Chapter 573 Samples
The general counsel was a little surprised when he received the bullet data.

Bullets are sometimes more difficult to design than firearms. The difficulty is mainly due to the concept of not knowing which caliber and charge are suitable for this rifle.

For example, if the amount of charge is small, the range cannot reach 500 meters, or the power is insufficient, then the expected combat effectiveness will not be achieved.

If the amount of charge is too much, although the power is high, the recoil will also increase, which will make it difficult to fire continuously and affect the rate of fire.

Therefore, it must be continuously analyzed through continuous experiments before being finalized.

Once it is finalized, it will affect the whole body: if the bullet has any defects, all firearms designed based on this bullet will be inherently deficient.

This is also the reason why it takes more than a year to develop a seemingly insignificant bullet with the industrial strength of Mao Xiong in history.

Therefore, the general counsel thought that the data given by the Huaxia Battalion Commander should be a complete set of experimental sample data, such as more than a dozen different calibers of medicine, and each has more than a dozen different sizes of charges... These sample data were sent to Domestic experts then experimented separately and analyzed its performance.

However, there is only one data given by Wang Xuexin, and it is very certain.

It was only later that Wang Xuexin realized that this was a loophole of his own. He should have given a few more wrong data and hid the useful one in it.

In this way, he would not let himself be suspected and save Mao Xiong's research and development time.

At this time, the general counsel was thinking:

"Only one sample?"

"If this sample is suitable, it means that the Huaxia Battalion Commander is very sure about various data. How can he be sure?"

"Does Yingjiang already have this kind of intermediate power bullet?"

"Impossible! If Ying Jiang has it, the Huaxia Battalion Commander only needs to trade with Ying Jiang directly. There is no need to make a big detour to trade with us!"

"Then why?"

The general counsel sent the sample data to the country with doubts.

He thought to himself, maybe it was a wrong data given by the Huaxia Battalion Commander but he didn't know it!

However, the test results that came from China a few days later surprised the general counsel: "The data of the bullet is very ideal. It can basically guarantee a range of 500 meters. The penetration, recoil and other aspects are very satisfactory. This should be a It is a mature bullet, we even feel that it is redundant to test it, and it is estimated that it can be put into production immediately!"

The general counsel couldn't help being surprised when he saw the telegram, and he said to Lemon Lokoff in disbelief: "It's impossible! How could he know these data, I mean, how could he be sure of this without doing any experiments..."

"Maybe they have these experiments!" Lemon Lokoff replied: "He's a weapons expert, and he's working with Eagle Sauce, just like they did bazooka!"

What Lemon Lokoff said has some truth. Things like rocket launchers can be developed, which shows that the Eighth Route Army has certain research and development capabilities.

But the general counsel is still dubious, because it is not logical.

At this moment, the correspondent reported: "General Counsel, the Devils have launched an attack on the Burma Road!"

The general counsel glanced at the telegram with some regret.

Just now, the General Counsel had the urge to go to Zhongtiao Mountain to talk to the Huaxia Battalion Commander in person.

But the devils launched an attack in the direction of the Burma Highway... At this time, the main force of the Huaxia Expeditionary Force is using bear equipment. Of course, the general counsel must pay attention and make suggestions at an appropriate time.

Wang Xuexin also received news.

The news was told by Sun Erwei to Wang Xuexin.

At that time, Wang Xuexin had just received 1 M[-] anti-aircraft guns bought from Ying Jiang, and there were [-] rounds of shells along with the anti-aircraft guns.

Wang Xuexin is not interested in seeing the real thing at all... Isn't anti-aircraft guns like that?It’s not surprising for a long time, it’s enough to know the data and performance.

What's more, these anti-aircraft guns were directly transported to the anti-aircraft artillery unit commanded by the chief of staff. To see them, you have to climb several hills!Can't go back and forth for a day.

But Li Yunlong is different.

As soon as he heard that the anti-aircraft gun had arrived, he opened his eyes wide and asked, "Is it the kind of gun that can shoot down the devil's plane?"

"Yes!" Wang Xuexin nodded.

"Worth two million dollars?" Li Yunlong asked again.

"Yes!" Wang Xuexin looked at Li Yunlong's envious expression, and guessed that he was calculating how many big cows he could buy with the money.

Then Li Yunlong said with heartache: "I said Xiaobei, such a valuable thing, why don't you give us a hand first?"

"Regimental Commander!" Wang Xuexin replied, "We are infantry, and few of us know how to fire this kind of artillery..."

Wang Xuexin is not talking nonsense, anti-aircraft guns are not the same as ordinary artillery.

The main reason is that the anti-aircraft gun needs to be fixed at a certain height, especially the M1 anti-aircraft gun has a range of 19 kilometers, and the targets are more things beyond the visual range.

Therefore, in combat, it is necessary to estimate the target height, estimate the target speed, adjust the detonation time, and so on.

Li Yunlong let out an "ah" and said with a distraught expression: "I know that, but these millions of dollars... you have to give us some benefits, right? You don't know, our independent group recently It’s hard to get rid of the pot, we big guys are so poor that we tighten our belts and starve, but you are better off, you can give away millions of dollars of equipment..."

So Wang Xuexin understood that Li Yunlong wanted to gain some benefits by plucking the wild goose.

Although this sounds a bit ironic, Wang Xuexin can understand it. Otherwise, what should we do about the food problem of more than 2000 people in the independent group?Shouldn't it be Li Yunlong's rectification here and there?
As Li Yunlong said, he really rushed to the anti-aircraft artillery camp with the guards.

Later, he really asked him to bring more than 1000 catties of rice to the "wrong"... This is quite sad to say, if the daily ration is half a catty of rice, more than 1000 catties of rice is enough for the independent group to eat for a day.

So Wang Xuexin was thinking about the previous question again, should he find a way to make money for the independent group?
Otherwise, going on like this is not the way to go, here you have to fight and train, and there you have to solve the problem of survival by yourself!
But what can be done on this Zhongtiao Mountain?

Open up wasteland and farm?
Farming on the mountain is too difficult, and there are stones everywhere, which belongs to the thankless kind!
Engage in a mine?
This is contracted by the headquarters, and it belongs to the army's military lifeline industry, and each army cannot operate privately!
It might be a solution to beat salt in Yuncheng Salt Lake, but if more people beat it, the profit will definitely decrease!
Just when Wang Xuexin was thinking wildly, Sun Erwei came in, and while raising the telegram in his hand, he said worriedly: "Wang, the devils have launched an attack on the Yunnan-Burma Highway, and the sun never sets is as hopeless as you said!"

(End of this chapter)

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