Bright Sword Military System

Chapter 560 Survival in the Wild

Chapter 560 Survival in the Wild
Thinking about it later, Wang Xuexin also felt that soldiers like Mao Duzi might be naturally suitable for mountain troops... He was born as an Orion, and he hunted with his father in the mountains since he was a child.

The hunters in this era are not simple at all. They don't mean to go up the mountain with some dry food and return in the evening. Such hunters often can only hunt some small animals nearby.

A good hunter is to bring a few days of dry food deep into the jungle, eat and sleep in the forest, track the feces, footprints, and even smells of valuable targets, find their old nests, set up an ambush, and then have a "big harvest".

So looking at the map to find points, distinguishing directions, and surviving in the wild are all a piece of cake for them.

Therefore, Wang Xuexin was still a little strange. He asked Mao Duzi: "Which aspect are you lagging behind? If you win the third prize, don't you feel ashamed!"

Mao Duzi blushed in an instant, and replied awkwardly: "Battle Commander, this... is not bad for us, I just know fewer words than others, and I am the first in everything else!"

"Who won the championship?" Wang Xuexin was curious.

Mao Duzi searched in the crowd, and called out to a soldier with a scar at the corner of his eye: "Old Seven..."

The soldier called Lao Qi rushed up and saluted Wang Xuexin: "Report to the battalion commander, Lao Qi reports!"

"Your name is Lao Qi?" Wang Xuexin felt a little unbelievable.

"Battalion Commander!" Lao Qi explained with a smile: "My surname is Rao, and I am the seventh in the family, so I am named Rao Qi. Comrades call me Lao Qi!"

Wang Xuexin said "Oh", what Lao Qi said just now was indeed the report of "Rao Qi", and he habitually heard it as "old".

But "Old Seven" is more fluent.

"I heard that you won the championship in the big competition?" Wang Xuexin asked.

"Battalion Commander!" Lao Qi replied modestly: "I worked as a guerrilla captain for three years in the enemy's rear, and then was promoted to be the captain of the armed forces team in the enemy's rear. It's not martial!"

Wang Xuexin nodded. It is indeed extremely dangerous to organize guerrillas behind enemy lines. Most of the time they hide in the mountains and go down the mountain to contact the liaison officer when they have no food or receive a mission. Sneak attack or something.

If he is not clever enough or capable, he may not live to be the present, let alone be the captain.

"Very good!" Wang Xuexin said: "Then from now on, Lao Qi is the company commander, and Mao Duzi is the deputy company commander! But it's only tentative. If you don't do well, you can go back to the original unit. Do you understand?"

"Yes!" Lao Qi and Mao Duzi replied in unison.

But Mao Duzi hesitated for a while and asked again: "Battle Commander, if I go back to the original unit...won't it still be our Fifth Company?"

Wang Xuexin glared at Mao Duzi fiercely, and replied: "Then you don't stay in Wulian, as long as it's cool, just stay there!"

This time Mao Duzi was dumbfounded.

This is impossible, if you can't stay in the fifth company, don't you have to go back to the guard company?What a shame!

At the same time, Mao Duzi secretly regretted it, if he had known earlier, he shouldn't have talked too much!
What are you asking?
Wouldn't it be good to go back to the original army and be a correspondent at that time?

Then Wang Xuexin assembled the team and said a few words: "Comrades, you are all selected soldiers from various units, but maybe you don't know what to do when you gather here. Because of confidentiality reasons, you don't need to I know what I want to do. But I can tell you very responsibly that your training and fighting in the future will be very difficult and even dangerous. It is still too late to quit, has anyone quit?"

As soon as the words fell, the soldiers answered in unison: "No!"

This can be said to be expected.

In terms of suffering, there is no army that can compare with the Eighth Route Army, especially they are the elites selected from thousands of people in the Eighth Route Army.

So what Wang Xuexin said just now was to prepare them psychologically.

Then on the first day, these team members realized what hardship is...

Wang Xuexin took them to the back mountain two miles away, then raised his head towards a deserted forest, and said, "This is your camp!"

Lao Qi was dumbfounded when he heard this: "Battle Commander, but... there is nothing..."

"I know!" Wang Xuexin interrupted Lao Qi: "If you have everything, what do you need?"

Mao Duzi interrupted: "Battle Commander, there must be a stutter, we didn't bring anything when we came out!"

"Find out your own way!" Wang Xuexin said while taking out a bun from his backpack, and started chewing on the boiling water in the water shell.

The taste of Wowotou is really not good, dry, astringent, hard, almost like unfermented steamed buns.

But it's still much better than starving with nothing to eat.

So Lao Qi and Mao Duzi understood that this was the first hurdle, survival in the wild.

And this is just the beginning. Wang Xuexin believes that a qualified mountain army is at least capable of surviving for a week without food and maintaining combat effectiveness.

Therefore, now is the time for them to learn to "rely on the mountain to eat the mountain".

Some of them will, some won't.

There are also people whose opinions and experiences are not unified.

Only in this extreme environment can they quickly learn this knowledge.

But this seems to be bothering them.

Mao Duzi divided the team members into four parts and deployed them in four directions.

This is very clever, because it can avoid the problem of repeatedly looking for food: the food in the same area has been searched by one team, it may be searched by another team, and then there is another team... This is a waste of time doing useless work.

Now, Maoduzi divides it into four parts and searches for food in four different directions, which maximizes the food that can be found for the entire team.

Then Lao Qi subdivided each group. Ten people in each group moved in different directions, and each group ensured that one could identify wild vegetables and wild fruits, and the other had the ability to hunt.

This surprised Wang Xuexin.

But when I think about it, I think it's normal... The Eighth Route Army, when they are usually hungry, they often hunt and dig wild vegetables, and there are quite a few who can survive in the wild.

On the contrary, Wang Xuexin didn't seem to be hungry when he came to this world.

Wang Xuexin thought about it, and felt that it was not because the Eighth Route Army was not short of food, but because he had made a lot of military exploits. The cooking team always made a small stove for him, stuffing a steamed bun one day and a few cornbreads the next... This is what Wang Xuexin saw. It seems to be a common thing, but I don't know how many soldiers are envious.

Just when Wang Xuexin was thinking wildly, Mao Duzi came back with a few fist-thick mountain mice picked up by a branch, and he exclaimed excitedly: "Battle Commander, I found a mountain mouse nest, and I will have a good night!"

Wang Xuexin was a little helpless, it seemed that this subject really couldn't help them.

(End of this chapter)

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