Bright Sword Military System

Chapter 574 The Loom

Chapter 574 The Loom

Wang Xuexin said "Oh" and asked, "Did Stilwell see it?"

Sun Erwei nodded and handed the telegram to Wang Xuexin, but he took it back halfway.

"Sorry!" Sun Erwei said, "I haven't translated yet."

Wang Xuexin smiled to express his understanding.

In fact, Wang Xuexin knew what was going on without reading the telegram.

The reason why Stilwell in history failed to discover the sinister intentions of the never-setting sun is because they pinned all their hopes on the never-setting sun, so they would have an obsession: "We can only choose to believe that the sun never sets, Otherwise it's all over!"

Under this kind of obsession, Stilwell and even the entire Eagle Sauce government unreservedly believed in the army on which the sun never sets, as if they had fallen into the trap of pyramid schemes. They almost believed what Alexander said.

But after Wang Xuexin's reminder, Stilwell looked at the army on which the sun never sets with suspicion.

It's easy to see the problem when you look at it:
Why did the army on which the sun never sets withdraw its mobile units to the second line before the war?

Shouldn't these troops be deployed on the front line and ready to counterattack at any time?
Unless you plan to retreat from the very beginning, you are worried that these mobile units will be dragged or surrounded by the enemy!
Why did the officer who never sets the sun secretly move the headquarters back?
Aren't they very confident that they can block the enemy's attack?
Unless they're lying, they don't think they can hold it or even want to hold it!

Why didn't the artillery be transferred to the front line when the sun never sets?

Isn't the farther the artillery fires, the more beneficial it is to the army on which the sun never sets?

Unless Alexander knew early on that this was a meaningless battle!

Stilwell scolded "fuck it", and then immediately contacted the Chinese Expeditionary Force, reminding them to be careful about their flanks, the army on which the sun never sets is likely to retreat early.

Then he sent a telegram to Sun Erwei, saying: "His judgment is correct, but we seem to be unable to change anything!"

Things are indeed as Stilwell said, and this battle really can't change anything.

Even if Stilwell had prepared beforehand, it was no exception.

The reason is simple, the entire west is a garrison where the sun never sets, and the army will retreat all the way to give up their positions to the enemy, so this battle is doomed to have no hope of victory from the very beginning.

Wang Xuexin called back: "I just hope to minimize the losses of the Chinese army!"

Stilwell replied, "I'll do my best!"

Indeed, one could only do one's best. This battle was beyond the control of Stilwell, a nominal commander. Moreover, the battlefield was changing rapidly, and no one dared to say that he could "control".

"We are too optimistic about this battle!" Sun Erwei sat in front of Wang Xuexin with some frustration, and said, "Wang, if this is the case, didn't you expect the consequences it would cause?"

"Consequences?" Wang Xuexin was taken aback for a moment, and then realized the meaning of Sun Erwei's words: "You mean the Yunnan-Burma Highway has been completely blocked?"

Because this is something that has already happened in history, and even so, Huaxia did not perish because of it, so Wang Xuexin behaved very calmly.

This made Sun Erwei a little surprised. He shrugged and said, "Yes, of course it is this one! Wang, although this is a battle of stubborn troops, you can't be so casual, can't you? The blockade of the Yunnan-Myanmar Highway is likely to lead to The total collapse of the stubborn army, and the complete collapse of the stubborn army will cause the Eighth Route Army to be alone, you Chinese people have a saying..."

"The lips are dead and the teeth are cold?"

"Yes, it's just lips and teeth!" Sun Erwei is worthy of being an intelligence officer who has been in China for many years, and he knows a few idioms.

"So!" Sun Erwei said, "Don't you guys do something?"

"What can we do?" Wang Xuexin asked back.

At this moment, Sun Erwei was stopped.

What Wang Xuexin said was right. The Eighth Route Army was mainly distributed in Shanxi and Hebei, and relied on the mountains to deal with devils.

"Okay!" Sun Erwei said helplessly: "Then what are your plans? I mean, the Burma Road is about to be blocked!"

"Of course!" Wang Xuexin said, "Send the $1000 million in food as soon as possible, and besides..."

Wang Xuexin suddenly remembered the independent group's "do-it-yourself food and clothing", so he said: "Sun Erwei, I want to import a few looms, look..."

"Loom?" Sun Erwei stared at Wang Xuexin with wide eyes in surprise.

At this critical moment, others are scrambling to transport guns, cannons, and ammunition, but Wang Xuexin is thinking about either food or looms... This makes people feel that Wang Xuexin is not fighting a war, but more like a businessman.

But how could Sun Erwei, who has been under the superior conditions of Yingjiang all the year round, understand the sufferings of the Chinese people?
Wang Xuexin believes that when the external channels are blocked and it is difficult for materials to enter China, the real visionary people often need the most basic human needs, not bullets or equipment.

In the final analysis, the basic needs of people are four words: "food, clothing, housing and transportation".

In fact, what is related to survival is food and clothing.

People often say "sufficiency and clothing" refers to these two things... If the problem of food and clothing is not resolved, it will kill people, and they are the basis for continuing to fight against the enemy.

That's why Wang Xuexin took Yingjiang's $1000 million loan to buy food without any hesitation.

With these grain reserves and the Eighth Route Army organizing land reclamation and farming everywhere, at least the Eighth Route Army will not have any major problems in the next few years, even if there is a catastrophe in Henan.

The problem of fullness is solved, and the rest is the problem of "warmth".

Although the winter in Shanxi and Hebei is not as cold as in the Northeast, it is still common for people to freeze to death.

The Eighth Route Army organized wasteland farming and also planted cotton... This is Wang Xuexin’s suggestion when he issued border area currency before. The Eighth Route Army used various methods such as tax cuts, subsidies, and small loans to encourage people to grow cotton. It has been small in scale.

The problem is that the efficiency of hand-spinning cotton and weaving cloth is too low, and the cloth made of cloth that consumes a lot of manpower and time can only be worn by a few people in a family... Will there be problems when the disaster in Henan breaks out?

From this general perspective, Wang Xuexin believes that the Eighth Route Army needs looms at this time.

To be precise, it is not a "need", but an "urgent need", it's just that others have not seen this crisis.

Of course, Wang Xuexin, who traveled from modern times, must be forward-looking.

Looking at it from a small perspective, if the independent group has a few looms... wouldn't there be a way to make money?
What worries will Li Yunlong have at that time?
As long as the woven cloth is sold, won't the money flow in?
Thinking of this, Wang Xuexin nodded firmly and said, "Yes, it is the loom! If possible, I plan to buy ten looms!"

(End of this chapter)

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