Bright Sword Military System

Chapter 582 Intelligence War

Chapter 582 Intelligence War

In the end, it was Zhao Gang who rescued Wang Xuexin.

Zhao Gang said to Li Yunlong with disgust in his eyes: "I said, Lao Li, we are all people who are used to fighting guerrillas, and don't understand the principles of guerrilla warfare?"

Li Yunlong didn't understand the meaning of Zhao Gang's words for a while, so he asked back: "What's wrong with fighting guerrillas? You can't fight devils if you're used to guerrillas?"

Li Yunlong got angry when he got anxious, but Zhao Gang didn't care about him, and explained calmly: "Old Li, when we fight guerrilla, if one company hides in the mountains, how many people will the devils need to search us? Now it's the devils' turn." We're fighting a guerrilla with us, and you let Xiaobei a mountain company find them?"

Hearing this, Li Yunlong couldn't help saying "Oh", and nodded to express his understanding.

The devil's infiltration warfare is in many ways similar to the guerrilla warfare of the Eighth Route Army. If there is anything different, it is that the infiltration warfare has a clear goal. Their task is to cooperate with the main force to attack, while the guerrilla warfare has no specific goals. They have more The most important thing is to find fighters every minute.

But thinking of this, Wang Xuexin had an idea.

"Regimental Commander, Political Commissar!" Wang Xuexin said, "If we fight guerrillas, even if the devils send ten times as many people, it won't matter, but for this infiltration war...the devils will still target our garrison in the end!"

As soon as Li Yunlong heard it, he immediately understood what Wang Xuexin meant: "This is reasonable. If you can run away, the monk can't run away from the temple, and the devil hides and hides. In the end, they are not going to attack our defense line? So we don't have to look for it. Will find us too!"

There is a saying "If you don't want to be strong", guerrilla warfare is completely invisible because there is no specific target, but the infiltration warfare of the devils is different. They have goals.

Another meaning of having a goal is that they have to act sooner or later, otherwise there is no point in infiltrating the defense.

But Zhao Gang is still pessimistic about it.

"The problem is that we don't know where their target is or when they will attack!" Zhao Gang pointed to the map and said, "Zhongtiao Mountain is nearly 200 kilometers away. Judging from their tactics of attacking the stubborn army last time, they may not necessarily Directly attack the defense line, but attack the stubborn army's logistics, arsenal, field hospital, and cooperate with the main force to block the supply line and so on."

"This is what we need to prepare!" Wang Xuexin took a few seconds to sort out his thoughts, and then replied: "First, we must use false information to confuse the enemy!"

This is for special operations that always require accurate intelligence and formulate combat plans based on intelligence... Once the information the devils get is false or even a trap intentionally released by the Eighth Route Army, the rash attack of the devils will only make them completely annihilated.

Intelligence warfare should be the cheapest and most effective tactic.

Wang Xuexin further explained: "For example, the supply line, we can divide it into two during normal times and wars, or secretly prepare a backup supply line, and change the supply line immediately no matter where the battle starts during wartime... This will at least disrupt the devils The battle plan increases their chances of being exposed, and at the same time creates opportunity for us!"

Li Yunlong nodded slightly: "Yes, yes, if they ambushes on the supply line and don't want to be discovered by us, they can only take advantage of the dark to gather and lurk on both sides of the supply line. If we temporarily change the route, hehe... the devils can only go in the original I'm staring blankly!"

Wang Xuexin continued: "Another example is the hospital. We can secretly add firepower points or even bunkers and tunnels. For arms, we can set up fake warehouses and so on. In short, there are a lot of real and fake ones, so that the devils don't know where to start. The point is We must keep our mouths tight, otherwise we will toss a lot of things and leak the secrets by ourselves, then it will be a waste of time and even suffer heavy losses!"

In this regard, Wang Xuexin has confidence in the Eighth Route Army.

Although each of the Eighth Route Army's faces were jingling and poor, they still had nothing to say about their will to fight.

In fact, it is precisely because the life of the Eighth Route Army is difficult that the overall will to fight is stronger.

This can actually be proved by contradiction:
It was also fighting against devils during the War of Resistance, why did people insist on living in the poor team of the Eighth Route Army instead of being paid in the recalcitrant army?Even after being jointly blocked by the devils and the recalcitrant army, there were tens of thousands of people who did not give up. In the end, they were able to "do it yourself and have enough food and clothing" to make a comeback!
If you only consider material comfort, it is unimaginable to choose the Eighth Route Army.

Therefore, most of the commanders and fighters of the Eighth Route Army are people who are for ideals and for the real war of resistance. The team they form together is of course more united and more tenacious in fighting.

On the other hand, the recalcitrant army’s policy of passive resistance is obvious to all, which determines that those who choose to join the recalcitrant army think more about material conditions than spirit and ideals.

Today they chose the stubborn army for material things, and tomorrow when the devil spies put high-ranking officials and rich salary in front of them, of course they are more likely to be swayed... Didn't Sun Liangcheng go to the devil as the commander-in-chief of the front army?

Moreover, he still did this when he knew that the devil would lose sooner or later. It can only be said that he is not only soft-boned but also short-sighted.

Therefore, the strategy of intelligence warfare will basically not work in the recalcitrant army. Today a wartime supply line is set, and tomorrow a map with this line will appear on the devil's desk.

But this is not the case for the Eighth Route Army. If the intelligence war is fought well, it will be able to get twice the result with half the effort against the devil's infiltration war.

Zhao Gang thought for a while, then nodded and said: "This method is feasible, and I think the whole army should implement it. It can be said to be preparation. On the other hand, we must remind ourselves that we must not relax at any time during wartime. Always be vigilant against the enemy!"

As a political commissar, Zhao Gang has a habit of raising things to another level and becoming the norm.

But of course, small things go by like thousands of years, and there is nothing wrong with being vigilant at ordinary times.

"After the intelligence war, we can still make some targeted arrangements." Wang Xuexin said: "For example, we can imagine ourselves as devils..."

"Pretending to be a devil?" Li Yunlong glared at Wang Xuexin, then smiled and said, "No one wants to do that!"

People in this era are simple and honest, but they actually hate devils deeply, so even pretending to be devils or pretending to be devils will be regarded as a shame.

Wang Xuexin said: "If no one is willing to do it, let the Shandi Company come! Only in this way can we find as many loopholes in our army's defense line as possible... Maybe the devils also discovered these loopholes?"

Before Wang Xuexin finished speaking, Li Yunlong waved his hand and said, "Then it's done, you guys will continue to work in the mountains!"

Wang Xuexin had a feeling that Li Yunlong seemed to be waiting for his words.

(End of this chapter)

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