Chapter 587
The battle started three days later, and as usual, the Eighth Route Army was not ready.

But this is the normal state of war, and it is also expected by Wang Xuexin.

Because the devils are not stupid, they knew that the Eighth Route Army was making preparations, so they couldn't waste any more time for the Eighth Route Army to make preparations.

The devil's offensive was the same as Wang Xuexin estimated. They first attacked from the south of Zhongtiao Mountain... The south side of Zhongtiao Mountain is the back of the entire defense line. All the fortifications of the stubborn army are set up and facing north. weakness.

The problem is that Wang Xuexin has set the defense line to be dual-purpose in advance, that is, if the devils come from the front, the defense line will be on a slope; It has become a reverse slope fortification.

Even reverse-slope fortifications are much more difficult to hit than forward-slope fortifications.

The reason is that the anti-slope fortifications can naturally rely on the mountain to shield the devil's long-range equipment.

Therefore, as soon as the devils attacked, they found that they had encountered a hard nail, so they could only send small troops to intersperse through the jungle in hopes of disrupting the deployment of the Eighth Route Army.

The Independence Regiment is on the northern defense line of Zhongtiao Mountain. Although the straight-line distance from the southern defense line is only a dozen kilometers, there are several mountain peaks separated, and only a few "rumbling" cannons can be heard faintly.

However, Wang Xuexin is well aware of the situation on the southern front. For example, a certain highland repelled the devils several times, and a certain highland was surrounded by devils, etc.

This was explained by the chief, and he said to the chief of staff: "We are not familiar with Zhongtiao Mountain in Luliang Mountain, and the defense of Zhongtiao Mountain, whether it is anti-aircraft artillery or fortifications, or even troop training It was done by Xiao Dongbei, he knows Zhongtiao Mountain like the back of his hand, we should send a copy of the overall situation to Xiao Dongbei, in case there is any change that requires Xiao Dongbei to assist in command, Xiao Dongbei will be prepared by then!"

"Yes!" The chief of staff responded without even thinking about it: "There is also the mountain company in the hands of Xiaodongbei... Although other troops have organized this mountain company, they don't know how to use it, and now they are all staring. Keep an eye on Xiao Dongbei, if he doesn't know the situation, then the reaction speed will not be able to keep up!"

Ever since, each piece of information was sent to Wang Xuexin's battalion by telegram, and Chen Songyong reported to Wang Xuexin after sorting it out.

But it wasn't these that gave Wang Xuexin a headache. The devil's attack had been expected, and because the devil's strategy of "leading the snake out of the hole" failed, the devil rushed to attack, so the overall morale was affected, and the offensive was weaker than expected.

What gave Wang Xuexin a headache was the request for help from the Jinsui Army in Yuncheng.

Chu Yunfei has sent a report to Li Yunlong more than once, and he said it very politely: "Brother Yunlong, the devils invaded our land again, and now our army is guarding Yuncheng and your army is guarding Zhongtiao Mountain. The two armies are dependent on each other. We should support each other." Fight against powerful enemies together. Yuncheng is located between Luliang and Zhongtiao. It is the gateway of our army's defense line. It is a place that military strategists must contend for. Although our army is duty-bound to defend Yuncheng, our army has no tanks and lacks supplies. Hope your army Can provide reinforcements for Yuncheng!"

As soon as Li Yunlong heard Chu Yunfei's words, he understood what he meant. He just wanted the tank in Wang Xuexin's hand.

But how could Li Yunlong be so easily fooled? He replied: "Brother Chu, don't worry. Although I, Li Yunlong, am a rough man, I still understand the truth of my lips and teeth. When Yuncheng is in danger, my Eighth Route Army promises to go to the rescue. I am afraid that your army did not fight. If you leave Yuncheng and run away like last time, then we won't be able to fight this battle!"

Although Li Yunlong usually likes to brag and lose his temper, he is quite serious when it comes to war issues, because he understands that there is no room for sloppiness in this matter.

Chu Yunfei called back: "Brother Yunlong was joking. The reason why our army abandoned the city and withdrew last time was because the key to defending the city lies in the north wing. If the north wing loses luck, the city will face the dilemma of being surrounded by devils. Therefore, Chu Only then did I have the audacity to ask Brother Yunlong for help, hoping that Brother Yunlong would send tank troops to join our army in defending the northern flank, so that you and I can hope to keep the enemy out of the line of defense."

It should be said that what Chu Yunfei said was reasonable, at least in Li Yunlong's eyes, it seemed reasonable.

The reason why Yuncheng left without defending last time was because the Zhongtiaoshan defense line garrisoned by the recalcitrant army fell into chaos within a few days, and the second was because the northern wing defense line garrisoned by Chu Yunfei 358 Regiment was breached by devils. .

Yuncheng is backed by Zhongtiao Mountain. If the defense line of Zhongtiao Mountain collapses, it means that the south will be blocked, the east will be the devils, and the north defense line will be breached again, so only the logistics supply line in the west will be left... If it is not withdrawn, there will be only Surrounded by devils, there is no hope of escape.

It is still the devils who fight against Yuncheng.

From the perspective of Chu Yunfei...more precisely, Yan Laoxi, they didn't think that the Eighth Route Army could hold Zhongtiao Mountain when the devils were attacking from both sides.

That being the case, we must defend the north wing of Yuncheng and connect Luliang Mountain to form a line, so that Yuncheng can survive.

At the same time, as long as Yuncheng is defended, the devil's supply route to Zhongtiao Mountain will not be smooth, and the devil's offensive on Zhongtiao Mountain will weaken after a long time... So Yuncheng is the most important thing, so the north wing of Yuncheng has to be lost .

This was actually what Yan Laoxi had in mind.

Back then, Yan Laoxi didn't know that the Eighth Route Army was willing to give up the entire Yuncheng to the Jinsui Army in the hope of pushing the Jinsui Army to the front!

However, on the one hand, Yan Laoxi was unable to reject Yuncheng because of the strategic need to maintain the independence of the Jinsui Army. On the other hand, Yan Laoxi knew that Yuncheng was related to the defense of Zhongtiao Mountain, and the Eighth Route Army could not sit idly by.

Yan Laoxi said to Chu Yunfei like this: "The devil is really going to call, so let's ask the Eighth Route Army for help. How dare the Eighth Route Army refuse to help?"

Chu Yunfei thought it was right when he heard the matter. If Yuncheng is lost, the defense line of Zhongtiao Mountain will suffer next... The devils can transport a large amount of supplies and troops to the entire front of Zhongtiao Mountain by train. The pressure is not from Yuncheng. time can be compared.

Therefore, the Eighth Route Army had to help.

Who will be the best deal at that time is not sure!

Li Yunlong took this into consideration, so he called Wang Xuexin: "I said Little Northeast, what Chu Yunfei meant was that tank troops are needed to help defend Yuncheng, what do you think?"

Wang Xuexin refused without thinking: "Commander, tanks are not used to defend the line of defense. If you use tanks to defend the line of defense, it is no different from cannons and bunkers!"

"Really?" Li Yunlong didn't know much about tank warfare, so he asked back: "But the devils will use tanks to tear through the Jinsui army's defense line, but they lack anti-tank equipment..."

"We can send our bazooka troops to reinforce!" Wang Xuexin replied: "Or support another batch of bazookas to the Jinsui army. As for the tank troops, I know when to use them!"

In this way, Li Yunlong would have no voice.

In fact, Li Yunlong was convinced because he knew nothing about tanks.

(End of this chapter)

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