Bright Sword Military System

Chapter 569 Middle Power Bullet

Chapter 569 Middle Power Bullet

The reason why Wang Xuexin is interested in the M1 carbine is because it can be said to be the forerunner of the modern assault rifle...

The more common saying is Hans's stg44, because STG44 is an actual assault rifle.

But in fact, it was Eagle Sauce who was the first to have the awareness of assault rifles.

The reason why Yingjiang developed the M1 carbine is that the bolt pull or semi-automatic rifles that are commonly used today are overpowered, with a range of 700 meters at every turn, and the effective range of the Springfield rifle even reaches 800 meters.

(Note: The effective range refers to the fact that the rifle can maintain a stable trajectory at this distance, and its scattering area is within an acceptable range, which can effectively hit the target)
But this effective range doesn't make much sense.

At a distance of 800 meters, even if an enemy with a height of 1.7 meters stands completely, it is equivalent to looking at a thin wire at a distance of one meter. It is very difficult to hit even with a sniper scope.

What's more, the vast majority of battles took place within a distance of 500 meters.

The conclusion drawn from this is that the bolt-action rifle is overpowered.

Firstly, it can’t hit, and secondly, there is almost no practical demand. The disadvantage is that the recoil force is so large that the rifle cannot be fired continuously... For bolt-action rifles, the rifle that can be fired repeatedly is a machine gun, and it is usually impossible to hold in the hand.” "Da da da" bursts of fire at the enemy (except for movies and TV).

Then why do you need this kind of gun and this kind of bullet?

To be more precise, wouldn't it be enough to leave such guns and bullets to machine guns and sniper rifles?

Is it pointless for ordinary soldiers to use this bolt-action rifle?

On the other hand, the pistol has an effective range of only 50 meters, which is too close for defense and self-defense, and the range of the submachine gun is only more than 100 meters...

Thinking about it this way, there is a huge gap in firepower between the range of more than 100 meters and the range of 800 meters.

In combat, too many soldiers need to endure the recoil and low rate of fire of rifles with a range of 800 meters to shoot targets at a distance of 300 to 500 meters.

So there is the concept of a modern assault rifle: reduce the power of the bullet so that the range is about 500 meters, because the power is reduced and the recoil is reduced, the rifle can be fired continuously to reach the maximum firepower output.

This is the so-called intermediate power bomb.

The M1 carbine is basically produced according to this idea. The problem is that its bullets are too powerful and the range is only more than 200 meters, so it is called "quasi-intermediate power bullet".

From this point of view, although Eagle Sauce has no combat experience, but because of the development of industry and technology, it is still a world leader in the design thinking of weapons and equipment.

When Wang Xuexin got the M1 carbine, the first thing he thought of was whether to tell Sun Erwei these things and then remind Yingjiang to produce intermediate power ammunition.

But after thinking about it, Wang Xuexin swallowed what he wanted to say.

First of all, because Eagle Sauce itself does not have much demand for assault rifles.

The reason why Hans can produce STG44 is because its standard rifles are either bolt-action rifles or submachine guns. There is no equipment to fill the huge gap in the middle, so there is a great demand for assault rifles.

But eagle sauce...

The M3 Garand semi-auto barely fills the void of insufficient firepower.

The M1 Carbine filled a gap in defense and self-defense capabilities.

Coupled with the configuration of machine guns in the Yingjiang troops, and the fact that before the war, artillery is usually used to bombard the enemy's positions for days and nights... still need to worry about the lack of rifle firepower?

More importantly, Wang Xuexin is actually selfish.

If this makes Yingjiang make an automatic rifle, will they use it in the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea?

We must know that in history, Yingjiang still commonly used M3 Garand, M1 carbine and M3 submachine gun known as the grease gun when fighting against the United States and aiding Korea.

If this is an automatic rifle... all these equipment can be eliminated.

Because the automatic rifle has the range of a rifle, the rate of fire and firepower of a carbine and a submachine gun, it only needs to be paired with a few sniper rifles and squad machine guns to be perfect.

On the other hand, if Yingjiang made an assault rifle, it would be something like the M16. This thing is difficult to maintain, has low safety, and can't fire at every turn. It is not suitable for the Chinese army.

Therefore, no matter for the sake of the present or the future, it seems that Eagle Sauce cannot be allowed to make an assault rifle in advance.

Then Wang Xuexin thought of Mao Xiong...

The assault rifle Mao Xiong made was an AK47. This weapon is easy to maintain and has high safety.

If this thing can be assembled in advance... then the combat effectiveness of the Eighth Route Army will be raised to a new level!

So Wang Xuexin didn't think much, got up and went to Androvich.

This should have gone to Lemon Lokoff.

However, Lemon Lokov has been ordered to return to Chongqing, and he handed over the contact to Androvich before leaving.

Major Lemon Lokoff explained: "Captain, maybe you know something about Comrade Battalion Commander?"

"What do you mean, Comrade Major?" Androvich said casually.

Androvich is not disrespectful to Major Lemon Lokoff, but he is very popular as an advisor in the Independence Regiment... Last time he drove a T34 in front of the Eighth Route Army and galloped into the Devils tank group He killed the Quartet, which made the tank soldiers of the Eighth Route Army regard him as a role model.

After this battle, not to mention Wang Xuexin and Li Yunlong, even the chief personally sent a telegram of thanks to Androvich.

All of these made Androvich and his bear consultants very useful. They found the feeling of being needed and valued here.

Therefore, Androvich was more casual in answering questions about Wang Xuexin.

"But of course!" Androvich then replied confidently: "He is my friend, Comrade Major! I know everything about him!"

"I mean his bazooka!" Lemon Lokoff criticized with a displeased expression, "Be serious, Comrade Captain! If you know the domestic war situation, you should know that the bazooka he invented is in the The country has played a big role, we have destroyed many enemy tanks with this equipment, and the enemy has nothing to do with it!"

"Yes, Comrade Major!" Androvich answered boldly.

After being told by Lemon Lokov, Androvich found that what he did in China seemed not worth mentioning.

Therefore, I should thank Wang Xuexin myself instead of the Eighth Route Army thanking him.

"One piece of equipment!" Lemon Lokov continued with an emphasis: "Just one piece of equipment has changed the domestic situation. Therefore, we must not let go of any opportunity to make a deal with Comrade Battalion Commander. Another mission for the military advisor. This is an order from the general, understand?"

"Yes, Comrade Major!" Androvich stood up and saluted: "For the sake of the motherland, we promise to complete the task!"

(End of this chapter)

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