Chapter 564
What happened to the stubborn army is beyond Wang Xuexin's control.

Speaking of which, it is not the first time that the stubborn army has done such a stupid thing. Before the war, the stubborn army has raised a batch of funds that can be used to buy fighter jets.

But the recalcitrant army thinks that fighter planes are updated too quickly. If they buy a batch of fighter planes for training now, they will be behind by the time of war.

So I put the money in the bank, not only can I buy more advanced fighters, but I can also pay more interest.

What the stubborn army didn't expect was that buying fighter planes before the war and buying fighter planes after the war were completely different prices... Once the war started, everyone knew that China was in urgent need of fighter planes, so they raised prices on the ground.

The original export price of the fighter plane was only 10000 to 15000 US dollars, but when the stubborn army gritted its teeth and decided to form it, it was bought for 45000 US dollars. That is to say, if you buy one now, you can buy three or four.

That's all, because there are no pilots of this type of aircraft due to lack of training in advance, so they have to buy everything from the inside out, including the flight crew and ground crew, and these pilots have to treat them like uncles. I'm afraid it's not even ten times the money that was wronged.

Now, the stubborn army misjudged the situation again.

They don't know that there will be a large-scale food shortage in the country in the near future, so they even exchanged food for equipment...

Although this is a good thing, it cannot be said to be a good thing.

Let's say it's a good thing, the stubborn army is the deadly enemy of the Eighth Route Army, if he is short of food and hungry, he probably won't have time to block the Eighth Route Army.

It can't be said to be a good thing, but it is because in the face of the grand strategy of the cooperative war of resistance, it is not in the interests of the Eighth Route Army if the frontal defense line of the stubborn army collapses.

What's more, if the recalcitrant army is short of food, it will search the people more harshly, and it will be the people who starve to death in the end.

So Wang Xuexin made an attempt. He tried to use Yingjiang's influence to make the stubborn army not do it.

This is what Wang Xuexin said to Sun Erwei: "This is a deal between us, Sun Erwei. It should not have a third party involved!"

"But this has no effect on you!" Sun Erwei spread his hands: "I don't understand why you object!"

After thinking about it, Wang Xuexin found an excuse: "They may give us low-quality food, or mix it with stones, rice bran or other things. You know, we don't trust the stubborn army!"

"No, they won't do this!" Sun Erwei is very confident about this: "Because this is our deal with the recalcitrant army, we have already warned them, they can't make fun of a large number of military aid!"

Sun Erwei was right.

The stubborn army may do this to its own soldiers, and it may also do the same to the Eighth Route Army, but if it is a deal with Ying Jiang... even if they are given the courage to do so, they will not dare to do this. The resources and supplies on the other end depend on Ying Jiang Hold on.

Wang Xuexin also thought about asking Sun Erwei to tell the stubborn army to let them give up doing this stupid thing, but after thinking about it, he decided to forget it...

Although he has good intentions, it is impossible for the stubborn army to listen to the advice of an Eighth Route Army battalion commander, let alone believe that the Eighth Route Army battalion commander is really thinking about their interests for the sake of the overall situation. They will only think that the Eighth Route Army is obstructing them. Get more gear.

As the saying goes, "Heaven's evil is still forgiven, but self-inflicted evil cannot be lived", I'm afraid that's what he said, Wang Xuexin can only let it go.

The first thing Wang Xuexin did after the equipment arrived was to distribute them to the soldiers.

At this time, the training base has been transformed from a deserted forest into something, with a few huts built from branches, and scattered tunnels and bunkers in the mountains... This does not mean that Wang Xuexin is not willing to equip the mountain company with equipment , such as setting up a tent or something.

The point is that mountain troops usually have to cover their positions. If rows of tents are set up and the enemy can see them from a long distance, the loss outweighs the gain.

Mao Duzi couldn't believe it when he held the gun. He looked at Wang Xuexin in a daze, and asked, "Battle Commander, is this gun for us?"

"Of course!" Wang Xuexin replied, "Why don't I send it to you?"

Mao Duzi immediately cheered, only to see that the other soldiers were a little baffled.

Lao Qi grabbed the gun, looked it up and down, and asked, "What kind of gun is this? It's better than the 'Citigroup Official' we use?"

Mao Duzi replied cheerfully: "I said Lao Qi, you don't even look at what kind of gun our battalion commander is carrying on his back!"

"Then..." Lao Qi looked at the gun on Wang Xuexin's back, because Wang Xuexin carried a sniper scope on his back, so it still looked a little different.

But after taking a closer look, Lao Qi laughed: "It's the battalion commander's gun, only a small mirror is missing!"

With that being said, there is no need to explain further, the soldiers rushed forward to line up to get their guns after cheering.

It turns out that Wang Xuexin's gun has been famous for a long time, although Wang Xuexin has never even fought in actual combat after getting it... Although the Eighth Route Army says that it is normal for officers at the battalion commander level to go to the battlefield, it is normal for officers at the level of Li Yunlong to go to the battlefield in person. Hit it secretly, otherwise you will be punished by your superiors.

The problem is that Wang Xuexin has six companies and dozens of tanks under him. It is said that a battalion commander is actually better than a regimental commander... When the independent regiment had the smallest number of people, there were only a few hundred people, and it was no better than tanks or troops. Now Wang Xuexin has many camps.

So many troops need Wang Xuexin to command, and commanding them is too busy to fight, so there is no chance to fight on the battlefield.

But thinking about it later, Wang Xuexin thinks that the lack of opportunities to go to the battlefield is not because of the large number of troops.

Then Li Yunlong is still commanding a regiment. Didn't he personally lead a regiment to charge when he fought against the Yamazaki brigade?

The point is that Wang Xuexin is commanding a tank company. What can Wang Xuexin do?When a follow infantry?How about being a tank soldier?

Neither fit!
So most of the time, they can only stay in the headquarters to control the overall situation. At most, they just go to the front line with their guns on their backs to see the battle situation.

Even so, Wang Xuexin's rifle, which can fire eight rounds without pulling the bolt, still spread.

There is no other reason, just because the whole army only has Wang Xuexin... To be precise, it should be the only one in the whole of China. At this time, Yingjiang is helping China with Spring Field rifles, and even the Huaxia Expeditionary Army is equipped with a small amount in the later stage M1.

As the saying goes, "Things are rare and expensive", because they are rare, they will soon become known to everyone.

The soldiers of the mountain company would ask Wang Xuexin for this gun if they had nothing to do. Several people gathered around and cast envious eyes while admiring... The soldiers on the battlefield hope most is to have a good weapon , Just like a soldier in the cold weapon era has a sword, this will give people an inexplicable sense of security, and it is also identity recognition.

And at this time, the rifles they had dreamed of were actually in front of them, and they would be distributed to them... how could this not make them ecstatic.

(End of this chapter)

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