Chapter 577
The anti-aircraft artillery battalion has its own chief of staff.

Although it is not easy to control the anti-aircraft gun, it is not difficult if the target is preset.

If it doesn't work, use the knowledge of trigonometric functions to measure the actual distance clearly, and then calculate the shooting height and delay time according to the flight speed of the shell.

These are just a matter of time and manpower. The Eighth Route Army has never been short of these, and after this measurement, the fight must be more accurate than estimated.

Wang Xuexin took the time to train the mountain troops, and sometimes even gave lessons to the observation groups sent by other troops... These observation groups were used by other groups to learn mountain tactics.

The chief formed a total of five mountain companies in Zhongtiao Mountain, and the total strength is 170 people based on 850 people in each company.

The equipment Wang Xuexin obtained from Yingjiang can equip 1000 people.

But equipment needs to be redundant, such as rock climbing equipment, integrated grenade launchers, etc. If there is any damage, it needs to be replaced, otherwise it will affect the combat effectiveness.

The remaining 150 sets of equipment are exactly 5 sets of equipment for each of the five mountain companies, so it is not a big problem to fight a battle.

Just as Wang Xuexin and the soldiers were actively preparing for the battle, they received a piece of information that surprised everyone.

This day, Wang Xuexin is training the retreat tactics of the mountain company.

Retreat tactics are even more important for mountain companies than offense.

The reason is that special forces are most afraid of being entangled with conventional forces... For example, the mountain company in Wang Xuexin's hands, they have more advanced equipment or selected soldiers, and after a period of training, the time cost, equipment investment, etc. The cost and so on are several times that of a conventional army. What they seek is to exchange the smallest cost for the greatest results. They are more like a strategic army, rather than exchanging several with the enemy's conventional army at the tactical level. It doesn't make any sense to do that.

Therefore, every time the mountain troops fight, they must seek to fight quickly and retreat quickly. Even if they cannot complete the task, they should "retreat quickly" for the next attack.

The rapid withdrawal of modern special forces is very simple. As soon as the helicopter arrives at the assembly point, it will leave the battlefield.

There are no helicopters in this era, and the only way to retreat is to use the terrain.

Wang Xuexin explained to the soldiers in class: "Under normal circumstances, the only way to retreat is to run faster than the enemy! But this is actually the most unwise way to retreat, because we may not necessarily run faster than the enemy. Hurry up, and if we fight deep into the enemy's hinterland, the enemy will easily surround our army and our army can only sit and wait for death!"

The soldiers nodded their heads in agreement. They had encountered this kind of thing more than once or twice in guerrilla warfare.

"Battalion Commander!" A soldier asked suspiciously: "If you can't get rid of the enemy by running fast, how can you get rid of the enemy?"

These words immediately caused a rush of answers from other fighters:
"We can hide!"

"You can also pretend to be ordinary people or puppet soldiers! I have done this several times!"

"If it doesn't work, you can leave a few soldiers behind for cover!"


The soldiers of the mountain company are experienced in many battles, and most of them deal with the enemy's guerrillas. Of course, they know many tactics.

But these answers did not satisfy Wang Xuexin.

After Wang Xuexin and other soldiers calmed down, they said: "Comrades, mountain warfare is very different from guerrilla warfare in the past. We usually attack targets in squads and sometimes even companies. Fighting should not be suitable for hiding in caves or tunnels, right?"

After thinking for a while, the soldiers nodded in agreement.

In the past, the reason why guerrilla warfare against the enemy could be "hidden" in the mountains was because the troops were broken into pieces after entering the mountains.

The so-called fragmentation is dispersal. For example, when an independent regiment enters a mountainous area to fight guerrillas, more than 1000 people are all scattered in the huge mountainous area in squads or even groups. A few are hidden here, and a few are hidden there, so that the enemy cannot search... ...This kind of search is like looking for a needle in a haystack. It costs a lot of troops, not to mention the results are small, and you will be attacked by the enemy unexpectedly.

But the combat method of the mountain company is different.

The mountain company requires troops to gather together to form a force to complete a more difficult goal, and sometimes even hold a certain point, such as a bridge, a high ground, etc.

The nature of these tasks determines that mountain companies cannot hide in the mountains by "dividing into parts".

Wang Xuexin continued: "If the enemy has wolf dogs, it will be very difficult to disguise, right?"

The soldiers nodded again.

Many of them have suffered from this. Wolfhounds don't need to track specific targets, they only need to recognize the smell of blood and gunpowder... People who have fought on the battlefield basically have these two smells on their bodies. Can't wash off.

Wang Xuexin also said: "As for how many soldiers are left behind to cover... our entire company does not have more than 170 people. After deducting battle damage and casualties, if we leave a few more soldiers to cover every time we retreat, how many can we fight? A battle?"

The soldiers fell silent after hearing this.

It is common to leave a unit behind to cover the retreat of the main force during guerrilla or even conventional warfare, but if even such elites in mountainous areas have to do this, the price will be too high.

Lao Qi couldn't help but asked in doubt: "Battle Commander, what else can we do to get rid of the enemy?"

Wang Xuexin only answered two words: "Rope!"

Others were a little puzzled when they heard it, and only Mao Xiaozi said "Oh" and replied: "The battalion commander said, let's use rock climbing equipment to get rid of the enemy?"

"Almost!" Wang Xuexin nodded and came to a conclusion: "For every mission, we should design our own escape route. There are many terrains in the mountains that we can use, such as cliffs, rivers, broken walls, deep ditches, etc. If the ropes are set up in advance on these terrains and manpower is left behind, our army can pass quickly while the enemy is helpless, and sometimes even use these terrains to turn defeat into victory. This is also the difference between mountain companies and guerrillas! Otherwise, we Why call it a mountain company, might as well call it a guerrilla brigade!"

The soldiers nodded after hearing this. They always thought that the purpose of practicing rock climbing skills was to sneak attack on the enemy. Now, after hearing what Wang Xuexin said, they realized that it has become a tactic.

Obviously, if these tactics are used properly, the combat effectiveness of the mountain company will immediately rise to a new level.

While the soldiers were discussing, Chen Songyong came in and handed a telegram to Wang Xuexin, reporting in a low voice: "Batalion Commander, the information just received shows that Japanese planes and artillery fire bombed the recalcitrant army on the south bank of the Yellow River. In addition, they are still preparing The raft seems to be forcibly crossing the Yellow River!"

"Forcibly cross the Yellow River?" Wang Xuexin looked at Chen Songyong in disbelief. Shouldn't they attack Zhongtiao Mountain?

The devil's move stunned Wang Xuexin.

(End of this chapter)

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