Bright Sword Military System

Chapter 580 Impulsive

Chapter 580 Impulsive
After the meeting, Li Yunlong and Wang Xuexin were about to leave, but they were stopped by Zhang Wanhe.

"Hey!" Zhang Wanhe walked quickly to the side of the bag and said, "I'm talking about Lao Li, the meeting has not yet started after the general meeting!"

Li Yunlong stared, and replied: "Old Zhang, don't interrupt me, I am in a hurry to go back and assign tasks!"

Zhang Wanhe replied, "It's important for you to assign missions. Isn't it important that we have such equipment?"

Speaking of Zhang Wanhe, he winked at Li Yunlong, and quietly nodded to Su Xin, who was standing under the eaves and looking at this side silently.

Then Li Yunlong understood what kind of medicine Zhang Wanhe was selling in this gourd. He sat down on the side of the bag and said to Wang Xuexin, "Go and come back!"

"Yes!" Wang Xuexin replied, and quickly ran towards Su Xin.

At this time, Su Xin couldn't care about other people's eyes, and hurriedly took out a pair of fur gloves from her satchel and handed them over, with a bit of worry on her face: "Here, I'll knit it for you, wear it to see if it fits!"

Wang Xuexin responded, took the gloves and put them on, they were neither too big nor too small, they were warm from fingers to heart.

"Are we going to fight again?" Su Xin asked anxiously, "You have to take care of yourself on the battlefield..."

Before he finished speaking, he was suddenly pulled into his arms by Wang Xuexin.

At that moment, Su Xin's mind was "coaxing" like a wooden man who didn't know what to do.

Although Wang Xuexin's action is not too much, it is still a bit abrupt to do so in this era and with so many people around him watching.

In fact, even Wang Xuexin didn't know why he did this.

Recalling this moment afterwards, Wang Xuexin felt that it might have been due to time constraints, or maybe the pair of gloves, plus a part of the mentality of going to the battlefield...

No one can say for sure where the battlefield is. Even if Wang Xuexin is still a battalion commander after a long battle, there is no guarantee that he will come back alive.

When facing Su Xin, a thought flashed in Wang Xuexin's mind: "Will this be the last time I see Su Xin?"

Perhaps because of this thought, Wang Xuexin hugged her into his arms on impulse.

Wang Xuexin thought that there would be booing around, but what was strange was...the commanders and fighters walking back and forth around him acted as if they hadn't seen what they were supposed to do.

After a while, Wang Xuexin confessed, "Take care of yourself", then turned around and jumped on the bag and galloped away without looking back.

This was the first time that Wang Xuexin had the desire to stay, and he almost wanted to ask Li Yunlong for a few days off.

Wang Xuexin believes that if he does this, Li Yunlong will be allowed to leave.

Because Wang Xuexin hasn’t had a vacation for nearly a year since he came to this world... This is second, the army in this era basically has no "holidays" at all, because most people regard the army as their home, and even if they have vacations, they can where?

The point is that Wang Xuexin has made so many credits, so it's not too much to exchange these credits for a few days of vacation, right?

But Wang Xuexin knew he couldn't do this.

If you ask for leave, what will happen to the tank company in the army?
What about the Mountain Company?
What about the combat plan of the independent regiment?
If Wang Xuexin is just an ordinary soldier in the army, asking for a few days off may not have much impact, but Wang Xuexin has a pivotal position in the independent regiment. If he asks for leave, it may directly affect the morale of the army...

On the running satchel, Wang Xuexin's tears flowed freely against the wind, cursing over and over again in his heart: "This damn war, damn devil, why would he invade other countries when he is living well here? If They know they will lose in the end, and doing so will only harm others and themselves, will they still choose war? If you just tell them the result, will it end this war?"

But of course, this is just Wang Xuexin's extravagant wish.

Humans are very strange animals. Sometimes they look very smart, but sometimes they are completely irrational and have to fight to the death before they are reconciled.

Li Yunlong didn't speak from the beginning to the end. He just patted Wang Xuexin on the shoulder when he got off the car, and comforted him: "Fifth Battalion Commander, let's fight the devils! Don't worry, this daughter-in-law can't escape. After driving the devils out of the house, I, Li Yunlong Make the decision for you, let's marry Director Su in a glorious manner!"

"Thank you, head!" Wang Xuexin replied.

Li Yunlong said very seriously, Wang Xuexin could see that he was not joking, but a promise to Wang Xuexin.

As soon as he returned to the battalion headquarters, Wang Xuexin received two pieces of information.

One was sent by Sun Erwena.

"King!" Sun Erwei sent up a telegram translated into Chinese, and said angrily: "The army withdrew before the sun set, and it was withdrawn without informing the Chinese army or Stilwell! It is unimaginable, Before the battle, these cowards actually arrogantly asked for equipment and supplies in the attitude of a victor, and ran faster than rabbits regardless of their allies as soon as the gunshot fired! Fuck it!"

Wang Xuexin knew this would be the result for a long time, and he was not surprised when he heard this information. He just asked: "Have you sent out the 'gift' that General Stilwell gave to the devil?"

"Sent it out!" Sun Erwei nodded: "But I haven't received the result yet!"

Just as he was talking, Sun Erwei's communication soldier sent a telegram, and Sun Erwei clenched his fists happily when he looked at the phone: "Great, king! We just came out with information, and at least one of the devils from the brigade died for 'unknown reasons' Food poisoning! This delayed the pursuit of the devils, and the Huaxia army successfully jumped out of the encirclement through this gap!"

Wang Xuexin secretly breathed a sigh of relief, this can be regarded as his doing his best for the powerful team of the Huaxia Expeditionary Army.

However, the road ahead is still full of difficulties, and it is up to them whether they can pass the test smoothly.

Another piece of information was reported by Chen Songyong.

"Battalion commander!" Chen Songyong said: "The mountain company found some suspicious traces during the field survival training..."

This immediately aroused Wang Xuexin's vigilance and asked, "Who discovered it?"

"Deputy company commander Zhang Li!" Chen Songyong replied.

Zhang Li is a cat. His long-term hunting life has made him good at following and observing. If he becomes suspicious... then there is probably something wrong.

Wang Xuexin took the telegram and looked at it, and then ordered: "Let Mao Duzi come to the battalion headquarters, right away!"


More than an hour later, Mao Duzi appeared in front of Wang Xuexin, panting... The training was basically a little distance from the battalion headquarters, and more than an hour was considered fast.

"What's the situation?" Wang Xuexin asked.

"Report to the battalion commander!" Mao Duzi replied breathlessly: "The other party...covered his tracks on purpose, and there are... traces of bayonets and engineer shovels."

So Wang Xuexin understood why Mao Duzi was suspicious.

The troops of the Eighth Route Army do not need to cover their tracks at all.

And bayonets and sappers... This again determines that they are an army.

(End of this chapter)

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