Bright Sword Military System

Chapter 572 Disputes

Chapter 572 Disputes
Although Androvich didn't understand Wang Xuexin's bullets and didn't have much hope, he reported to Major Lemon Lokoff immediately.

As soon as Major Lemon Lokoff received the telegram, he hurriedly reported to the General Counsel, and added: "This is the suggestion of the battalion commander of the Eighth Route Army, Comrade General Counsel! It is the battalion commander who designed the bazooka for us!"

"I know, Lemon Lokoff!" The general counsel looked at the documents in his hand without looking up.

At this time, Mao Xiong can only contact the recalcitrant army according to the agreement on the cooperation and resistance to the Huaxia strategy. The support and contact with the Eighth Route Army is almost only the Huaxia Battalion Commander, so as long as the general adviser of the Eighth Route Army is mentioned, he will know who it is.

After reading the information for a while, the general counsel raised his head in doubt, and asked Lemon Lokoff, "How could he design such bullets and guns?"

Lemon Lokoff replied: "It is said that he can get the blueprint of the M1 carbine from the eagle sauce, and then improve it based on it!"

The general counsel nodded.

If the design of bullets and firearms was completed independently, he would not believe it.

But if it is improved on the basis of the M1 Carbine, which is already a mature rifle of Eagle Sauce... that is still possible.

But this is already quite remarkable, if the Huaxia Battalion Commander can give the design he said.

Then the general counsel immediately realized the significance of this rifle to the bear, and then handed the information back to Lemon Lokov, and ordered: "Quick, send these to the country immediately. In addition, let Androvich agree to his conditions , we are very willing to carry out such cooperation!"

This made Lemon Lokoff a little confused, and he asked: "Don't we need to wait for a domestic consensus?"

"No, Lemon Lokoff!" the general counsel replied, "They won't know how important it is, they might even argue about it for months, and we can't wait!"

It turns out the general counsel was right.

When the information was passed to Mao Xiong, it did cause controversy within Mao Xiong.

At issue is the need to develop such a medium-range rifle in these trying times.

This may seem absurd.

From the perspective of modern people, this is undoubtedly necessary. Not only is it necessary, it will also eliminate more than half of other individual weapons, such as semi-automatic, carbines, submachine guns...

But people in this day and age think differently.

Those who hold opposing views mostly hold the following ideas:
"Our ammunition is insufficient, and the old rifles are not enough. Some troops even share a rifle with only a few rounds of ammunition. In this case, it will take manpower, material resources and precious time to develop this high-firing rifle. ?”

"We have people, but we have no weapons or equipment. So what we need is an old-fashioned rifle, which at least allows as many people as possible to have a rifle, not an increase in the rate of fire of the rifle!"

"Increasing the rate of fire of rifles will only consume more ammunition. As a result, more of us will have no ammunition, which will put more pressure on our factories and logistics!"


These claims seem plausible.

At this time, Mao Xiong was in the situation of moving the factory to the rear to avoid being used by Hans, so a large number of factories stopped production and the production capacity was seriously reduced.

In addition, the loss on the front line is very large... The loss on the front line is mainly because hundreds of thousands of troops are surrounded by Hans' pincer offensive at every turn. They either die in battle or surrender.

Although there are many soldiers urgently mobilized by Mao Xiong, the equipment and production capacity in stock cannot keep up, so there is a shortage of equipment and even a shortage of rifles.

If there are not enough bolt-action rifles, and even the bullets for this kind of rifle that can be shot and pulled, what is the point of producing automatic rifles that can fire continuously?
When the general counsel heard these objections, he slapped the table and cursed: "These idiots, they have no idea that the purpose of logistics and ammunition is to win the battle, and they are equipped to equip!"

The general counsel's words hit the nail on the head.

Opponents only think about having soldiers with guns and ammunition and throwing them into the battlefield, but they don't think at all that the reason why they equip these soldiers is to win, to defeat the enemy.

The same task on the same battlefield can be completed with one hundred soldiers carrying one hundred bolt-action rifles and consuming one thousand rounds of ammunition, then ten soldiers equipped with ten assault rifles can also be completed with one thousand rounds of ammunition.

Judging from the total ammunition consumption, it will not be much, and may even consume less ammunition, because the old-fashioned rifles cannot effectively suppress the enemy's machine guns, and a hundred soldiers will only die for nothing if they rush forward one after another. There was no chance of shooting, and the bullets remained in the body and could not be fired.

But assault rifles... Two or three people firing alternately is enough to overwhelm the enemy machine guns and win.

Therefore, those who think that the assault rifle will increase the logistical pressure and make the already overwhelmed production capacity worse are actually dead wrong...

The pressure of factories and logistics does not come from guns, but from the objective needs of the battlefield.

The purpose of war is to win, not to let soldiers have guns and bullets in their hands.

The reason is very simple, but there are still many people who don't understand it. It took the general counsel a while and energy to make reports and persuade.

This is not surprising, because of similar reasons STG44 has been ignored by Hans, so that the R&D staff had to change its name to MP43 or MP44 before it passed the review and then secretly sent this gun to the front... The result was one It was very popular when it was delivered to soldiers.

(Note: The number of Hans "MP" is a submachine gun, and the number MP44 is used to make people mistakenly think it is a submachine gun)

Wang Xuexin didn't have to worry about this, and Androvich responded happily immediately after receiving the call back: "Comrade Battalion Commander, the General Counsel has agreed to this transaction, and he hopes that you can come up with a preliminary design as soon as possible. Because the domestic battlefield needs this kind of equipment! At the same time, the general counsel also needs your design to convince domestic experts who have no strategic vision!"

"No problem!" Wang Xuexin nodded, and then gave the data of the bullet casually.

The data given is very simple, that is, length, caliber, bomb weight, charge and so on.

But don't look at the simplicity of these data, but there are university questions.

The reason is its charge, caliber, warhead weight, etc. It is necessary to ensure that the fired warhead has a range of about 500 meters... Just for this point, Mao Xiong scientists have spent several months using various calibers and various warheads. After trying the amount of charge, I finally got the intermediate power bullet used by AK47.

But all this was omitted because of the existence of Wang Xuexin.

"Let's develop bullets first!" Wang Xuexin handed over the data and said, "We will consider firearms after the bullet test is satisfactory!"

(End of this chapter)

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