Chapter 565 Thomas

Major Thomas was very upset because he was reprimanded by Wilson and his superiors one after another.

Forget about Wilson, Thomas can take him as a casual remark, because he and Wilson are both majors, and Wilson has no right to restrict what he can do.

Thomas even made a plan. If Wilson speaks harshly to him again, he will punch Wilson on the chin... The Eagle Sauce Army has always been unfavorable to these intelligence personnel. They think that these intelligence personnel will only hide behind the scenes or Make a small report, but throw them soldiers to the battlefield to die.

But immediately afterwards, the Army sent another telegram to Major Thomas: "Do your job well, Thomas, other things are not within our scope of responsibility!"

Thomas squinted at Wilson who was not far away, and Wilson happened to be looking this way too.

Thomas secretly thought that this guy must have informed him, otherwise the superior would not be able to issue a different order at this time.

Thinking about it, Thomas gave Wilson a middle finger.

Wilson just smiled and ignored Thomas. He didn't want to be unhappy with his own people while in China. This was one of the reasons why he didn't side with Wang Xuexin at first...but later Wang Xuexin threatened to terminate the project, so he Had to choose sides.

Wilson took a few seconds to consider whether he should communicate further with Thomas and reach a consensus, but after thinking about it, he gave up.

This should be Wang Xuexin's trouble.

Wilson believes that Wang Xuexin can subdue this rebellious soldier.

Otherwise, this project is not worth looking forward to.

At this time, Major Thomas was recalling what Wilson said, and then asked his assistant, Captain Custer: "Do you know anything? He said that guy saved our country!"

The "that guy" that Major Thomas said was obviously Wang Xuexin, and Custer understood.

Custer is in charge of intelligence work and knows better. He was stunned when he heard this, and then asked, "Is that guy a battalion commander?"

"Perhaps he is!" said Major Thomas. "I don't see his rank!"

At this time, the non-main forces of the Eighth Route Army did not have military rank marks, and the emphasis on the equality of officers and soldiers meant that there was no difference in military uniforms, so Thomas didn't see it.

This has disadvantages as well as advantages.

The advantage is that the enemy on the battlefield cannot recognize which officers are unable to target.

The disadvantage is that if the troops are scattered, they don't know who to take command, which is not conducive to the troops' combat... because it is impossible to recognize who has the highest rank from the military uniform at a glance.

This is also the reason why stragglers usually have to report their identities to each other when they get together, or shout: "I am so-and-so, all follow my command".

Custer's eyes widened when he heard that Wang Xuexin might be the battalion commander. He leaned forward and whispered to Thomas, "Major, haven't you heard of the Huaxia battalion commander?"

Thomas couldn't help but suddenly realized, and then nodded thoughtfully, thinking that this should be the commander of the Huaxia Battalion, the legendary person who found out the weaknesses of the Devil fighters and gave advice to the aviation soldiers.

Major Thomas hadn't believed in this before. He thought it was just an excuse to spread rumors or to divert the devil's attention from the high-level.

Just kidding, how could a Huaxia battalion commander know about the fighter plane!

They don't even know what a fighter plane is. The top management should find a better excuse.

Major Thomas didn't take the matter to heart.

But now the Huaxia Battalion Commander is actually in front of him, and the intelligence personnel like Wilson are so important... Could it be that everything in the legend is true?
Thomas wasn't sure, and he couldn't be sure.

Thomas thought, "Let's see what you can do!"

It’s no wonder Thomas thinks so. He is one of the few veterans who participated in World War I... It has been 23 years since the end of World War I. Most of the soldiers who participated in that war have retired or are in the army due to old age. As an instructor training recruits, there are very few who are still serving in the army like Major Thomas.

This is also one of the reasons why the Army decided to send Thomas here. Having actual combat experience means that you can better learn and learn from tactics, otherwise it is just talk on paper.

Holding the mentality of "watching the show", Thomas took his subordinates to the training ground of the mountain company the next day... Major Thomas' task was to guide the mountain company to use these new equipment and perform maintenance and simple repairs. Of course, he went to the training ground necessary.

When Thomas arrived, he found that the Huaxia soldiers were already training, and the Huaxia Battalion Commander was squatting on the ground while drawing tactical diagrams with branches and talking.

Wang Xuexin, the old Qichao, raised his head and said in a low voice, "Battalion Commander, that white wolf foreign devil is here!"

Wang Xuexin turned his head and saw that it was Major Thomas. He gave Lao Qi a head-on reprimand when he turned his head: "Why are white wolves not white wolves? That's why people are nicknamed them? Be careful with what you say!"

Lao Qi replied with some grievances: "Battalion Commander, everyone wants command power, why don't we give it a nickname?"

Wang Xuexin ignored Lao Qi, got up and greeted Thomas, secretly wondering why the soldiers gave Thomas the nickname White Wolf.

Later, Wang Xuexin found out that the soldiers knew that Thomas wanted to command power, so they said that Thomas was an "empty glove white wolf", so he got this nickname.

But this is not quite right, he is not an empty-handed white wolf, he came here with equipment...

"Major Thomas!" Wang Xuexin stepped forward to say hello: "I heard that you have some Chinese blood, so you can speak Chinese?"

This is what Wang Xuexin inquired from Sun Erwei. Grandma Thomas is from China.

Thomas didn't answer. While chewing gum, he looked at the tactical movements of the soldiers on the training ground, and said casually, "It seems that you don't need our guidance, do you?"

"No!" Wang Xuexin replied: "Although its maintenance and maintenance are not much different from the Springfield rifle, but some details..."

"Don't worry!" Thomas interrupted Wang Xuexin: "These are things within the scope of our responsibilities, and we will finish them! But..."

After speaking, Thomas turned his head to face Wang Xuexin, and said, "Do you really think this kind of training is useful?"

"Is there any problem?" Wang Xuexin asked back.

Thomas shook his head slightly and laughed.

He couldn't understand Wang Xuexin's training method. The attack relied on snipers and riflemen, and this sniper...hasn't any country formed a team of two to share a sniper rifle. Isn't the sniper rifle not enough?

These Chinese people regard sniper rifles as treasures!

Then Thomas concluded: "If you go to the battlefield like this, it is very likely that no one will come back alive!"

(End of this chapter)

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