Chapter 562 Control

What surprised Wang Xuexin was not these, but a team of 12 Yingjiang soldiers who came with the equipment.

Sun Erwei brought them to Wang Xuexin and introduced them: "Wang, this is Major Thomas, a military advisor sent from China!"

"Military adviser?" Wang Xuexin was a little puzzled. He looked at Sun Erwei and asked, "I remember that we didn't ask your country to send a military adviser!"

Sun Erwei explained with some embarrassment: "It's like this, you are using M1 rifles and machine guns... They think they need at least a military advisor to guide them..."

Before Sun Erwei finished speaking, Major Thomas interrupted him. He said in his not fluent Chinese: "I don't think this needs to be explained. This is our experiment. We can only train you to be like our troops. Only then can we find the problem!"

Wang Xuexin felt a little upset when he heard Thomas' tone, so he objected coldly: "I'm sorry, Major Thomas. What is your experiment?"

"Isn't it?" Major Thomas spread his hands and replied, "Our equipment is provided for free. Do you know how much these equipment and ammunition are worth?"

When he said this, Major Thomas pointed his finger at Wang Xuexin's chest domineeringly.

Wang Xuexin looked at Sun Erwei, and then laughed: "Sorry! This is the end of the cooperation, you can leave with your equipment and people!"

Major Thomas didn't seem to believe what he heard, turned his head to look at Sun Erwei, and asked, "What the hell? What is he talking about?"

Sun Erwei ignored Major Thomas, but stepped forward and said to Wang Xuexin: "No, Wang! You can't do this, you don't know how much effort we took to transport these equipment and ammunition here, you can't stop this with a word project……"

"I'm not saying to terminate this project!" Wang Xuexin replied.

"Then what did you just say?" Sun Erwei asked suspiciously.

"What I'm talking about is... terminate all projects!" Wang Xuexin emphasized word by word: "All!"

"You..." Sun Erwei blushed instantly: "You are acting on your own will, and this is not something you can decide..."

"This is what I can decide!" Wang Xuexin interrupted Sun Erwei, and retorted: "Do you think our chief will be willing to hand over people to your command because of equipment?"

"We have no such plan..."

"Then what are your plans?"

Sun Erwei was speechless.

Wang Xuexin could see very clearly that Major Thomas' sentence "This is our experiment" exposed the purpose of Yingjiang's project... They wanted to completely control the 1000-man team through equipment assistance, and even the command.

As Thomas said, only by training these people to be like eagle sauce can we find out the problems of their combat.

It sounds like it's just training, but the way of fighting is like Yingjiao, so should the command be like Yingjiao?

Then Ying Jiang only needed to use a few rifles to replace the elite of the Eighth Route Army. How could there be such a beautiful thing in the world?
It's actually not the first time Eagle Sauce has done this... In fact, it can be said to be the first time.

The reason why Wang Xuexin was able to see through it at a glance was because they also had such an attempt against the Huaxia Expeditionary Army.

That was when the expeditionary force was defeated and retreated to Asanna. Yingjiang sent out equipment, supplies, and provided training, while Huaxia sent out people to transport the domestic elite and even educated student soldiers to Asanna through the hump route.

Then after practicing, Ying Jiang was fighting for the command... Ying Jiang planned to get used to it, because Ying Jiang's officers and soldiers existed in the form of instructors, and they usually ordered Huaxia soldiers to do this and that, and commanded them to fight in wars It is a matter of course.

If the officers and soldiers of Yingjiang had half the courage of the Huaxia army, this trick would probably be successful.

The problem is that Eagle Sauce is used to using ammunition to pile up in battle, and then send infantry to fight for positions.

It is manifested in the command of the Huaxia Expeditionary Army, and the instructor Yingjiang always hides behind the Huaxia Army and calls out, and jumps out after the battle to fight for merit.

Such a team of instructors still wants to compete for command?

That was whimsical, and as a result, all the Huaxia Expeditionary Army went on a hunger strike to protest, and finally Yingjiang had to return the command to Huaxia.

At this time, Major Thomas obviously knew that he didn't have that much time... The battle of the Eighth Route Army was imminent, and they didn't have time to take their time with sugar-coated shells, so they had to fight for control right away.

On the surface, it is to train the mountain troops into the eagle sauce mode, but in fact it is to control the troops.

Wang Xuexin knew that he could not back down at this time.

To deal with "businessmen" like Yingjiang, there must be no concessions from the very beginning, otherwise they will press on step by step in the "sausage cutting" mode, and when they look back at the end, they find that the entire army is not their own.

Sun Erwei invited Major Thomas aside, and asked with a very ugly face: "God, do you really plan to do this? I mean use equipment to control this army?"

"Is there anything wrong?" Major Thomas asked suspiciously: "Isn't it in their interest? Although they have produced people, many of them have no equipment or ammunition. We gave them equipment and ammunition, and taught them to defeat the enemy. tactics..."

Sun Erwei shook his head helplessly: "You actually think you can teach them tactics to defeat the enemy?"

It was only then that Sun Erwei realized that there was too little communication between the country and the army.

It turned out that this was the Eagle Sauce Army's own initiative.

Eagle Sauce handed over this project to the infantry department of the research institute, because it also includes the modification of the use of grenades.

The Institute simply notified the Army of this project, and then asked them to send a force to Huaxia as a consultant.

The Army took it for granted that they could control the overall situation with these free equipment, so Major Thomas' remarks and ideas came about.

"I hope you understand, Major!" Sun Erwei said to Major Thomas: "We are here to learn their tactics, not to teach them anything. So put away your ideas!"

"What?" Major Thomas still couldn't believe it. He looked at Wang Xuexin, then turned around and asked Sun Erwei with disdain: "You mean, just them? What can they teach us?"

Just as Sun Erwei was about to leave, when he heard this, he turned around again, emphasized his tone, and pointed his finger at Thomas's chest: "You will know later, Major! First of all, you need to know that the person you despised was not long ago You saved Yingjiang, he was the one who turned our defeat into victory on the Pacific battlefield! So put away your arrogance! Or, as he said, pack up your bags and go back!"

After saying that, Sun Erwei left Major Thomas alone in a daze, thinking how to apologize for this matter!
Wang Xuexin knew this would happen a long time ago, and what he thought in his heart was that the ammunition Li Yunlong requested should be available.

(End of this chapter)

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