Bright Sword Military System

Chapter 578 Lead the snake out of the hole

Chapter 578 Lead the snake out of the hole
In the meeting room of Dahuai Village, Wang Xuexin saw Su Xin unexpectedly, and asked in surprise and joy, "Director Su, why are you here?"

The group leaders around immediately booed for a while, and Su Xin was so blushed that she couldn't speak.

Fortunately, Li Yunlong was on the road, staring at the cadres who were booing and scolding: "What's your name? The couple have been busy for several months and haven't seen each other. You all look at each other with jealousy. What's the matter? If you have the ability, take one by yourself!"

The cadres didn't argue with Li Yunlong, they just laughed "hehe".

Li Yunlong raised his head at Su Xin carelessly, and said, "Director Su, just say what you have to say, you say yours, we say ours, anyway, we vulgar people don't understand anything!"

The cadres laughed again.

This made Su Xin even more unable to speak, and only whispered to Wang Xuexin: "I will tell you later, let's start the meeting!"

Then he ran away and hid in a corner.

After a while, the chief and the chief of staff walked into the conference room. The chief's face was very solemn, as if something bad had happened.

Sure enough, after the chief of staff raised his hand to signal the cadres to be quiet, he said: "Comrades, not long ago we confirmed a piece of information that Sun Liangcheng, the deputy commander-in-chief of the Hebei-Chahar War Zone, led more than [-] people from his troops to surrender to the Wang puppet government! "

These words immediately caused an uproar in the conference room.

Wang Xuexin didn't know Sun Liangcheng very well. As a modern person, he was familiar with the heroes of the War of Resistance, but he couldn't name a few traitors who surrendered to the devils.

It was only later that Wang Xuexin found out that this Sun Liangcheng was considered a celebrity in this era, because he was once one of the "Thirteen Taibao" and one of the "Five Tiger Generals" of the Feng family, and he was also highly valued in the stubborn army.

Li Yunlong asked a little strangely: "I said, is this Sun Liangcheng's brain kicked by a donkey? At this time, the devil who surrendered, even if he didn't think about his family and country, he should think about himself. The devil who surrendered now has a few days left." Have a good time?"

Wang Xuexin understood what Li Yunlong said.

If you said that you surrendered to the devils before and became a traitor, you thought that Huaxia could not defeat the devils and went to get rich and live.

But at this time, the devil has already started a war with Yingjiang. Everyone knows that the devil will lose sooner or later. Under such circumstances, what is the purpose of leading troops to surrender to the devil?
As a result of doing so, not only will they be branded a "traitor", but when the devils are defeated, they will be liquidated.

(Note: Sun Liangcheng has not been liquidated, and the stubborn army continued to reuse these Wang puppet generals after the war)

Therefore, this decision should be said to be very unwise.

The chief of staff explained: "I heard that this is the case. Originally, Sun Liangcheng was supposed to be appointed as the commander of the No. 60 Ninth Army, but he was temporarily replaced by someone else. Sun Liangcheng refused to accept it, so he led his troops to join the devils!"

Hearing this, Wang Xuexin understood that it turned out to be a power and factional struggle within the recalcitrant army.

This is the virtue of the stubborn army. It is okay if the war is tense, and there will be less internal factional struggles... If the war eases a little, the struggle will surface immediately.

But no matter what, you can't choose to surrender to the puppet Wang, especially the deputy commander-in-chief of such a theater. Once you surrender, you will bring all kinds of information that is beneficial to the devils and cause a great blow to the morale of the stubborn army.

Thinking of this, Wang Xuexin understood, no wonder the devils planned to forcefully cross the Yellow River to fight against the recalcitrant army.

The chief continued the words of the chief of staff and said: "The impact of this incident is very bad. The devil immediately appointed Sun Liangcheng as the commander-in-chief of the second front army, with a total force of more than [-] people. The devil's bombing of the south bank of the Yellow River is likely to hope to pursue the victory Defeat the stubborn army!"

After a pause, the chief added: "We also received a piece of information, saying that the devils discussed whether to attack Zhongtiao Mountain or the stubborn army first. The result they got was that it was obviously more cost-effective to attack the stubborn army..."

"That's right!" Li Yunlong continued proudly: "It's easy to fight the recalcitrant army and has the equipment to confiscate it. It's tough to fight the Eighth Route Army. It's not only difficult to fight, but also jingling poor. There are only a pair of broken straw sandals all over the body. Take it!"

The chief nodded slightly and said: "It's almost the same reason. Another point is that the devil has obtained a lot of valuable information from Sun Liangcheng. If this information is not used for a while, it will be invalidated under the adjustment of the stubborn army. So, now It can be basically confirmed that the devils have turned their target to the recalcitrant army!"

There was a lot of discussion in the conference room. Some people thought that this was a good thing for the Eighth Route Army, because if the devils had to deal with the recalcitrant army, it meant that they would not be able to launch an attack on Zhongtiao Mountain for the time being, so that Zhongtiao Mountain would have more time to prepare.

Some people think this is not a good thing, and Ding Wei is one of them.

Ding Wei got up and said: "If the devils successfully cross the Yellow River, our army's attack on the devils on the north bank of the Yellow River will no longer exist. On the contrary, our connection with the stubborn army may be completely cut off, including the transportation route with Xi'an." We may also be bombed and threatened, and we may completely lose contact with the outside world! Therefore, I think we should cooperate with the stubborn army to make it impossible to take care of both ends!"

The head of the hospital agreed with this: "It is necessary to infuse drips, the problem is how to infuse!"

The chief of staff pointed at the map with a baton made of fine bamboo and said, "If we want to fight, we have to go south from the favorable terrain of Zhongtiao Mountain to attack the devil's rear line of defense. This area is mostly plains, not our army's stronghold. On the one hand, all our training and preparations during this period were aimed at mountain warfare in Zhongtiao Mountain..."

Speaking of which, the chief of staff turned his attention to Wang Xuexin.

The mountain troops were formed by Wang Xuexin, and there were also anti-aircraft artillery tactics, etc., targeting either the mountains or the vicinity of Yuncheng. If this was temporarily pulled to the south of Zhongtiao Mountain, all preparations would undoubtedly be in vain.

The chief went on to say: "This is probably one of the devil's goals, to separate our army from the recalcitrant army, so as to prevent our army from obtaining more supplies through the recalcitrant army and even cooperate with them. So today we invited the directors of all the arsenal factories to Come, let’s discuss and discuss what equipment we urgently need or will urgently need in the future, in case the recalcitrant army loses the battle and lets the devils succeed, there will be difficulties in transportation!"

So Wang Xuexin understood why Su Xin was also called to the meeting.

Zhang Wanhe stood up and raised his head, then turned his gaze to Wang Xuexin, and said: "We have discussed this matter. If we want to talk about what is lacking in the future, I think Xiaodongbei should be the most able to talk! We are now... I feel satisfied, I have never seen so many such good equipment, how can I be dissatisfied?"

So everyone turned their attention to Wang Xuexin again.

Wang Xuexin hesitated for a while, then got up and said: "Chief, I think we may be thinking wrongly. This may be the devils trying to lure the snake out of the hole, and their goal is Zhongtiao Mountain!"

(End of this chapter)

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