Chapter 566
"Really?" Wang Xuexin asked back, "How do you know?"

Wang Xuexin can actually understand Major Thomas. His tactical thinking is still at a relatively backward stage...Major Thomas participated in World War I, and World War II has not yet started for him, so most of his thinking is still in the trench warfare of World War I state.

At most, he was influenced by Hans' "Blitzkrieg" and abandoned passive defense, agreeing that active offense would be more advantageous strategically.

This historical limitation will make him unable to understand Wang Xuexin's modern tactics.

Sure enough, Wang Xuexin heard Thomas say: "First of all, I don't think you can suppress the enemy's firepower with rifles, grenades, and snipers. If you attack under such circumstances, you will pay a lot of casualties..."

"Does the major understand your opponent?" Wang Xuexin interrupted Major Thomas.

"What?" Major Thomas was stunned for a moment: "You mean devils?"

Wang Xuexin nodded and replied: "Most of the devils use Taisho 11-year machine guns, which is what we often call crooked handles, or 96-type light machine guns... But this is not the point. The point is that devils have less resources to go to war everywhere. So much so that their ammunition is not as abundant as yours, their combat thinking is to use the fewest bullets to destroy as many enemies as possible! Therefore, they pay more attention to the accuracy of marksmanship, rather than firepower like yours!"

Wang Xuexin turned his gaze to Thomas, and then said: "So, Major! Don't think of the enemy as yourself. This will make you misjudge the enemy you will face in the future, and it is a serious misjudgment. This may cause you And your soldiers cannot come back from the battlefield alive!"

Major Thomas blushed.

This point was corrected by Wang Xuexin. Major Thomas took it for granted that the imaginary enemy had the same firepower as the eagle sauce infantry, and then he ignored the large pile of shells and bullets of 21 when he started the battle.

"Another very important point!" Wang Xuexin waved his hands around, and added: "I think you also need to consider the combat environment. In such a mountainous area, it is common to have insufficient ammunition. I think you just need to shoot In a battle, you will not easily use machine guns to suppress the enemy's firepower, but will choose to use rifles!"

In fact, the reason is not only these.

It is true that machine guns can be used to suppress the enemy, but it is more suitable for places where the terrain is open and the angle of fire will not be blocked. Only in this way can the machine gun take advantage of the high rate of fire at one stop and ten.

But if you are in a mountain full of rocks and trees... the machine gunner's random shooting not only fails to hit the target, but also easily becomes the target of the enemy rifleman. At this time, the machine gun is far less useful than several rifles in different positions, especially semi-automatic rifles. .

"The question is, can you effectively suppress the enemy's firepower by doing this?" Thomas was still not reconciled: "For example, your snipers are actually in a team of two, why don't you let them each have a sniper rifle? There is no ammunition Is there a problem?"

The amount of ammunition used in sniper rifles is very small, and more than 100 rounds of ammunition are enough for a battle, so there is really not much supply pressure.


Wang Xuexin smiled, raised his head at a soldier with a sniper rifle, and said, "How about we test it?"

"Test what?" Thomas asked suspiciously.

Wang Xuexin waved to a soldier, took a Springfield sniper rifle from him and handed it to Thomas, and said, "You two have two sniper rifles, and the two of us have one sniper rifle. Let's see who Can hit more targets!"

Thomas looked at Wang Xuexin with incredible eyes, and said, "You are crazy, how could two sniper rifles lose to one sniper rifle?"

Wang Xuexin just smiled and didn't speak.

At this time, Sun Erwei came up. He saw Wang Xuexin and Major Thomas arguing from a distance, and hurried up three steps at a time, and asked nervously, "What happened?"

"It's nothing, Sun Erwei!" Wang Xuexin replied: "You came just in time, we are planning to compete with Major Thomas!"

"Competition?" Sun Erwei originally thought that Wang Xuexin's "competition" was a polite term, but after listening to Wang Xuexin's explanation, he realized that it was just a competition of marksmanship.

Then Sun Erwei also found this very interesting, because he did not believe that two sniper rifles would lose to one sniper rifle.

Sun Erwei, who was on Wang Xuexin's side, even persuaded Wang Xuexin: "Wang, do you really want to compete? You must know that the people they can send here are not easy to deal with!"

"I know, Sun Erwei!" Wang Xuexin replied, "Neither are we!"

"Okay!" Sun Erwei was a little helpless, and then confessed: "You have to choose a subordinate with good marksmanship!"

Wang Xuexin couldn't help laughing, it seemed that Sun Erwei should speak for Major Thomas.

But this seems to be normal, because this is just a competition at the level of marksmanship and has nothing to do with the honor of the two countries. Sun Erwei prefers Wang Xuexin to win for personal reasons.

When the soldiers heard that they were going to compete with the foreign devils in marksmanship, they were all eager to try. Seven or eight stood up and shouted:
"Commander, let me go!"

"Battalion Commander, let me go, and promise to defeat the foreign devils!"


In the end, Wang Xuexin asked a soldier named Chen Yuanxiang to cooperate with Mao Duzi.

Chen Yuanxiang is a well-known sharpshooter of the Mountain Company, nicknamed Hoe.

The reason is that when he came to the army, he brought nothing but a hoe... This hoe was his weapon. The village he was in was ransacked by devils, and Chen Yuanxiang beat a devil to death with a hoe alone and escaped. come out.

By the time Hoe returned, his hometown had been turned into ruins strewn with bones.

Since then, Hoe has become extremely calm, as if everything that happened around him has nothing to do with him, and he is only active when facing devils on the battlefield.

Wang Xuexin needs such a calm person, who is suitable for observation, analysis, and making the best judgment, because they think with their heads instead of speaking with their mouths.

Major Thomas played in person, along with a subordinate who was originally carrying a sniper rifle.

It can be seen that Major Thomas is very confident in this competition. He patted his subordinates on the shoulder with a smile and said, "Fight hard, Tom, show them some color!"

"Yes, Major!" Tom saluted the Major.

Several Yingjiang soldiers around cheered in unison to cheer up the two.

The four people from both sides of the competition briefly met on the field and then prepared separately.

The target is the random target set by Wang Xuexin at 300 meters... In fact, it is a chest target one by one, the kind that can be pulled up by ropes.

(End of this chapter)

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