Xuexin was silent.

"No, there is no problem!" Wang Xuexin replied: "But I heard that you don't have enough M1 rifles yourself, can you equip them for our army?"

The standard firepower of Eagle Sauce is indeed 10 Garands per shift, but because the expansion of the army is too fast and the production cannot keep up, many troops are still equipped with Springfields.

"I also have such worries!" Sun Erwei said: "But they think it must be Garland, because they want to know the actual combat performance of this rifle!"

"Okay!" Wang Xuexin pretended to agree reluctantly, and said, "Since you insist, then I won't object!"

Then he frowned and sighed: "Sun Erwei, this rifle is good. You gave me one before, but I dare not shoot easily. Do you know why?"

"Why?" Sun Erwei asked.

"We don't have enough ammunition!" Wang Xuexin replied: "This gun is useful if it is for troops with sufficient ammunition. It is semi-automatic and does not need to be pulled. The firepower of a platoon can suppress the enemy's company... But if the ammunition is insufficient, it can only be shot once. What's the difference between a slap and a spring field?"

Sun Erwei was stunned for a moment, thinking that this was true. The Eighth Route Army’s supply situation was actually not suitable for this rifle. Even if it was barely used, if a soldier was reluctant to shoot bullets on the battlefield, he would still be no different from Chuntian. To Eagle The sauce is also useless.

Wang Xuexin hesitated and said, "Unless..."

"Unless what?" Sun Erwei asked.

Wang Xuexin pretended to be embarrassed, and said: "Unless you can deal with this part of the ammunition, including training ammunition...then the soldiers dare to let go!"

(End of this chapter)

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