Chapter 570 Trading
It was not easy for Wang Xuexin to find Androvich, because he was stationed with the tank troops in a mountain depression five kilometers away from Luotuo Ridge...

This is the trouble for the tank unit, they cannot be stationed on the mountain with the infantry and there is no need to be stationed on the mountain.

What if you are stationed on a mountain and you need to use tanks in the event of a battle?
Have to drive down the mountain?

Therefore, Wang Xuexin found a "U"-shaped col to hide the tank troops in it.

The soldiers built a complete tank tunnel here... That is, they dug a tunnel on the side of the mountain and hid all the tanks in it.

In this way, as if the specific location was discovered by the devil, the devil's plane could not pose a threat to the tank.

During this period of time, Gangzi led the tank troops here to observe and learn from each other, and of course discussed and practiced tank tactics with Androvich.

It took Wang Xuexin more than an hour to go down the mountain, and then rode to the station. He heard the sound of the tank's "rumbling" motor from a long distance... But the sound should be T26. The life of the T34 engine is too short, and the soldiers are reluctant to use it in practice. .

But this creates another problem, how can you win a battle if you don't train in peacetime?

Gangzi thought of a way, that is to use T26 for training, and the extra loader couldn't fit it in, so he tied it to the back of the tank to simulate loading... Although this is dangerous and the effect is not satisfactory, but the conditions are like this, there is no way.

As soon as Wang Xuexin rode his horse into the station, the soldiers sitting in the open space watching the driving of the tank stood up and saluted one after another.

Androvich, who was discussing something with Gangzi, waved at Wang Xuexin from afar and shouted, "Hey, Comrade Battalion Commander! Did you bring me some wine?"

Wang Xuexin couldn't understand what he was shouting, but he really brought wine... Just kidding, is it okay to come to Maozi without wine?

Therefore, after Wang Xuexin went down the mountain, he made a special trip to Yuncheng and bought two altars of roasted sweet potatoes, which were hanging on the back of the horse, one on the left and the other on the right.

Originally wanted to buy Fenjiu, but Wang Xuexin was so shy... The stubborn army hadn’t paid the Eighth Route Army for a long time, the regular army had no money, and the irregular army could only rely on themselves. I exchanged it with the cans handed over from the devils on the battlefield, so I had to use sweet potatoes to make up for it.

It's funny to say that Wang Xuexin still has millions of dollars in his account, but in real life he can't even afford Fenjiu.

But Androvich didn't care about these things. When he saw the thing Wang Xuexin was carrying, he rushed up like crazy and hugged it in his arms, and then looked around cautiously for fear that others would follow him. grab.

"Comrade Battalion Commander!" Androvich complained, "I like it here, but it would be nice if there was a ration of wine!"

Lao Fan followed up and translated Androvich's words to Wang Xuexin. Wang Xuexin just smiled and did not answer.

It is said that Mao Xiongna does have a rationed supply of drinks for soldiers, and those with higher ranks have more rations.

But this is basically impossible in the Eighth Route Army.

This is not just a matter of hardship in life, it may also be a matter of style of thinking:
"Others are saving every penny to contribute to the motherland, but you are spending money to enjoy it? This kind of tail of capitalism is undesirable..."

More likely a disciplinary issue:

"Drunk and fuzzy, how do you train and fight? What if the devil comes?"

But of course, Li Yunlong, the head of the regiment, can relax appropriately, but he is also under the supervision of Zhao Gang, and he is only allowed to drink three bowls of wine a day.

A few people walked into the tunnel that was used as an office. It was as dark as night, and there was a musty and sweaty smell.

Gangzi hurriedly lit the kerosene lamp on the table, wiped the dusty tabletop and bench with his sleeve, and said with embarrassment: "Battalion Commander, you sit down! This is the condition of our station, you can make it up!" "

Wang Xuexin looked around, nodded silently, and said, "You guys have worked hard!"

The conditions of the resident are indeed not as good as those on the mountain.

The mountain has been well-prepared by the stubborn army, and some places are still cement bunkers.

The tank garrisons are all newly dug garrisons, dark, humid, and the air is not yet circulated.

Wang Xuexin later heard that some soldiers could only sleep in the tanks because they were busy with training and did not dig enough tunnels.

Gangzi immediately laughed: "Oh, how can it be! What are you working hard for? The soldiers are guarding these tanks every day, not to mention how happy they are! They say that we live in a house worth tens of thousands of dollars, and enjoy it!"

Gangzi inquired about the price of the tank from Androvich. The unit price of the T26 is about 8000 US dollars, and the unit price of the T34 is 2.7... It is still the ex-factory price!

The price stunned the soldiers, and they didn't understand the concept of so much money after a long time of calculation.

But Wang Xuexin felt a little sad when he heard it.

Tank soldiers should have been treated better, but they are also scarce talents in the Eighth Route Army. If they cannot fight because of health problems or nutritional will be a big loss for the troops.

However, the conditions of the Eighth Route Army are like this. It is not bad to have enough food and a place to shelter from the wind and rain.

Now each army is responsible for its own survival. Although Li Yunlong has the income of selling salt, but with the expansion of the army, there are more and more mouths to eat. Now it is good to be able to balance the income and expenditure.

Especially now that the road of salting is no longer feasible...

This is a bit funny to say, because Yuncheng was not won before, and the salt lake in Yuncheng could not be used, so the high salt price was profitable from the fixed side.

Now we won the Yuncheng Salt Lake to collect salt for free, but as a result, the price of salt has fallen and the profit has been lost.

To be precise, it is not that there is no profit in mining salt in Dingbian, but that Dingbian salt is responsible for the supply to the west of the Eighth Route Army, and Yuncheng Salt Lake is responsible for the supply to the east...divided by distance.

Li Yunlong has been worrying for a while, and he was still scolding his mother two days ago: "Damn it, you took down Yuncheng after all the hard work, but cut off my money! In the future, the independent group 2000 What do many people rely on for food, they can't kill horses to eat meat, right?"

Wang Xuexin thought, this is not going to work, he should find a way to get some money.

But this is not the point at this time. Wang Xuexin untied the carbine on his shoulder and put it on the table, asking Androvich: "Look, how about this gun?"

Androvich picked up the gun curiously and fiddled with it, then he said to Wang Xuexin in embarrassment: "Comrade Battalion Commander, I am only interested in driving tanks. These small things should be reserved for the infantry!"

The words seem to look down on infantry.

It's no wonder that the T34 tank has speed, artillery, and thick armor. There is indeed a big contrast when playing with rifles.

But Wang Xuexin said: "I'm not letting you use this rifle, I just want to make a deal with you!"

Androvich shuddered when he heard the word "deal"... the task given by Comrade General.

(End of this chapter)

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