Chapter 563

Sun Erwei walked up to Wang Xuexin, handed him a cigarette, and explained apologetically, "Sorry, Wang! They are from the army and don't know much about it. I promise that this will never happen again in the future!"

Wang Xuexin took the cigarette and replied: "Sun Erwei, this is not an apology that can solve the problem, right? I told the matter to the chief just now, and the chief was also very angry. He also agreed with my point of view and said that he would terminate everything with you. cooperate……"

"No, no..." Sun Erwei hurriedly apologized: "It's just a misunderstanding, you can explain it to the chief!"

In fact, Wang Xuexin didn't report this matter to the chief at all. He just sent a few daily telegrams in a pretentious manner.

Wang Xuexin frowned in embarrassment: "Our chief is as stubborn as a donkey, and once a decision is made, he will not change it easily. He also said, if you have such thoughts today, tomorrow It is very likely that you will also have such thoughts, and there is not much point in cooperating, we might as well contact Mao Xiong..."

As soon as Sun Erwei heard "Mao Xiong", he was a little anxious, and hurried forward and said in a low voice: "My lord, help! Say something nice to your chief. Besides, Mao Xiong's side is not easy, they have to rely on We supply, and their help to you is very limited!"

This is true. At this time, Mao Xiong was too busy to take care of himself. It was not until the cold wave of winter hit that they fought a "Moscow Defense War", otherwise they would be in a state of depression.

However, it is said that because of the bazooka provided by Wang Xuexin, Mao Xiong has greatly delayed Hans' attack.

Of course, Wang Xuexin would not say these words. He raised his head, glanced at Thomas who was standing not far away sullenly, and said, "That's what I said, but it's better than shooting our troops with a few shots. Take them all away, right? To put it bluntly, I don’t want you semi-automatics, I just barely use them to provide you with experience, and now you want to take the command right?”

What Wang Xuexin said was half true and half false.

Although the M1 rifle is a good gun, what has always been emphasized on the battlefield is that "only the most suitable equipment is not the best equipment".

M1 semi-automatic is not suitable for the logistics situation of the Eighth Route Army, and can only be equipped in small batches.

Sun Erwei expressed understanding: "I understand that the positioning of our project should be like this: the troops belong to you, and we provide equipment and ammunition for free. You can use any tactics you want to fight against the enemy. What we gain is combat experience and Tactics! Later we can write a contract detailing these regulations, no problem?"

Wang Xuexin nodded in satisfaction.

That's right, saying that you can only find problems by using Yingjiang's tactics against the enemy. The devils who want to leave Asia and enter Europe are also learning the same thing, nothing more than relying on machine gun fire to deploy troops... Can this be applied to mountain warfare?
At this time, Yingjiang didn't even have a concept of mountain troops, but Hans was at the forefront in this regard. He trained a group of mountain troops for the attack on the Caucasus Mountains, and Mao Xiong had to organize mountain troops in order to fight.

Therefore, if you use Eagle Sauce's tactical training, you don't know how many people will be sacrificed on the battlefield in the future.

What's more serious is that if the devils cannot be suppressed in the mountain battle, the entire Zhongtiao Mountain defense line may collapse, so the flanks of the Eighth Route Army's Luliang Mountain defense line will be exposed to the devil's soldiers again, and at the same time, Yuncheng will be lost. Iron ore, copper ore.

But Wang Xuexin still didn't agree, he replied: "I have no problem here, but the troublesome!"

"Do you need me to explain to your chief personally?" Sun Erwei asked.

"Is your explanation as effective as mine?" Wang Xuexin asked back.

Sun Erwei felt right when he thought about it. He was from Yingjiang, but Wang Xuexin was the battalion commander who was deeply trusted by the commander. Of course, Wang Xuexin's explanation was more useful.

Wang Xuexin saw that his appetite was almost whetted, so he said: "Our chief, after fighting for so many years, we are afraid of being poor, and we always worry about running out of ammunition. If we can have some ammunition... that's easy to say!"

Sun Erwei let out an "oh", and then stretched his brows: "It's easy, I'll transfer [-] rounds of ammunition immediately to apologize to the chief!"

I go……

Wang Xuexin cursed inwardly, this motherfucker is simply a local tyrant, and the first time he opened his mouth, there were [-] rounds of ammunition, which is usually the amount of ammunition for a division of the Eighth Route Army.

At the same time, Wang Xuexin was a little curious and asked, "Is it so convenient to transport ammunition now?"

Sun Erwei smiled and replied: "It's not that the ammunition is convenient to transport, but that we can get these small batches of ammunition from the recalcitrant army. On the other hand, we can compensate the full amount of aid and add some shipping costs!"

Wang Xuexin understood the meaning of Sun Erwei's words with an "oh".

Ammunition is often something that can't wait.

For example, the mountain troops need ammunition replenishment immediately on the battlefield. It is impossible to wait for Yingjiang to be transported from Asanna, right?

So Ying Jiang established such a replenishment mechanism, the ammunition was transferred directly from the Xi'an stubborn army, and it was transferred from one side to the other, and more could be added.

The stubborn army can also benefit from it, so there is not much to say.

Thinking of this, Wang Xuexin couldn't help cursing inwardly, these ammunition should have been given by the recalcitrant army, but now it takes a lot of trouble to get it.

Sun Erwei continued: "In addition, the food you requested was actually transferred from the stubborn army!"

"Food?" Wang Xuexin asked suspiciously, "You mean the 1000 million dollars in food?"

Sun Erwei nodded: "The stubborn army thought it was a pity to use such precious transport capacity to transport food, so they reached an agreement with us: they will provide the food we transship to you, and we only need to transport the equivalent for the stubborn army. Equipment and ammunition, this is equivalent to swapping, you have no problem with this, right?"

Wang Xuexin was a little speechless after hearing this.

For the Eighth Route Army, nothing has changed. Wang Xuexin will still get the food he wants.

The only change is that the stubborn army replaced food with equipment and ammunition.

There is nothing wrong with this approach. During the war, no one can tell whether food is more important or ammunition is more important.

Let’s say food is important, no one can survive without it.

Let's say that equipment is important. Without it, food cannot be kept.

It can only be said that what is missing is important.

Therefore, food is important to the Eighth Route Army, and equipment is also important.

Since the Yunnan-Burma Highway has not yet been blocked, the stubborn army has not yet reached the point of shortage of food, so there is a certain reason for choosing equipment.

The issue is……

Next year, the Burma Road will be blocked and there will be a famine in Henan.

Wouldn't the stubborn army who replaced food with equipment at that time have to regret their intestines?
(End of this chapter)

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