Bright Sword Military System

Chapter 585 See Through

Chapter 585 See Through
These are not tactics that Wang Xuexin came up with himself, but tactics he knew in modern times.

When it comes to special operations, the most frequent, most mature, and cruelest is the Ten Years Laoshan War.

At this time, the enemy has neither the ability nor dare to attack on a large scale, and Huaxia has no desire to attack... Huaxia actually uses old mountains to train its troops in rounds, and sends them to actual combat in groups to get rid of some of the bad habits of the troops and realize the power of the army. modernization.

(Note: China's million-dollar disarmament was during the Laoshan round of war)

In this special situation, the enemy and the enemy both sent small troops to each other to harass, sneak attack, infiltrate, as well as lurk, dig holes, snipe, etc., and fought for ten years.

In the past ten years, China, as a big country, has become stronger and richer as it fights, and the enemy can't afford it at all... A country that can consume devils, Gauls, and eagle sauce one by one has been consumed by China. Can take the initiative to seek peace.

At that time, Huaxia's tactics against infiltration warfare were so simple and direct. They used landmines to seal off the positions, and laid mines outside the positions like throwing beans. This made the Laoshan area the place with the highest density of landmines in the world after the war. became a big problem.

Wang Xuexin directly used these tactics to deal with the devils in Zhongtiao Mountain, and then asked the mountain troops to look for the loopholes in these defenses from the perspective of the devils, so he was sure.

Xie Baolin contacted the headquarters immediately after discussing with Wang Xuexin.

The chief asked directly: "Do you think Xiaodongbei's tactics can be realized? Will it be effective after implementation?"

Xie Baolin replied conservatively: "Boss, Xiaodongbei's tactics can be realized quickly in a short period of time. As for whether they are effective, I'm not sure. This will have to be tested in actual combat. However, we have no other better way!"

The chief discussed with the chief of staff and felt that what Xie Baolin said made sense.

The chief of staff added: "If even Xiaodongbei can't find a better way, maybe there are only these stupid ways!"

So the document was immediately issued from the headquarters, and the troops stationed in Zhongtiao Mountain immediately got busy.

Usually when there is nothing to do, they organize infiltration drills. When doing ideological work, the political commissars also added slogans such as "calm and calm", "victory will belong to us", "don't mess around"...

These slogans can actually play a role in actual combat.

For example, if you yell a lot in normal times, you will remember the sleep talk over and over again. When you are nervous and your head goes blank during the war, you will naturally think of these words, so you have no idea and don’t know how to do it anyway, so just follow the slogan and do it. ?

This is actually a conditioned reflex, which can maintain the discipline of the troops as much as possible.

When the Eighth Route Army started intensive training, Neiji Okamura panicked.

Neiji Okamura really had the idea of ​​"leading the snake out of the hole".

In fact, Sun Liangcheng's surrender did not bring much valuable information... This is due to the fact that the stubborn army's internal work is not strict enough, and the devils can easily detect the information they want to know.

For example, devils know Zhongtiao Mountain like the back of their hands.

The reason why Ningji Okamura wants to use Sun Liangcheng is because he hopes to use Sun Liangcheng as an example... Those who surrender to the empire can get high-ranking officials and generous salaries. Shouldn't other stubborn army commanders also consider it?
On the other hand, Neiji Okamura hoped to use Sun Liangcheng's surrender to convince the Eighth Route Army that his target was the recalcitrant army and not Zhongtiao Mountain.

Therefore, Neiji Okamura even sent fighter planes and troops to cooperate.

But Okamura Ningci waited and waited and found that the Eighth Route Army did not respond at all.

Neiji Okamura was sitting at his desk and thinking about this issue while looking at the information. As a general, he remained calm and dignified, but Yoshio Shinozuka couldn't sit still anymore. He anxiously gave the frontline troops another The phone call was a telegram, and occasionally yelled at the staff: "What's going on? The Eighth Route Army hasn't moved yet. Is your attack not strong enough..."

Yoshio Shinozuka's logic is: as long as the recalcitrant soldiers are cornered, they will ask the Eighth Route Army for help.

In fact, you can't say "help", to be precise, it should be "command".

Because the Eighth Route Army at this time was a unit under the stubborn army system, it was only natural that the stubborn army ordered the Eighth Route Army to pinch the imperial army on the north bank of the Yellow River.

When the Eighth Route Army cannot bear the pressure, it will naturally send troops.

The Eighth Route Army did have such a plan, but it was not because of the so-called "order".

The recalcitrant army has long lost the qualification to "order" the Eighth Route Army... Now not only is the army not paid, but they have joined forces with the devils to blockade and strangle the anti-Japanese base areas, and then launched incidents to openly destroy cooperation.

The reason why the Eighth Route Army wanted to send troops was entirely to proceed from the overall situation of the Huaxia battlefield.

However, after knowing that this was probably a devil's conspiracy, he gave up this plan.

Neiji Okamura was silent for a while, then called Yoshio Shinozuka who was busy in a group.

"Let's go here!" Okamura Neiji said: "The Eighth Route Army will not be fooled!"

"Your Excellency, General!" Yoshio Shinozuka was not reconciled, and said, "Our attack can be more violent..."

Neiji Okamura raised his hand and interrupted Yoshio Shinozuka: "Don't waste your efforts, I think they have already seen through our intentions!"

Saying that, Neiji Okamura handed Yoshio Shinozuka a letter of information. Yoshio Shinozuka took it and saw that it was the information that various departments of the Eighth Route Army were mass-producing bullets and mines.

Shinozuka Yoshio looked confused: "Your Excellency, the Eighth Route Army has been producing bullets and mines all the time, there is nothing wrong with that..."

"No!" Neiji Okamura interrupted Yoshio Shinozuka again: "The current bullet mines are different from the previous bullet mines. In the past, the Eighth Route Army produced bullet mines just to block traffic and fight guerrillas with us, so the demand is not counted." It's too big. But now...they spread to each army to produce it themselves, do you know why they do this?"

Shinozuka Yoshio shook his head blankly, he couldn't think of any difference.

"If!" Neiji Okamura analyzed: "The quantity they need is not much, and they can be manufactured and shipped to the front line. Now that it is popularized to be produced by the front-line troops, it means that they have to lay a large number of landmines in a short time. Therefore , what can you think of?"

Yoshio Shinozuka found a clue at this time: "If they have a plan to flank the imperial army, they don't need so many mines!"

The need for landmines in offensive warfare cannot be so great, which is the most intuitive.

Neiji Okamura nodded and said, "So, they are not thinking about attacking, but are actively preparing for defense."

So Shinozuka Yoshio understood that the Eighth Route Army had indeed seen through them!
(End of this chapter)

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