Bright Sword Military System

Chapter 557 Fill in the blanks

Chapter 557 Fill in the blanks
Colonel Perris was not saying too much.

The importance of the grenade launcher is actually almost equivalent to the devil's grenade launcher.

They are essentially the same, and they all throw grenades into the enemy's position at a medium distance...

There are human-powered throws at short distances, and the throwing canister is redundant. No matter how fast the speed is, it is not as fast as human-powered string throwing.

There are mortars at a long distance, and the accuracy and power of the grenades are not as good as the light ones.

Between the close range and the long range, there is a gap in the grenade.

The devils filled this gap with grenades, so they had a layer upon layer of firepower advantage in combat, making the Huaxia army very passive.

Before, Wang Xuexin built a [-]-point cannon to fight against the devil's grenadier, that was a no-brainer.

The Eighth Route Army has limited conditions. Even if Wang Xuexin told them that the M79 has integrated grenade launchers and the like, the Eighth Route Army arsenal would not be able to produce them.

It's different now that Eagle Sauce is here. It's a piece of cake for them to develop these two grenade launchers.

And obviously, whether these two grenade launchers are integrated or independent M79, they are more advanced and more useful than the devil's grenade launcher.

Especially in mountainous areas with complex terrain, sometimes it is difficult to find a foothold in the hiding place, and it is almost impossible to lie on the ground and set up a grenadier.

However, the M79 and the integrated grenade launcher can be fired against the shoulder, and the requirements for the terrain are much lower than those of the grenade.

Perris is an experienced weapon expert. After seeing this equipment and instructions, he quickly analyzed its advantages and possible future roles on the battlefield, so he didn't think too much, and immediately took the sketch to fight on foot division.

The Infantry Department is the most leisurely and smallest unit in Yingjiang, with only a dozen people in the whole department.

Needless to say what is the reason, the size of the army is only more than [-], and the equipment has remained unchanged for many years. If it is not because of the need to develop rifles, this department will almost face being abolished.

However, the infantry department has been busy again recently.

But what is busy is not the research and development of equipment, but the restart of the Springfield rifle production line...

The section chief, Colonel Garcia, was so busy with this that he never thought that one day he would need this kind of rifle that was going to be eliminated.

So Garcia couldn't help scolding: "Fuck it, who sold our production line to Huaxia? Now we don't have enough for ourselves! If soldiers are needed on the front line, what will they use to face the enemy?"

The Eagle Sauce Army has expanded by nearly one million people in just one year. Of course, this speed requires the use of machines to produce desperately.

Therefore, Wang Xuexin's decision was correct. If he asked Ying Jiang to buy the production line again at this time, he would never even think about it.

When Garcia was overwhelmed, Colonel Perris found him.

Colonel Garcia has a fiery temper. He was busy making phone calls to make arrangements everywhere, and when he saw the blueprint in Perris's hand, he replied: "Colonel, we don't have time to produce other things right now. What we need is very simple, which is a rifle. A rifle, a rifle!"

Perris said confidently: "No, Garcia! You just need to take a look, I believe you will change your mind!"

As he spoke, he handed over the sketch.

Garcia reluctantly took over the sketch. He originally thought that Peris needed some parts from the Infantry Division, but he was surprised when he saw it. It turned out to be a piece of individual equipment, which Peris was not in charge of.

Then I looked at the description again, raised my head and looked at Perris in surprise, and asked, "Where did this come from? I've never heard of such equipment!"

"Of course you haven't heard of it!" Peris laughed: "Because they haven't appeared in this world yet, this is the first of its kind!"

"This...impossible!" Garcia flipped through the files, then shook his head and said, "They look very mature, not like something that hasn't been corrected!"

Anyone who has been engaged in military research for a long time knows that equipment is always perfected after trial and error again and again, and the sketch given by Wang Xuexin has been perfected from the beginning, with almost no flaws, so perfect that it is unbelievable.

Colonel Perris nodded: "I also have this feeling, but it is the truth, Garcia! It is a suggestion from a grassroots commander in Huaxia!"

Garcia was extremely shocked: "Is it the Huaxia Battalion Commander you are talking about?"

"Yes!" Perris nodded.

Although Wang Xuexin's suggestion for Yingjiang to deal with "Type Zero" is still kept secret to the outside world, it has been widely circulated among the military industry and pilots.

"I never knew he was a weapons expert!" Garcia said.

"This is your ignorance!" Perris laughed: "He has developed a lot of equipment in China, and our bazooka project is also completed in cooperation with him!"

Although the bazooka project is also the army's individual equipment, this thing has been ignored, and it has almost become Skinny's special project, so that Garcia only heard about it.

Garcia nodded, flipped through the file again, and sighed: "You are right, Perris! We need to start research and development of this equipment immediately, even if we don't have enough rifles!"

For obvious reasons, this grenade launcher can provide considerable fire support for rifles, especially on squad level units.

Then Sun Erwei received a telegram:
"Good job! Wilson, the information you provided is very useful to us. The Research Bureau has adopted these suggestions and given unprecedented affirmation to our work. They need you to remember every word and every word that Commander Huaxia said. Character!"

This telegram made Sun Erwei a little confused. He had never seen Colonel Smith speak in such a harsh tone.

Remember every word?

Although Sun Erwei knew that this was an exaggerated statement by the colonel, Sun Erwei knew that it also reflected the importance that the Research Bureau attached to these ideas.

What's happening here?
They are the Eagle Sauce National Defense Science and Technology Research Bureau, where top talents gather, and they actually need to rely on a Chinese battalion commander?
(Note: In the early days of World War II, Eagle Sauce could not be said to have brought together the "most" top talents, but in the later period, it robbed a group of talents and technologies from Hans...)
But after thinking about it for a while, Sun Erwei felt that this seemed normal.

The research and development of weapons and equipment is probably not something that can be solved by sitting in an office. What it needs more is someone like Wang Xuexin who has both battlefield experience and research and development brains.

Then Sun Erwei received another telegram: "If you need anything, or what the Huaxia Battalion Commander needs, we will try our best to meet it!"

Sun Erwei called back immediately: "Okay, Colonel! Then send me a box of coffee!"

Then Sun Erwei added another sentence: "Huaxia Battalion Commander requested it!"

Sun Erwei was worried that if he didn't add this sentence, he might not receive this box of coffee until next year.

(End of this chapter)

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