Bright Sword Military System

Chapter 561 Ammunition

Chapter 561 Ammunition
Having had the experience of surviving in the wild, Wang Xuexin felt that he had nothing to teach them in this regard.

In fact, Wang Xuexin has long been mentally prepared. If he is a modern person teaching the Eighth Route Army how to survive in the wild... wouldn't he be playing with an ax at the door?

Not only can't he even teach, Wang Xuexin has to learn from the soldiers.

However, this does not mean that the mountain company is qualified in this respect. Wang Xuexin asked Lao Qi and Mao Duzi to gather their hunting skills and methods of distinguishing wild vegetables and mushrooms, and then the whole company must study so that every soldier has the wild survival skills.

At this time, the multi-functional engineer shovel is a magic tool. This thing can be chopped, sawed, and used as a pot to cook food... This made all the soldiers envious.

Wang Xuexin was also generous, and immediately applied for more than 300 shares from the arsenal, which made the soldiers very happy.

To be honest, this wave of training made Wang Xuexin a little ashamed.

Although he was mentally prepared, he took it for granted that there were more than 300 people...

If the number of people is reasonable, it is not a problem to deal with life in the jungle for a few days.

But more than 300 people have only so little resources, and it is inevitable that they will go hungry.

So Wang Xuexin wanted to give the soldiers a disarm and let them experience the possible "hardship" of the mountain troops!

This is actually all the fault of the cat, this guy not only knows how to hunt, but also looks at the plants on the ground to identify certain starch-rich roots, digs a few pieces and smashes them, cooks them like dough.

Wang Xuexin also tasted a few mouthfuls, but the taste was a bit astringent, but the point is to fill his stomach.

In addition, there are edible leaves, and even the bark of some trees can be chopped off and cooked into a pot of hot soup that is not satisfactory...

Wang Xuexin later recalled this incident, and realized that these skills were probably left over from the Red Army’s crossing of grasslands and climbing snow-capped mountains. Or it was because of the frequent hunger of the people during the war for so many years, so they could only change their ways from nature. get food.

As a result, over time, these methods and experience will naturally increase.

On the contrary, modern people, whose life is getting better and better, do not need to dig tree roots, peel bark, and eat leaves, so these "unique skills" are gradually lost.

Forget it, don't compare this with them.

Wang Xuexin realized that if he wanted to "disarm" these guys, he should not start from the "difficulty", but should start from the knowledge and thinking of modern warfare. That is their weakness and Wang Xuexin's strength.

So Wang Xuexin continued to let Shandilian study in the field while waiting for Yingjiang's equipment.

Eagle sauce's equipment arrived two weeks later.

At this tense time, two weeks is already considered fast. After all, the battle on the Burma Road has already started at this time, and more military supplies are being urgently transported to the front line. At this time, part of the transport capacity will be allocated to the Eighth Route Army to transport equipment. But how difficult it is... If it is not related to Ying Jiang's vital interests, I am afraid that this batch of equipment will be delayed again and again or even disappear.

The transportation route is the same as before, first transported to Xi'an and then taken over by the Eighth Route Army transportation team.

The headquarters is even considering building a road from Xi'an to the south of Shanxi.

Because there will be another 1000 million US dollars of food that will be transported from this line one after another, and there may even be assistance from Yingjiang in the future.

However, the chief thought about it for a while, thinking that sooner or later the Eighth Route Army would fight the stubborn army, and building roads was not worthwhile. Although it is convenient for his own transportation now, it is also convenient for the attack of the stubborn army's mechanized troops in the future, so he finally gave up and would rather trouble now It's not a problem to carry a pole on your shoulders if you use a wheelbarrow or a donkey cart.

The equipment is just as Wang Xuexin requested before, M1 rifle, M1918 Browning machine gun, plus 60MM mortar and crossbow bolts.

At this time, the crossbow arrows were also given a new task: hunting.

When Mao Duzi lived in the wild, he repeatedly complained that he could not shoot... In fact, not only could he not shoot, but he had to be very careful to cover the fire and smoke with the help of caves when starting a fire.

The reason is that they are mountain troops and cannot expose their position for survival.

This made it impossible for Maoduzi to use many hunting skills. At most, he set a trap or beat mountain mice with a wooden stick.

With the crossbow, this problem was solved smoothly.

These are not the point, the point is the ammunition.

The first batch of ammunition delivered reached more than 30 rounds, and the ammunition boxes were stacked in piles in the warehouse, which dazzled Li Yunlong for a while.

"Good boy!" Li Yunlong asked Wang Xuexin: "Are you using ammunition for 1000 people?"

"How can it be?" Wang Xuexin replied: "This is for our 300 people to train!"

At this moment, Li Yunlong's eyes widened: "You, you... what are you talking about? It's for 300 people, and it's still for training?"

No wonder Li Yunlong was so surprised.

If the ammunition is given to 1000 people on average, there will be more than 300 rounds of ammunition per person.

Now an average of 300 people are given, so why not send more than 1000 rounds per person?
And it's just training instead of combat?
This is unimaginable for the Eighth Route Army with only ten bullets per capita!
"Leader!" Wang Xuexin explained: "That's how Yingjiang uses bullets, which is not enough. I also cut down a few machine guns and heavy machine guns, otherwise these bullets would not be enough to fit between teeth!"

Li Yunlong was stunned for a while, then invited Wang Xuexin to the side with a "hehehe", and said in a low voice: "I said Xiaodongbei, we still lack ammunition over there. You have so many real ammunition here, you can use it all for training. Is it a waste? You see..."

Wang Xuexin rejected Li Yunlong without even thinking about it.

But of course, he didn't refuse bluntly, but put on a embarrassed look and said: "Commander, it's not that I won't give you a small weapon, but on the one hand, Yingjiang explained that these bullets were given away for free. Yes, it must and can only be used on mountain troops, otherwise the next batch will be gone!"

Wang Xuexin knew that a foreign devil like Sun Erwei would definitely not be able to suppress Li Yunlong, so he added: "Besides...the mountain troops are no small matter, and it may be related to whether Zhongtiao Mountain can be defended or not. They use that kind of semi-automatic rifles, The bullet will be gone after eight rounds and two pulls of the trigger. How many days can you practice with a thousand rounds? If something goes wrong, the superior will blame it..."

"If you don't tell me, no one will know?" Li Yunlong stretched his face and said earnestly, "Little Northeast, you are so disrespectful! Our side is demanding that every bullet should be wiped out." An enemy', but you are practicing with [-] rounds of ammunition per person... You are still talking about your points, are you still a soldier of my independent regiment?"

Wang Xuexin was a little helpless, so he could only reply: "Commander, how about I get you some ammunition?"

"That's right!" Li Yunlong immediately became happy, and patted Wang Xuexin's shoulder: "I said you can do it carefully!"

But he secretly thought in his heart, if he didn't force him twice, he wouldn't get any oil or water.

(End of this chapter)

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