Bright Sword Military System

Chapter 558 Learning Ability

Chapter 558 Learning Ability
The person Wang Xuexin wanted arrived a week later.

The reason why it takes a week is because the headquarters held a three-day "big contest" for this purpose.

This is a grand contest initiated by the headquarters, and for reasons of confidentiality, it did not say what kind of troops were formed.

But the more mysterious the fighters became, the more curious they became, so fighters, guerrillas and even ordinary people from all over the region rushed to Dahuai Village to compete.

As a result, more than 5000 people came to participate in the competition.

For this reason, the chief of staff also communicated with Wang Xuexin.

"Comrade Wang Xuexin!" the chief of staff asked, "What are the requirements for the mountain combat force you want to form? You can mention us first so that we can be selected, or you can come to Dahuai Village to pick people yourself!"

Wang Xuexin also wanted to pick it himself, but Luotuoling was not close to Dahuai Village, and it took a day to go back and forth, not to mention that he and Sun Erwei had to continue to discuss the details of equipment research and development, and they couldn't leave for a while, so they had to go back and forth. Let the chief of staff help you choose.

"Familiarity with the terrain of Zhongtiao Mountain is required!" Wang Xuexin said: "However, this can be considered as appropriate. It is not a big problem if you are not familiar with it, but at least you can find points based on the map and you can read."

This is very important for mountain troops.

This is determined by the complexity of the mountain terrain. Troops often need to split up in the mountains, and may even be scattered. If the map cannot read or understand the information left by teammates, or the sense of direction is not strong, go a little If you don't circle, you will get lost and fall behind... No matter how good your skills are, you can't use them.

So the first batch to be eliminated are people who can't read pictures to find some illiterate people.

This surprised the chief of staff. He thought that Wang Xuexin's first requirement should be to find someone with good marksmanship or good physical strength. For mountain combat troops, aren't they all running around on the mountain with guns on their shoulders, of course they must be strong.

Unexpectedly, Wang Xuexin's first requirement was to read maps and read characters.

This time, more than half of the more than 5000 contestants were eliminated, because all the players who came to participate were experts from various teams.

But none of the selection criteria for these masters include reading maps and literacy.

This made the chief of staff urgently add another group of personnel, otherwise, if the selection continues, even 5000 of the more than 100 people will not be selected.

"The second is the ability to survive in the mountains!" Wang Xuexin said: "For example, being able to hunt, identify wild vegetables, mushrooms, find water sources, etc.!"

Hearing this, the chief of staff couldn't help secretly heaving a sigh of relief.

The Eighth Route Army is not good at other things. If the ability to survive in the wild is second, no one dares to say that it is the first. Some even climbed snow-capped mountains and crossed grasslands and walked the Long March. This is not bragging. Many people live in the wild without food for ten and a half days. That's a piece of cake for a month.

"The last is strong learning ability!" Wang Xuexin said: "It is required to be able to quickly master the use of various equipment!"

This is determined by the fact that the mountain troops will use Yingjiang equipment in an all-round way, and even the grenades may need to be changed... Sun Erwei believes that since they need to be changed, they must be changed clearly, so that they can judge what problems will happen to Yingjiang's equipment on the battlefield.

There's nothing wrong with that, Yingjiang's equipment is more advanced than that of the Eighth Route Army anyway.

The problem is that the battlefields that mountain troops have to face are more complicated, and they will inevitably have capture and attrition. Fighting in the mountains for a long time is likely to force the soldiers to use [-] big caps or other equipment, which requires quick mastery of these use of equipment.

"That's all?" asked the chief of staff.

"That's all!" Wang Xuexin nodded.

In fact, it's not that Wang Xuexin has no requirements for physical fitness and marksmanship, but those who can participate in the martial arts competition will not be far behind in these aspects.

At the same time, the mountain troops will switch to the M1 semi-automatic rifle, which is quite different from the bolt-type rifle. The combat habits and marksmanship basically need to be changed, and the old habits may limit its development.

For example, the muscles of some older veterans have been severely solidified into conditioned reflexes. After firing a bullet, they will feel uncomfortable if they don’t pull the bolt. Their tactical actions are also used to firing a shot to change places, and they can’t change it. It's not what Wang Xuexin wants to see.

The M1 rifle can continuously pull the trigger to fire eight bullets in a row, and three riflemen can suppress the enemy's machine gunner by taking turns shooting... It seems like a waste of bullets, but if you think about it from the perspective of firepower suppression, three A rifleman can accurately suppress the enemy's machine gun firepower, and it must save ammunition than a machine gun to complete this task.

Therefore, Wang Xuexin is actually more inclined to recruits, recruits with strong learning ability, fast response speed, not too many physical injuries and a certain cultural foundation.

The chief of staff is Mao Xiongna's commander who returned from studying abroad. He certainly understands the implications of these requests made by Wang Xuexin.

But the chief of staff felt a little strange. After putting down the phone, he said to the chief: "This little Northeast has an unusual head. He looks more educated than us educated people!"

"What do you mean?" The chief was a little confused when he heard this.

"The soldiers he picked..." The chief of staff handed the requirements recorded in the notebook to the chief: "Look, this condition, can't someone who hasn't studied for a few years say such a thing? For example, learning still a head It's a challenge like this once!"

The chief took the notebook and looked at it, and then laughed happily: "This is the right way to recruit troops! If you really only choose those who are good at marksmanship and good at fighting, the level will be low! A modern army should be a Troops with culture and learning ability, otherwise it is easy to go wrong!"

The Chief is right.

This is actually not uncommon in the Eighth Route Army. Many soldiers who were born as farmers, because they have been doing simple but repetitive farm work all their lives, their muscles and even their thinking have become rigid. Even if they are fed with bullets, it is difficult to temper them. Become a sharpshooter.

However, if it is a student soldier who has come out of school, his thinking has been developed and his learning ability has been tempered since childhood. Although he does not know anything at the beginning, he will soon grow into a qualified soldier after basic training.

Only such fighters have greater room for improvement and potential to be tapped.

The chief of staff said with doubts: "It's not surprising that we know this, but Xiao Dongbei... how does he know this?"

"What's so strange about this!" The chief handed the notebook back to the chief of staff, and said, "Little Northeast grew up in the devil's arsenal. He has learned this and that since he was a child, and he can learn everything quickly. He may be talking about this. Bar!"

The chief of staff gave an "oh" and nodded.

Secretly thought that maybe Xiao Dongbei would say that this is not because he is literate, but because he has learned a lot and knows about "learning ability".

(End of this chapter)

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