Chapter 579 Smoke
"Or Zhongtiao Mountain?" The chief couldn't help being surprised when he heard the words, and asked, "How do you say it?"

"Chief!" Wang Xuexin analyzed: "First of all, it is an intelligence issue. The information provided by Sun Liangcheng may indeed be valuable, but if the devils really plan to forcibly cross the Yellow River to attack the recalcitrant army, will they make Sun Liangcheng openly surrender? Keep people like Sun Liangcheng in the recalcitrant army Wouldn't it be more effective if the interior becomes a dark game?"

In this way, the cadres in the conference room also understood.

"That's right!" Li Yunlong nodded and said, "There are more than 6000 people who surrendered to the devil with Sun Liangcheng. The devil can completely let Sun Liangcheng send the information secretly, but on the other hand let people like Sun Liangcheng act as internal responders. When the time comes, the internal and external will cooperate...the stubborn army Aren’t we going to be defeated like a mountain? Why do you have to make such a big battle, as if you’re worried that others won’t know?”

Kong Jie objected: "Maybe Sun Liangcheng doesn't have the time and conditions to do this without these people. For example, the stubborn army has become suspicious of Sun Liangcheng..."

"There is no such situation!" The chief of staff interrupted Kong Jie: "Sun Liangcheng had sufficient preparation time, and they even sang a double reed with the puppet army!"

It turned out that Sun Liangcheng and others also felt that it would be embarrassing for the devil to surrender like this, and also worried that not many of his subordinates would surrender, so they secretly communicated with the puppet army to let the puppet army surround his garrison, and then Sun Liangcheng used the strength of the puppet army to persuade himself to surrender Subordinates...

Seeing that Sun Liangcheng was about to surrender, his subordinates had no fighting spirit, so they could only surrender with him.

Among them, several troops agreed on the surface but quietly fled with the troops after the meeting.

For example, the chief of staff Fu Eryu, the commanders of the regiment Duan Haizhou, Sun Xingzhai, etc., otherwise more than [-] people would have surrendered.

Since Sun Liangcheng had so much time and opportunity to communicate secretly with the devils and the puppet army, naturally there is no such thing as no time or opportunity to conspire, and it would be very suspicious for the devils to do so.

Ding Wei stood up and said, "After being told by Xiao Dongbei, I also think this is probably a devil's conspiracy. Comrades, do you still remember how the devils attacked when Zhongtiao Mountain was in the hands of stubborn soldiers?"

Others didn't understand what Ding Wei meant for a while, but the chief understood. He nodded and said, "The devils also used this trick to bomb Xi'an and even released false news that they would cross the Yellow River to attack Xi'an!"

As soon as this came, there was a "coax" in the meeting room.

Li Yunlong couldn't help scolding: "My good guy, this little devil is planning twice, but we are still fooled and can't see through it. If Xiaodongbei didn't remind us, we would still want to go out of Zhongtiao Mountain to support the stubborn Jun, if you really fight like this... then you will fall into the trap set by the devils!"

The chief of staff shook his head and sighed: "The devil's move is not incomprehensible. If he copied it mechanically and repeated it like the last time, we wouldn't be fooled no matter what. But they used Sun Liangcheng's surrender to set off a smoke bomb, and we will take advantage of it." I was so deceived that I didn't know where I was!"

Su Xin didn't speak from the beginning to the end. She looked at the chief and Wang Xuexin from time to time, and couldn't believe what she saw was true.

As the factory manager, Su Xin held various meetings quite often, but the scene of such meetings was far beyond Su Xin's imagination.

Originally, she thought that a battalion commander like Wang Xuexin should bury his head in taking notes most of the time during meetings, or that he would respond to tasks assigned by the chief, and at most just raise some opinions.

Unexpectedly, Wang Xuexin was actually the protagonist of the meeting, and a simple sentence turned the whole meeting in another direction. It can even be said that seeing through the enemy's conspiracy saved the troops from a big loss.

Is this... something a battalion commander can do?

Zhang Wanhe noticed Su Xin's surprised look, so he leaned over and whispered, "Xiao Su, don't underestimate Xiao Dongbei. This is not a rare thing. You will know after a few more meetings!"

Su Xin looked at Zhang Wanhe in astonishment, and asked, "Director, you was the same in previous meetings?"

Zhang Wanhe let out a "hey" and replied, "Just grab someone and ask, which meeting is not like this? This little Northeast is just like that... clever calculations, whether it's fighting or equipment, or doing business, it's all important." It’s right to say it!”

Then Zhang Wanhe confessed in a low voice: "I said, Xiao Su, you have to hurry up, a character like Xiao Dongbei, don't let him run away!"

"Director, you..." Su Xin was ashamed and happy at the same time. She didn't know how to answer for a while, so she could only lower her head and remain silent.

Looking at Su Xin's appearance, Zhang Wanhe couldn't help feeling anxious secretly.

Of these two guys, one is too busy fighting the war, and the other is busy with endless things in the arsenal, but neither of them takes the initiative... When will it be possible to eat wedding candy?Can this old bone still be obtained?
Then Zhang Wanhe felt a little helpless.

The war is so tense, and these two guys are both in very important positions, how can they have any time to spend the next month!

It's really hard for them.

At this time, the chief spoke again: "The analysis made sense by comrades, and the chief of staff and I were also fooled. If Xiaodongbei hadn't woken up in time, the consequences would have been disastrous!"

"Chief!" The chief of staff continued, "Shouldn't the topic of the meeting be changed to discuss how to deal with the devil's attack?"

The chief nodded: "In other words, it should be imminent for the devils to attack Zhongtiao Mountain, and all troops should be prepared for defense. I estimate that the devils will probably attack Zhongtiao Mountain with a multi-pronged approach, one of which is to send spies to disguise The second is for ordinary people to infiltrate Zhongtiao Mountain, and then they can quickly disintegrate our army's Zhongtiao Mountain defense line with internal and external attacks like fighting stubborn troops!"

"It's not easy to defend!" Ding Wei said worriedly: "The defense line of Zhongtiao Mountain is more than 200 kilometers, and there are deep mountains and dense forests everywhere. If you pretend to be ordinary people, you can go anywhere and disappear without a trace."

"This requires us to organize the people!" The chief of staff said: "There are many people living in the Zhongtiao Mountain area. We need to get in touch with them and mobilize them to establish a communication mechanism. Once we find any strangers or suspicious persons , they can report to us and keep abreast of their movements!"

Wang Xuexin nodded secretly.

The Zhongtiao Mountain stationed by the Eighth Route Army and the Zhongtiao Mountain stationed by the Recalcitrant Army are two different things.

Although the stubborn army has many troops and well-equipped equipment, they do not have the support of the people.

The Eighth Route Army is the opposite of the Recalcitrant Army. Their strength is not as strong as the Recalcitrant Army, and they are inferior to the Recalcitrant Army in terms of equipment and supplies.

But the Eighth Route Army has an absolute advantage in terms of people's hearts.

Because of the aspirations of the people, the people living on Zhongtiao Mountain could easily become the eyes and ears of the Eighth Route Army or even helpers.

Therefore, the devil still wants to play with the trick of "infiltration warfare", but I'm afraid it will not be so easy.

(End of this chapter)

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