Bright Sword Military System

Chapter 568 M1 Carbine

Chapter 568 M1 Carbine

The two-person sniper team was not just what Thomas and Sun Erwei saw.

Another advantage they have is their complementary firepower.

Wang Xuexin raised his head towards Maoduzi and Hoe standing in front of him, and explained: "The sniper rifle is characterized by a long range and high accuracy, but its disadvantage is that it has a slow rate of fire. Suppressing the enemy from within and at a distance will cause you to fall into a passive state..."

Major Thomas nodded approvingly.

This often occurs in actual combat. An excellent sniper does not have much advantage against more than three riflemen at a distance of 200 meters.

The reason is that the rifle has a high hit rate at a distance of 200 meters. The gap between the rifleman and the sniper is not big in this respect, but the enemy has the advantage of a large number, so the battle is overwhelming.

If, like Yingjiang, both snipers are equipped with sniper rifles, they often have only one option to retreat when facing a squad of enemies at close range.

But if the two men were equipped with sniper rifles and submachine guns respectively, the result is likely to be completely opposite.

Although the submachine gun is not very accurate, it has an advantage in firepower. A submachine gun can easily suppress a squad of riflemen. This can complement the sniper rifle's far and near match, so that the enemy cannot get close and is always being sniped one by one at a long distance. Gun wiped out.

Major Thomas was a little strange, he asked Wang Xuexin: "How do you know these tactics?"

Wang Xuexin half-jokingly replied: "Because I'm timid, Thomas!"

"What?" Thomas wondered if he had heard wrong.

The word "cowardly" is an insult to a soldier, and Ying Jiang is no exception, so he couldn't believe that Wang Xuexin would use this word to describe himself.

"You heard me right!" Wang Xuexin explained, "Because I'm timid, I racked my brains to live longer in this world. So..."

Wang Xuexin spread his hands, Thomas and Sun Erwei laughed at the same time.

From then on, Major Thomas, to be precise, all the Yingjiang soldiers put away their contempt for the Eighth Route Army.

Major Thomas sighed to Sun Erwei several times afterwards: "I always thought that we were at the top of the world, but today I realized that we are already behind!"

It's not that Thomas is underestimating himself.

At this time, Eagle Sauce is indeed very powerful. As I said before, economic strength, industrial capacity, science and technology... are all at the forefront of the world.

But this at the national level does not mean that it is also true at the war level.

Their army, especially the army, was still stuck in the rigid experience of World War I... In fact, most countries were in the mindset of World War I during World War II. The most typical one is Gaul. They built a famous Maginot Line of Defense .

This line of defense is a joke in modern times, but it is extremely popular in this era.

For example, Hans also has a corresponding Siegfried line of defense. In the later stage, there is also the Atlantic Barrier, and Mao Xiong is no exception. These are all passive defenses, and Maginot is just the fastest one among them.

But Wang Xuexin put modern tactics in front of Thomas... This is not a problem of generation gap, but a gap of several generations.

It's no wonder that Major Thomas couldn't understand it at first. When he remembered that he had sworn at the beginning that the Eighth Route Army would not be able to come back alive with this kind of tactics... he felt ashamed.

A few days later, the rock climbing equipment of the mountain company was delivered, so the training of the mountain company tended to be perfect.

In addition to field survival, physical training and platoon tactics, the training subjects include rock climbing, swimming, sneak attack, blockade and other subjects.

Among them, rock climbing and swimming are relatively new. The other subjects are actually the basic skills of soldiers, but they have been slightly adjusted due to changes in the environment.

Because time is tight... The reason why it feels time is because the headquarters keeps learning from the intelligence personnel that the devils are gathering troops on the north bank of the Yellow River for mountain training.

Mountain training is necessary for troops accustomed to plain combat or mechanized combat.

Because many of these soldiers even have problems marching in the mountains... Marching on the plains and marching on the mountains are two different things, and they use different muscles, just like people who can run may not be able to do squats.

Therefore, the headquarters can't wait for the mountain company of the independent regiment to be completed.

The chief said this: "We also want to train the most elite troops step by step to fight the enemy, but the battlefield waits for no one, and the enemy will not wait for us to prepare before attacking! We can learn while fighting, and when the time comes At least not unprepared!"

The chief of staff also nodded in agreement.

Therefore, Wang Xuexin’s method of forming mountain troops and the training subjects were quickly compiled into booklets and distributed to all troops for study... These tactics are not only used to form mountain companies, because the Eighth Route Army fights more in mountainous areas. The troops are learning too.

Two of the sniper teams are applicable to all troops, and it has spread throughout the army.

The integrated rifle grenade was urgently delivered to the first batch of fifty after two weeks.

This integration method is very primitive. It simply integrates the grenade launcher under the M1 rifle handguard, and then installs a pistol-like magazine and trigger... At this time, the eagle sauce grenade is launched by firing empty shells. Launch the grenade, so you need to add a magazine.

Wang Xuexin tried this gun, and it was indeed too heavy and inconvenient to operate as he had imagined before... Guns with integrated grenade launchers are generally light assault rifles. If you use the M1 Garand, which is not light in itself, to integrate Its weight will increase to be comparable to that of a light machine gun.

But there is no way around this, the intermediate transition type will be used!

But a few days later, Yingjiang found a way, and they shipped a second batch of integrated M[-] carbines.

The M1 carbine is much lighter, weighing less than five catties, and the grenade launcher is only a little heavier than the empty weight of the M8.7 Garand rifle. (Note: The empty weight of M[-] Garand is [-] catties)
Another thing that makes Wang Xuexin very satisfied is that the M1 carbine still uses 15 rounds of magazines, which is a very good equipment for self-defense with continuous firepower.

(Note: The purpose of the M1 carbine research and development is to use for self-defense of officers and logistics personnel)
Sun Erwei explained: "Wang, we haven't finalized this gun yet. It's a new weapon. It was temporarily put into use to meet your requirements with a grenade launcher. I hope it can satisfy you!"

"Thank you, Sun Erwei!" Wang Xuexin is very satisfied with the modification of this gun. Although the M[-] carbine has the problem of insufficient power and insufficient range, the gun grenade shooter itself only requires defense and self-defense.

If there's a downside, the M1 Carbine's cartridge is a quasi-intermediate power round between pistol and rifle rounds...which complicates logistics for the troops.

(End of this chapter)

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