Bright Sword Military System

Chapter 555 Equipment

Chapter 555 Equipment
"No problem!" Sun Erwei agreed without thinking.

The bullets of the M1 Garand rifle and the bullets of the Springfield rifle are the same. The stubborn army is also equipped with many Springfield rifles. The bullets are imported in tens of millions of rounds every year, and only a small part of it needs to be imported from the stubborn army. It is enough for a 1000-man army of the Eighth Route Army.

"I heard that you have something called a grenade?" Wang Xuexin asked again.

"Yes!" Sun Erwei replied: "Each infantry squad will have a gunner with a grenade launcher to provide fire support to others when necessary!"

"This thing can't be missing!" Wang Xuexin said: "It's best to have two per class, and ten grenades per person!"

Anyway, this thing does not take up the establishment, and it is very convenient to use.

"It seems that you have a special liking for grenades!" Sun Erwei took out a pen from his pocket and added Wang Xuexin's request.

"Yes!" Wang Xuexin explained: "This thing is very suitable for fighting in the mountains, and it is essential to suppress the devil's grenade!"

Sun Erwei asked a little strangely: "But we have a 60MM mortar, don't we? Its range is much farther than the devil's grenadier!"

This is true. The M2 60MM mortar equipped by Yingjiang has a range of 1.8 kilometers, which is several times the range of the Devil's grenadier. This is one of the reasons why the grenadier was eliminated by the mortar in the later period.

But Wang Xuexin shook his head and replied: "Mountain warfare is different, Sun Erwei. It is a place without roads and cars, and even motorcycles can't get in. It depends entirely on manpower. If an army wants to fight in such a mountainous area for a few days Even weeks of battle, how many mortar shells can be carried? How many rifle grenades can be carried?"

The point of Wang Xuexin's words is that the requirement for shells in mountain warfare is often quantity rather than power.

A rifle grenade is less powerful, but its light weight means that more can be carried, thus providing more fire support to troops.

Although a mortar shell is powerful, it can only carry a limited number of shells. Even the M2 mortar is considered a small caliber, but it still weighs 40 catties.

Is it really appropriate to take such a cannon over mountains and mountains to implement interspersed?
Therefore, although Wang Xuexin was very reluctant, he still gritted his teeth and cut the three mortars in the Yingjiang system into two. The reason why two mortars are needed is to form crossfire when necessary.

The three M1919 machine guns and M2 heavy machine guns were all cut off... This is the firepower that only Yingjiang's logistical capabilities can support, otherwise a company of bullets will be "da da da" by them and disappear after a few clicks.

What's more, this unit still uses semi-automatic rifles and squad light machine guns. If these machine guns are still kept, there is no way to fight mountain warfare.

There are only two rocket launchers left.

In this way, there are only two mortars and two rocket launchers left in the light firepower platoon, plus a few riflemen carrying ammunition to cover the artillery, the whole platoon has 20 people, 23 people have been streamlined, and the whole company has 170 people.

Seeing this, Sun Erwei was a little dissatisfied. He frowned and said, "My lord, is our firepower enough to suppress the enemy in this way?"

This is the firepower phobia of the eagle sauce. They are always worried that their firepower is not enough, so they ask for more firepower...

So much so that machine guns are everywhere in the army, there is a firepower platoon at the company level, and a firepower company at the battalion level... If there is a war, the bullets and shells will flow out like flowing water.

However, its shortcomings are equally obvious: the eagle sauce army is extremely dependent on logistical mobility and extremely poor, which is the main reason why the eagle sauce has been defeated time and time again on battlefields with complex terrain.

"Sun Erwei!" Wang Xuexin only replied one sentence: "You must know that this is fighting in the mountains, unless you can fight wherever you can and build roads, much capacity is needed to support so many ammunition for machine guns? If not Ammunition, what's the point of those machine guns?"

Sun Erwei thought it made sense, he nodded slightly and wrote down what Wang Xuexin said.

Wang Xuexin himself made a list, because he was worried that something would be missed, and if he thought about it later, it would be inconvenient for Sun Erwei to transport it.

After thinking about it several times, Wang Xuexin added: "Another crossbow is needed, one for each row."

"Crossbow?" Sun Erwei couldn't help being taken aback. In this kind of modern warfare, crossbows are still needed?He even suspected that he had heard wrong.

"Yes!" Wang Xuexin explained: "This is very important. Mountain warfare sometimes requires rock climbing. If you have a crossbow, you can save a lot of trouble. For example, sometimes you need to assassinate enemy sentries without making a gunshot, and you can also shoot flying claws on the cliff hook. Crags, or trees that shoot across the river and pull through!"

Sun Erwei said "Oh" and nodded in agreement again. When he wrote it down in his notebook, he felt an eye-opening feeling, secretly thinking that wars can still be fought like this.

But it sounds very reasonable. For example, troops usually use pontoon bridges or armed swims to cross rivers, but the former is too slow and easy to be discovered by the enemy, so it will develop into a tug of war, and the latter will cause damage to equipment and a series of battles. Trouble, if the enemy finds you in the river, it will be a massacre.

But if you just shoot a rope to the opposite bank and pull it through quickly...the enemy doesn't even have time to react.

At this time, Sun Erwei seemed to think of something, and asked: "Wang, is the thousand sets of rock climbing equipment you mentioned earlier prepared for this army?"

"Ah? This..." Wang Xuexin was a little embarrassed: "That's it! But I didn't plan to equip it like this at the beginning. Since you need to observe and learn from experience, so..."

Sun Erwei rolled his eyes. He felt that he was cheated. Could it be that this guy originally planned to buy equipment from us to form such a team, but now he got it for free?
But after thinking about it, Sun Erwei has nothing to do with Wang Xuexin!
It's impossible to stop the cooperation now, right?
If the cooperation is terminated now, I'm afraid this guy will really have to bear it with him. How will he explain it to his superiors?

never mind!Anyway, the state pays for it, as long as I can complete the task!

Thinking of Sun Erwei, he pretended not to know, and asked, "Is there anything else that needs to be added?"

Wang Xuexin looked at it, and felt that it would be enough to match it with a multi-functional engineering shovel from the Eighth Route Army. However, it is not necessary to ask Yingjiang for this thing, it should be Yingjiang who wants to ask for it from the Eighth Route Army... So of course we have to wait for Sun Erwei to ask.

Thinking about it, Wang Xuexin put the list aside and said, "Now, Sun Erwei, let's discuss grenades!"

"Grenade?" Sun Erwei was a little confused: "This is your request, isn't it? Is there any problem?"

(End of this chapter)

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