Chapter 556 M79
"Have you never discovered the disadvantages of the grenade?" Wang Xuexin asked.

Sun Erwei was stunned by the question, and he stood in front of Wang Xuexin for a long time without saying a word.

Then Wang Xuexin understood what was going on. The Yingjiang Army didn't even have many actual combats, so how could they find the shortcomings of the grenade?
But Sun Erwei took out the notebook as if he had found a treasure, and asked, "Tell me, what are the shortcomings of it?"

"Let's put it this way!" Wang Xuexin replied: "The grenade requires a grenade launcher to be installed on the rifle. Although it is more convenient than a grenade launcher and does not take up the establishment, it cannot be fired when the grenade launcher is installed. Sometimes you can't fire a grenade ... why don't you develop a grenade launcher that hangs under the barrel?"

"Hanging under the barrel?" Sun Erwei looked at Wang Xuexin in surprise.

"Yes!" Wang Xuexin nodded: "In this way, it can shoot at the same time, and it can also fire grenades if necessary, and switching is much easier than rifle grenades!"

"That's right!" Sun Erwei nodded, and then felt strange: "My God, why didn't they discover this simple and practical improvement?"

When Sun Erwei said this, he didn't understand what the equipment R&D personnel in China were doing?They should have seen these problems and thought of this idea long ago!
But the person who discovered this idea was an Eighth Route Army soldier who had only heard about gun grenades.

It seems that having actual combat experience does have different meanings.

What Sun Erwei didn't know was that the research and development of equipment was often based on demand. They were always put into use on the battlefield first. Soldiers discovered any deficiencies, and researchers figured out ways to solve them, so they advanced step by step.

Wang Xuexin just knew their progress and even the result.

"But this kind of integrated grenade launcher has disadvantages!" Wang Xuexin continued: "When they are integrated into a rifle or carbine, it will increase the size and weight of the rifle, and it will also affect the accuracy."

"Then what should we do?" Sun Erwei's expression was a little strange, as if he didn't agree with Wang Xuexin's statement: "Wang, any equipment will have size and weight, and grenade launchers are inevitable! We can only integrate grenade launchers into the grenade shooter's gun The others don't. So at least the grenade shooter doesn't need cover, since he's a rifler himself!"

There is nothing wrong with this statement, and it is one of the reasons why integrated grenade launchers have persisted for decades and into modern times.

For the previous grenade, once the grenade launcher is installed on the muzzle, the gunner has no self-defense ability and needs the cover of his comrades.

If the enemy charges when he has just installed the grenade launcher, or when the superior orders to charge at this time, the grenade shooter will be miserable. He is almost facing the enemy with a fire stick.

But the integrated grenade launcher does not have this problem, because the integrated grenade launcher has a separate barrel and trigger, which can be switched quickly.

However, this is not the final form of its development.

"We can develop an independent grenade launcher!" Wang Xuexin said: "That is to develop a grenade gun. It is required to be short and light. The grenade shooter only needs to carry one more such gun, and it will not affect the rifle shooting."

Sun Erwei was taken aback, and asked: "So, what's the difference between this and the devil's grenadier?"

The devil's grenade was also separated from the gun, and the grenade shooter also carried a rifle, so Sun Erwei took it for granted that there was not much difference between them.

"The difference is..." Wang Xuexin explained: "Grenade guns can be fired by hand, but grenades cannot. In addition, we can also develop a variety of warheads for this grenade gun, such as shotguns, smoke bombs, flares, etc. Giving it a variety of uses, it can also be used for point-and-shoot combat if necessary!"

With that said, Wang Xuexin even drew a sketch and handed it to Sun Erwei.

This is actually Yingjiang's M79 grenade launcher, which was developed by Yingjiang in 53. The empty gun weighs only five catties. Once it was put into the battlefield, it was welcomed because of its lightness, shortness and multi-purpose, especially suitable for the jungle battlefield of the Vietnam War.

Sun Erwei looked at the sketch, with some hesitation on his face.

He didn't quite understand this advanced design, or he was still in the pit of the integrated grenade launcher, and he always felt that it would be better to integrate it into the gun.

After thinking for a while, Sun Erwei said: "I will tell them what you think, Wang! The integrated grenade launcher may be produced soon. But this independent launcher..."

"Of course!" Wang Xuexin nodded.

The integrated grenade launcher just transforms the original launcher mounted on the barrel to hang under the barrel, and then installs an independent trigger, which is obviously much simpler.

(Note: The grenade launcher shares the same trigger as the rifle)
And the M79 thing is to develop a new gun.

It's not just a new gun... In fact, the difficulty of the gun is not too big. This thing has no bore wire, so it is not difficult to develop and produce.

The difficulty is the supporting grenades: anti-personnel grenades, smoke bombs, flares, deer bombs, dart bombs, incendiary bombs and so on.

With this thing, the anti-infantry pressure of the bazooka shooter will be much less.

The bazooka is actually very dangerous for close-range anti-infantry, because it is heavy and inconvenient to maneuver. When launching, most of the body has to stick out of the hiding place, almost risking its life to shoot.

There is no such problem with the M79.

But of course, the curved-fire equipment like the M79 cannot replace the rocket launcher, especially when dealing with bunker fortifications, and the direct-fire equipment like the rocket launcher is better.

Sun Erwei didn't understand Wang Xuexin's thoughts, but Perris on the other side didn't.

Sun Erwei told Davis about Wang Xuexin's transformation proposal. He thought it was the fastest way to convey it. After all, Davis was a member of the National Defense Science, Technology and Research Bureau.

Davis was originally not interested in this kind of individual equipment, they mainly studied anti-aircraft firepower.

But when he heard that it was Wang Xuexin's suggestion, he didn't dare to neglect, and immediately asked the communications soldier to draw a sketch of M79 according to Sun Erwei's description and then handed it to Colonel Perris.

Colonel Perris was born in the infantry. He participated in World War I and used grenades and knew the disadvantages of grenades.

But it's just knowing.

Eagle sauce army equipment has always been ignored, even tanks are no exception, let alone rifle grenades.

At this time, when Perris saw the two improvement plans that Davis handed over, he looked at Davis in surprise and asked, "Where did this suggestion come from? The battalion commander in China?"

"Yes!" Davis was a little uncertain about Perris's attitude: "He hopes that we can develop equipment like this. Is it really feasible?"

Perris looked at the sketches and then at Davis, like a treasure: "Of course, Davis, of course it works! It could solve a big problem in our Army that we haven't even noticed yet. Get used to it!"

(End of this chapter)

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