Bright Sword Military System

Chapter 581 Infiltration War

Chapter 581 Infiltration War
The cat calf has developed a habit when hunting. When there is nothing to do, he will observe and analyze the plants and shrubs that have been cut down or some traces of human treatment.

He said this to others: "How can we hunt with these rifles that we use now? We use bird guns, which are made by ourselves. In fact, they are iron pipes filled with iron sand bullets. Small game can be slightly larger. Most of the prey can only be wounded, and it runs faster than you. At this time, you have to follow its trail and chase after it. Therefore, you have to be able to distinguish which branches are crushed by it and which are not, otherwise it will not be long. Just lost..."

(Note: Bird gun is the collective name for matchlock guns in this era)

Mao Duzi talked about these things in a set way, and he couldn't finish talking for days and nights.

The suspicious traces were found this time because of Maoduzi's habit. Others didn't take a mound of dirt on the road seriously, but Maoduzi found it strange and took out his engineering shovel to dig up the mound.

There is nothing unusual after digging, just a pile of traces after a fire.

The soldiers all felt that Mao Duzi was too sensitive. From time to time, there were people or hunters picking mountain goods on Zhongtiao Mountain. Isn't it normal for them to leave some traces?

But Mao Duzi picked out a few unburned branches and handed them to Lao Qi, saying: "Company commander, look at this incision, it was cut with a sharp military thorn. Ordinary people don't use military thorns, they usually use them sickle or hatchet!"

What this means is that military thorns are actually not suitable for use in the mountains. They are used for killing people, not for picking or chopping firewood.

"There are still these pits!" Mao Duzi put aside the sand and soil, revealing the traces of digging with hard tools, roughly measured it with the palm of his hand, and said, "This should be the Type 98 engineering shovel commonly used by devils..."

Hearing this, Lao Qi couldn't help being taken aback, and asked, "Are you sure? I said you're a cat, you can't talk nonsense!"

"Company commander!" Mao Duzi replied in embarrassment: "How can you be sure? I just guessed from the traces. But our matter... what if I guess right?"

Lao Qi thought it was right.

And looking at the traces, it really looks like a military thorn and an engineer shovel.

This is not a trivial matter, which means that there is a possibility that devils have entered Zhongtiao Mountain without them knowing.

So Lao Qi reported the matter.

Wang Xuexin went to the regiment headquarters to find Li Yunlong immediately after listening to Mao Duzi's detailed report.

At that time, Li Yunlong actually got wind of it. When he returned to the regiment headquarters, he told Zhao Gang about the meeting, and Zhao Gang gasped.

"Old Li, you mean..." Zhao Gang asked, "The devil's target is still Zhongtiao Mountain?"

"It's probably not wrong!" Li Yunlong put his legs on the kang, and while holding a wine bowl, he sipped reluctantly and replied: "I always felt that something was wrong before, but I understood it when Xiaodongbei said it, devil It’s still playing the old tricks. And it’s very likely that troops will be sent to infiltrate like the stubborn army!”

"Old Li..." Zhao Gang replied: "I chatted with the 'principal' for a while a few days ago. He said that there have been more businessmen coming and going recently. It's gone! Do you think it will be..."

These words made Li Yunlong unable to drink the wine that was brought to his mouth. He looked up at Zhao Gang and said, "Old Zhao, what do you mean... these businessmen may be devils?"

Zhao Gang nodded and said, "I didn't think much about it at the time. I thought it was because our Eighth Route Army collected less taxes and drove away the devils, so there must be more people who made a living from salt. Now that I think about it...we were still in Zhongtiao Mountain. They haven’t gained a firm foothold yet, and the devils are still thinking about counterattacking here as a battlefield, how can the number of merchants soar..."

This time Li Yunlong couldn't sit still anymore, he stood up from the kang and walked around on the ground.

After a while, he frowned and said, "You little devil, you really did the same trick a second time. But having said that, this is really a big ball of thread, it's hard to wrap!"

It's no wonder Li Yunlong said that. They discussed the issue of pretending to infiltrate when they were at the headquarters, and the Eighth Route Army can actually do very little.

You can't send troops to check the merchants in the past, can you?
It is common for stubborn troops to do this. They are not investigating devils, but are strictly investigating whether these businessmen are hiding supplies that the Eighth Route Army urgently needs in order to achieve the goal of blocking the Eighth Route Army.

If the Eighth Route Army did the same thing, it would be very difficult to find out the reason for not mentioning the disturbance of the people... Those devils in the mainland advance team have the same speech and living habits as the Chinese people, they are just interrogating and asking where What can be found!
Or keep people from doing business?
This is even more impossible. In order to restore productivity and commercial circulation as soon as possible, the Eighth Route Army encourages and supports the people to do business after the battle. If there is a possibility of spies sneaking in... then when will it be released?

It is even more passive to rely on the people to report. You can only wait for the information and rely on luck.

Just when Li Yunlong and Zhao Gang were thinking about what to do with this matter, Wang Xuexin came to him.

"Regimental Commander!" Wang Xuexin said as soon as he entered the door: "The devil has probably already made a move!"

"You came just in time!" Li Yunlong said, "I'm going to tell you about this too!"

Once the two sides exchanged the information they got, they became even more convinced that the devils had sneaked in.

Li Yunlong raised his head and said to Wang Xuexin: "I said Xiaobei, isn't it time for the mountain troops you trained to play a role? Isn't the cat calf good at tracking? Find these devils and destroy them!"

"Regiment commander!" Wang Xuexin replied helplessly: "This is not what the mountain troops do!"

Li Yunlong stared, and asked: "Aren't you doing this or what? Raising soldiers for a thousand days and using them for a while, we eat and drink this mountain continuously, and you tell me now that he can't do it?"

Wang Xuexin didn't know how to answer.

There is a modern saying that "the best way to deal with special forces is special forces".

If this sentence is used to describe Li Yunlong, there is nothing wrong with what Li Yunlong said. The devils infiltrated can be said to be special forces, and of course it is special forces that deal with them.

When this is actually wrong.

The best way to deal with special forces is actually conventional forces, because what special forces fear most is entanglement with conventional forces.

The correct statement should be that the best way to deal with special operations is special operations.

The special operations here should be to know an important target of the enemy and have detailed information, and send the mountain company to hit it with one blow, instead of using the mountain company as a search team like Li Yunlong said... This is not just an overkill, It puts the mountain company in danger and passiveness.

Because it is easy to hide in the mountains, but trying to find it is like looking for a needle in a haystack.

This has been an unequal competition from the start.

(End of this chapter)

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