Chapter 559
As a result, after more than 5000 people were selected by the chief of staff, there were only more than 300 people left.

Wang Xuexin only asked for 200 people...

Wang Xuexin, the first batch of mountain troops, plans to form a company, which needs 170 people after being simplified according to Yingjiang's establishment.

But in the process of training, some of them must be eliminated, so 200 people are required.

The chief waved his hand and said: "Send all these people to Xiaodongbei for training, and he will eliminate those who are unqualified!"

"Yes!" The chief of staff responded and ordered all 318 soldiers to be sent to the independent regiment.

As soon as Li Yunlong received the telegram, he laughed from ear to ear: "This relationship is good, and there are more than 300 good players!"

Zhao Gang asked curiously: "Didn't you say that there are only 200 people? The extra ones have to be returned!"

Li Yunlong raised his head and replied: "I said, Lao Zhao, are you stupid? These are all treasures picked out of the big martial arts competition. You say that such a good soldier will be sent back?"

"Then don't return can still eat them?" Zhao Gang just said this, and immediately realized that Li Yunlong really wanted to eat them, so he immediately said: "Old Li, don't be silly, this It's an order from the superior..."

"Hey!" Li Yunlong interrupted Zhao Gang's words with a wave of his hand: "Old Zhao, don't worry about it. In the worst case, I will go to Xiaodongbei to explain everything and say that everything has passed. Let's split up with Xiaodongbei in private. He doesn't want it." I, Li Yunlong, took all the orders, what else can the chief do?"

"You!" These words made Zhao Gang so angry that he was pointing his fingers in the air but he was speechless.

After a while, Zhao just recovered his breath, and scolded: "Li Yunlong, Li Yunlong, do you still have a little bit of organization and discipline? Move all your crooked thoughts to the chief, if you cheat the devils and stubborn soldiers, that's all. , and now you have cheated your own people! If you are robbing soldiers like this, what about other troops? Do you want all the good soldiers from other troops to be commanded by you Li Yunlong? The whole army just depends on your independent regiment to fight!"

"That's the best!" Li Yunlong didn't give in at all, puffed up his chest arrogantly and replied: "You cultural people still say that good steel is used on blades, why can't such good soldiers be used in independent regiments? Look? Look at our army, what is the main division of the main force regiment? Do they have a tank? Are they equipped with submachine guns? Are there any mountain combat troops like ours? Get out!"

Zhao Gang choked on the spot.

He didn't expect Li Yunlong to understand the phrase "good steel is used on the blade" in this way.

Doesn't this mean that troops with strong combat effectiveness are fighting difficult battles?

This guy misunderstood that whichever army is good has the right to have good soldiers...

But to explain this to Li Yunlong, it would take another big circle.

At this time, Li Yunlong's voice softened again: "I said, Lao Zhao, don't even think about it. What are we fighting for? Isn't it just to drive the devils out of the house and let the people live a better life? These soldiers also fight in other troops. , We also fight in our army! What's the difference?"

There is some truth to this statement.

Zhao Gang retorted: "Since they are fought in our army and in other troops, there is no difference, why do you bother to keep them in the independent regiment?"

"Of course we have to stay!" Li Yunlong shook his hands and put on a look of hatred for iron and steel, and replied: "I said, Lao Zhao, why don't you get the hang of it? Do other troops have Xiaodongbei? No! These good soldiers are in other troops. At best, the army is a sharpshooter, or a guard or something, buried! But in our independent regiment, Xiaodongbei only needs to pull and pull, know the result!"

Zhao Gang was completely speechless.

In fact, he also felt that what Li Yunlong said made sense at this time. It is indeed two different things for a good soldier to be in the hands of Xiaobeibei and in the hands of other troops.

And even if there are people who can use soldiers in other troops, the combat effectiveness that can be formed by concentrated use of good soldiers is different from that of scattered use.

So it is really possible that, as Li Yunlong said, good soldiers were buried.

Thinking about it, Zhao Gang said: "Let's talk about it first, if the chief decides to take back the extra soldiers, you must not..."

Li Yunlong patted his chest: "Let's hand these soldiers back immediately! Don't worry, Lao Zhao! You can't trust others, can you still trust me, Li Yunlong?"

Zhao Gang laughed angrily: "If you, Li Yunlong, can believe it, are you still called Li Yunlong?"

Zhao Gang really hit the mark on this matter.

Later, the chief wanted to transfer these eliminated soldiers back to form other mountain combat troops in the same way as Wang Xuexin.

But Li Yunlong was sloppy in the telegram. Today he said that those soldiers are still waiting for the next round of selection, and tomorrow he said that Xiaodongbei plans to expand the army and lack manpower. That is to say, I couldn't find it even if I integrated into the independent group.

The headquarters also had to start anew to form a mountain combat force.

The chief could only complain helplessly to the chief of staff: "We only focus on Xiaodongbei, and forget about Li Yunlong, a guy who can only get in and out! Look, let him abduct another group of people!"

The chief of staff could only return a wry smile.

These things have nothing to do with Wang Xuexin, what he has to do is to train, and then weed out those who are not qualified.

To Wang Xuexin's surprise, there was a familiar face among the group of people...his correspondent, Mao Duzi!

Wang Xuexin widened his eyes and said, "Okay, cat boy! Don't tell me when you go to the martial arts competition!"

Mao Duzi stepped forward to salute with some embarrassment: "Battle Commander, I didn't mean to hide it from you, I was here for the prize... who knew that I would come back to you after a round trip!"

It turned out that in order to stimulate the enthusiasm of the soldiers in the competition, the chief of staff also set up awards, the first prize was a bag of flour.

Mao Duzi thought, if he could carry a bag of white flour and make a basket of delicious steamed buns, the battalion commander would not have to drink sweet potato porridge every day.

In addition, this is not a big deal, so I explained to the other correspondents, and rushed to Dahuai Village to participate in the competition overnight.

At this time, Mao Duzi didn't even know that the martial arts competition was actually a challenge for Wang Xuexin, so he was sent back in a daze.

He was still in a daze on the road, and finally understood what was going on after listening to the explanations from the people in the same company.

"Did you get the first prize?" Wang Xuexin asked.

"!" Mao Duzi aggrievedly took out a big tooth cup with red letters printed on it from his backpack: "Third prize, I won such a thing!"

Wang Xuexin didn't show anything on the surface, but he felt a little surprised in his heart.

Not bad! More than 5000 people won the third prize in the competition, which is one in a thousand!

Why didn't I expect that there was a qualified talent by my side, and I almost buried him as a correspondent all the time.

(End of this chapter)

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