Bright Sword Military System

Chapter 588 Mutual Trust

Chapter 588 Mutual Trust
As a result, Li Yunlong just convinced him, and it didn't take long for the chief to send another telegram.

This is also the place where the connection between Zhongtiao Mountain and Luliang Mountain is inconvenient.

Within Luliang Mountain, it is only a matter of time and cost to bring the telephone line back and forth between the mountains, but if you want to lead the telephone line from the hinterland of Luliang Mountain to Zhongtiao Mountain... it is not just a matter of cost. After passing through a plain area, any devil spies and special agents can cut the telephone line.

Therefore, it is not realistic to hold the telephone line, and the communication between each other still relies on the radio to send messages.

"Commander Wang!" the chief said in the telegram: "What's the situation with the tank unit? Yan Laoxi even brought the complaint to me, saying that you and your regiment commander are fighting against each other to preserve strength. Are you going to send tanks out to help defend Yuncheng?"

It turned out that Yan Laoxi was not satisfied with Li Yunlong's free reinforcement of one hundred new bazookas to the Jinsui Army, and each bazooka was equipped with ten rounds of ammunition, and he also sent military advisers... You must know that the Eighth Route Army is not rich, and it is no longer enough to reinforce one hundred bazookas. count less.

But Yan Laoxi always thinks that the Eighth Route Army is cheating him when he has no sense of security... This is actually because of the lack of mutual trust between the two armies. In his heart, at this time, Yan Laoxi was convinced that the Eighth Route Army did not send tank troops because it wanted to "preserve its strength" and push the Jinsui Army to the front as a shield.

So after thinking about it, Yan Laoxi angrily sent a questioning telegram to the chief.

After the discussion between the chief and the chief of staff, they didn't know much about tank tactics... Although the chief of staff was Mao Xiong who came back from studying abroad, Mao Xiong himself couldn't understand the tank tactics, and even scattered a large number of tanks among the infantry Of course, the chief of staff doesn't have much idea of ​​tank tactics.

In addition, Li Yunlong has always "protected his weaknesses", so their first thought was that what Yan Laoxi said might be true. Li Yunlong and Xiaodongbei did not send tank reinforcements to preserve their strength.

"This is impossible!" said the chief of staff, "This is not just a question of Yuncheng, but also a question of whether the Eighth Route Army and the Jinsui Army can cooperate sincerely. If we disagree from the beginning, this battle will start... I'm afraid it's dangerous!"

The chief nodded in agreement, so he sent the telegram directly to Wang Xuexin to ask what was going on.

In fact, Wang Xuexin has his own difficulties, and he is also indifferent in this matter.

At this moment the chief asked, and he explained to the chief in detail:

"Chief, we don't actually have the idea of ​​'preserving our strength'. As long as we can fight devils together, we are comrades with everyone!"

"The problem is that this tank really can't be used like that!"

"First of all, our artillery is not as good as the devils, and the Jinsui army is also not as good as it. If we move the tanks to the front line, the enemy's artillery will be completely covered!"

"Secondly, there is a saying on the battlefield that 'offense is greater than defense'. Although the north wing of Yuncheng is only a few dozen miles away, we only have fifty or so tanks!"

"If these tanks are used for defense, where should they be defended? An average of one tank per mile of defense?"

"On the other hand, the Devils are the attacking side, they can concentrate the tanks at one point to break through!"

"Isn't that going to be centralized fighting and scattered? At that time, dozens of tanks will fight around one of our tanks, no matter how rough the T34 is, it won't be able to withstand it!"

The chief and the chief of staff looked at these calls and couldn't help but both nodded in agreement.

The chief of staff was particularly impressed by this. After returning from studying in Mao Xiongna, he has been watching Mao Xiong's battlefield, hoping to learn some tactics from it.

At this time, after reading what Wang Xuexin said, he agreed: "These analyzes are very reasonable. Mao Xiong made such a mistake in the war against Hans. Mao Xiong always emphasized defense and always used tanks for defense. As a result, Its advanced tanks and more in total, but needlessly besieged by enemy artillery and hordes of enemy tanks on the front line, we cannot make this mistake!"

The chief was surprised by Wang Xuexin's ability. He said: "This little Northeast has two hands! He also has such a thorough understanding of tank tactics. It seems that we used the right person unintentionally!"

"That's needless to say!" The chief of staff replied with a smile: "This guy is omnipotent, he can do everything, and his tactics are very advanced. I don't know where he learned it from!"

Speaking of the chief and the chief of staff, they looked at each other and smiled.

Then the chief was a little embarrassed, and asked: "If you can't fight like this, how should you fight? Could it be... let the devils break through the north wing and surround Yuncheng? If so, the devils will go west along Yuncheng and cut off Luliang Mountain Contact with Zhongtiao Mountain!"

This is also a big problem.

In fact, if the devils do this, it will feel very uncomfortable, because the troops interspersed between Zhongtiao Mountain and Luliang Mountain will be in a state of being pinched by the Eighth Route Army.

But at the same time, the Zhongtiao Mountain of the Eighth Route Army was also rounded up by the devils. It's like fighting against each other in Go. It depends on who can live longer.

Obviously, it will be more difficult for the Eighth Route Army by then.

Because the Eighth Route Army has yet to gain a firm foothold on Zhongtiao Mountain, and the people have been looted by devils for food and cannot achieve self-sufficiency. What is more serious is that the copper mines, iron mines, and factories on Zhongtiao Mountain will be targeted by devils, and they will suffer a lot of losses. It is said that the arsenal located in Luliang Mountain will not be able to produce normally due to lack of raw materials such as steel and copper.

The blow to the Eighth Route Army was likely to be fatal.

On the other hand, the devils, although they are in the dilemma of being attacked by two sides, they can lay a railway to transport the material resources to the frontline troops continuously.

Under the ebb and flow, this battle will be difficult.

The chief of staff thought for a while, but couldn't think of a reason, and then sent a telegram to Wang Xuexin, asking: "Comrade Wang Xuexin, how should we reinforce Yuncheng?"

Wang Xuexin only replied a few words: "Elastic defense!"

"Resilient defense?" The chief of staff was puzzled when he received the telegram.

The chief understood right away, then nodded and said, "Good guy, Little Northeast has even learned Hans' tactics!"

The chief is right, this is the defensive method Rommel used on the North African battlefield.

Rommel's situation is actually somewhat similar to Wang Xuexin's situation facing the devils at this time.

The tanks in Wang Xuexin's hands are more advanced than those of the devils, but the number is much smaller.

Rommel's tanks are also more advanced than the ones where the sun never sets, and the number is also much smaller... Although the sun never sets is the country that invented tanks, but because of the wrong tank tactics and development direction, the combat effectiveness of its tanks is insignificant. All kinds of mobile infantry tanks are actually similar to towed artillery on the battlefield, and have basically lost the role and significance of tanks.

(End of this chapter)

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