Bright Sword Military System

Chapter 586 Password

Chapter 586 Password
The battlefield suddenly became deadly silent, so Wang Xuexin realized that the real war was coming... The devils realized that the Eighth Route Army could not be fooled by pretending to attack the recalcitrant army, so they would not continue to waste time and ammunition in the direction of the recalcitrant army.

It should be said that from a strategic point of view, the devils at this time are not very suitable for attacking stubborn troops.

Although the stubborn army's combat effectiveness is poor, the problem is that it is large enough and has a certain strength. It is almost impossible to eat it in one bite in a short time.

On the other hand, the Eighth Route Army lives in the rear blocked by the recalcitrant army and devils. It can even be said to be an "enemy-occupied area". It is not impossible to suppress or even wipe out time.

More importantly, the Eighth Route Army at this time is using Mao Xiong and Ying Jiang to break through this blockade. The combat power that can explode in the future will become a terrifying existence. Neji Okamura saw this and hoped to kill it in the blue. , so it is logical to concentrate our forces to deal with the Eighth Route Army first.

The state of the Eighth Route Army has not changed much during this period, it is just that various preparations have been made step by step as Wang Xuexin envisioned.

In terms of routine training, the password was changed every day, and an infiltration drill was conducted at an irregular time every other day...

Changing passwords every day may not have any effect on the elite devils, because they can obtain passwords by capturing prisoners or using insiders to inform them.

But changing the password every day is not difficult in the army, and it can even be said to be a matter of little effort. For example, in the independent regiment, Li Yunlong got up early in the morning to think of a word and then released the whole regiment. On the one hand, it can test whether the communication of the whole regiment is smooth. Overcoming the difficulty of enemy penetration, why not do it?
It's just that Li Yunlong's password makes people a little speechless...

The password for the first day is "Sweet Potato Burning".

The password for the second day is "phenol wine".

The password for the third day was "fucking shit"... probably because I thought I could only drink three bowls a day, so I was cursing my mother.

As a result, Zhao Gang couldn't listen anymore, and shouted at Li Yunlong in dissatisfaction: "What kind of password are you talking about? Is there such a password? Why is it all related to alcohol?"

Li Yunlong replied: "I said Lao Zhao, you don't understand this! What is the password that is normal? If this is a normal password, such as mountains, flowing water, etc., wouldn't it be easier for devils to guess? "

Zhao Gang felt right when he heard it, and the password should be unpredictable, even if he heard the soldiers shouting at each other, he would be suspicious for a while.

Like "fucking".

This happens when the password is correct:

"Damn it! Still asking for my password?"

As a result, the ghost lurking in the dark was stunned. What is this password?
After Li Yunlong got Zhao Gang's approval, he further deepened the situation of this password, and then a series of interesting keywords appeared: "Get out!", "Forget", "How old are you"...

After the news got out, other troops also found it interesting and used it as a topic of conversation after dinner, so it became a major feature of the independent regiment.

Later, this weird password really fooled the devil.

One of the ways for the devils to obtain the password is to send people to lurk in the dark to eavesdrop, thinking that this kind of random password is because the independent group organizations have scattered and did not set a password, so they swaggered to pull the troops up, and the result was...

It is estimated that the devil commander will be so angry after this lesson: "These bastards, how can you set up such a password? How can you look like a soldier!"

The most important preparation is bullets and mines.

The independent regiment also set up its own mine-making factory.

To be precise, it is not a "factory", but a "workshop".

Because this is a handicraft workshop where several soldiers who had been blacksmiths and carpenters in the army gathered together to organize the soldiers to use their spare time to make mines.

There are various shells, including bamboo tubes, wooden tubes hollowed out in the middle, and simple versions that are directly tied and fixed with ropes.

What's more, Mao Duzi also invented a bullet mine that doesn't need a spring.

The principle of this kind of bullet mine is to fix the bullet and the pedal together, and fix a nail underneath. When the enemy steps on the pedal, the bullet will be stepped down and hit the nail instantly, so the bullet will be shot through with a "bang" sound... …

However, such landmines also have their limitations.

For example, if the area is too large, it is easy to be found and eliminated. The time for laying is too long and it is inconvenient. The most serious thing is that it is not sensitive enough and the firing rate is not high (the bullet primer must hit the nail accurately, and it will not fire if it deviates a bit or is not strong enough) .

Therefore, it can only be used as a supplement when the spring is insufficient.

Bullet mines are buried in various places, beside mountain roads, in creeks, and even on cliffs.

The reason why it was buried on the cliff was because it had suffered several losses before.

Li Yunlong said this when he was laying mines: "What is Kazuki Yamamoto, can't his troops climb mountains and cliffs? Kong Jie suffered a loss once, I can't follow in the footsteps of this guy, Let's plant some mines on the cliffs!"

It is more difficult to lay mines on cliffs, because there is very little soil on the cliffs, and there are rocks like knives everywhere. Soldiers have to tie ropes to lay down mines one by one, which is dangerous and inefficient.

Wang Xuexin looked at it and said to Li Yunlong: "Commander, if you lay mines like this, and the soldiers of the whole regiment are released for a month, the cliff behind our mountain will not be able to be covered with it?"

Li Yunlong actually realized this problem, but he didn't admit it, and immediately replied: "Who said it's going to be full? I just put a few pieces on the cloth. If the devil triggers it, can you give us a warning?" Awake!"

Wang Xuexin said "Oh" and said, "I also said to give a faster method, so... I just worry about it!"

He got up and pretended to leave.

This made Li Yunlong anxious, so he immediately talked to Wang Xuexin: "Wait a minute, if you have something to say, talk and fart quickly, don't f**king pick and search!"

"Captain, don't you need it?"

"Who says it's unnecessary?" Li Yunlong stared, "Do you think it feels good to hang mines down one by one?"

Seeing that Li Yunlong was in a hurry, Wang Xuexin stopped playing charades with him, and leaned forward and said, "Leader, why don't we collect wild vines, tie the bullets to the wild vines one by one, and then put them on the cliff... "

Li Yunlong was stunned immediately when he heard this.

What this is saying is that the cliff was originally covered with grass and shrubs, and the wild vines are naturally hidden in it when thrown down. At the same time, the bullet mine with the spring is very sensitive, and it will be triggered with a light touch... Wouldn't it be much easier and faster to go to Bray?

Then Li Yunlong got annoyed, and scolded Wang Xuexin: "Damn it, why didn't you tell me about this way sooner? It made my palms peel off!"

It turned out that Li Yunlong personally went to lay the thunder for a long time, and he had to carefully lay it while holding on to the dangling rope. This feeling is really uncomfortable.

(End of this chapter)

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