Bright Sword Military System

Chapter 589: One Arrow and Two Eagles

Chapter 589 Two birds with one stone

The so-called "elastic defense" is the tactic Rommel used on the defense line to resist the attack launched by the superior number on the defense line.

The defense line in North Africa is very long. It would be impossible for Rommel to disperse the limited tanks on the long defense line. This would be the same situation as Wang Xuexin defending the north wing of Yuncheng at this time. Tanks, maybe even less.

Such a density of tanks cannot play a role on the battlefield, and will only be "killed by ants" by the enemy. No matter how advanced the tank is, it will not help.

So Rommel used an eye-opening tactic.

Instead of deploying tanks on the front line, he concentrated the tanks behind the defense line.

When the enemy tanks tore a hole in the defense line and poured in like a tide, Rommel ordered his tank troops on the second line to launch a counterattack...

Since Hans' tank maneuvers faster, he can always reach his destination in time.

And because the Hantan tanks are more advanced and the tank soldiers have more combat experience, they can always defeat the tanks on which the sun never sets and drive them back.

So the battle situation was limited to a stalemate: the sun never set tore through the defense line, was driven back by Hans, tore through the defense line again, and was driven back by Hans again.

Hans' defense line is like an elastic rope, back and forth non-stop see-saw competition, so it is called "elastic defense".

The chief has paid attention to the North African battlefield, so he has some understanding of this tactic, but he didn't expect to use it in the defense of Yuncheng for a while.

Now when Wang Xuexin talked about "elastic defense", he immediately nodded and praised: "Not bad, I know how to use foreigners' tactics, it looks a bit!"

The chief thought that Wang Xuexin also learned from Hans' combat reports. What he didn't expect was that the reason why Wang Xuexin knew these tactics came from modern times... He understands that the characteristic of tanks is their mobility. When it is used, its function is not as good as a blockhouse or a bunker.

So the chief called Wang Xuexin back: "I agree with your style of play, and the elastic defense on the north wing of Yuncheng is under your command!"

Wang Xuexin replied "Yes!".

Then he added: "Chief, I think it's better not to tell the Jinsui Army about this tactic!"

The chief and the chief of staff immediately understood what Wang Xuexin meant.

The Jinsui Army's tone is not strict. If you tell Yan Laoxi about this tactic today, the devil will know it tomorrow.

If the devil is prepared, this "elastic defense" will be risky to play.

At this time, the chief of staff was in a dilemma: "Chief, if we can't tell Yan Laoxi about this tactic... we can't dispel his suspicions, so he keeps saying that we should 'preserve our strength' and 'don't save our strength'. What should I do?"

So, this is not to say, and not to say.

The chief suddenly understood why Wang Xuexin was embarrassed.

However, the chief is the chief after all. He thought for a while, and then called Yan Laoxi back: "Our tank troops have other uses, and they are temporarily unable to assist in the defense of Yuncheng. But please rest assured, I will immediately mobilize the rocket artillery troops to help your army Guard the North Wing!"

The chief is killing two birds with one stone: on the one hand, he used rockets to calm Yan Laoxi's heart, and on the other hand, he used Yan Laoxi's hand to mislead the devils, making the devils think that there will be a large number of rockets in the north wing of Yuncheng...

When Yan Laoxi heard about the rocket artillery unit, he felt a little relieved.

He had heard about the rocket launchers of the Eighth Route Army.

In fact, not only heard about it, Chu Yunfei's 358 regiment also bought a bunch of single-shot rocket launchers, and the fight was indeed very powerful.

But when he mentioned this matter, Yan Laoxi felt angry again.

Damn, the Eighth Route Army is equipped with multiple rocket launchers that are put together and installed on the back seat of the car, but the ones sold to the Jinsui Army are single-shot single-barrel rocket launchers... The price is very expensive. One hundred submachine guns were exchanged, plus a large amount of food and bullets.

Chu Yunfei even went to Li Yunlong about this matter.

Chu Yunfei made a special trip to Zhongtiao Mountain to find the Independent Regiment Headquarters. As soon as he met, he asked bluntly: "Brother Yunlong, you are not being kind when you do this, right? The rocket launchers you use are not the same as the rocket launchers you sold to us." Same!"

Li Yunlong knew what Chu Yunfei was talking about.

This bazooka is such a big thing and has been fired on the battlefield, it is not surprising that Chu Yunfei would know the "truth".

But Li Yunlong still pretended to be confused, he looked at Chu Yunfei with a strange face, and asked, "Brother Chu, you're calling me confused, what's the difference?"

Chu Yunfei was immediately furious, and the ironclad evidence was so strong that Li Yunlong was still cheating, so he said with a livid face: "Your army's rocket launchers are assembled with twelve barrels each, installed on the back seat of the car, and sold to me. The army has a single gun and a gun shield! Brother Yunlong, you make Chu unable to lift his head in front of the commander!"

Li Yunlong laughed "hehe", and asked without answering, "Brother Chu, did we trade a few months ago?"

Chu Yunfei hummed: "Thank you for remembering, it has been more than five months now!"

"That's right!" Li Yunlong replied proudly: "Brother Chu, you and I both know about equipment. It looked like that many months ago, so it was sold at that price. Let’s change it and change it to this look, it can’t be done, I sold you something and collected some money, and it has to be upgraded and improved, right?”

Chu Yunfei's face changed, he knew that this was Li Yunlong's deceit, no matter what happened, it was impossible for such a big change to occur in five months.

But if Li Yunlong insists that this is the case, what can he do?

Thinking about it, Chu Yunfei could only be a dumb man eating Coptis chinensis, he had all sorts of problems in his heart but couldn't tell.

Unexpectedly, Li Yunlong got excited again at this time: "Brother Chu, how about this! If you are interested, let's talk about the business of these twelve-barrel rocket launchers. The price is negotiable..."

Before he finished speaking, Chu Yunfei replied, "No need!"

As he said that, he cupped his hands towards Li Yunlong, said "Farewell", then turned around and left, even if Li Yunlong yelled at him behind him, it was useless.

Seeing Chu Yunfei's panic-stricken look, Li Yunlong felt complacent. Fortunately, he was able to think of such a move of "upgrading" in a hurry, otherwise he really didn't know what to do.

Chu Yunfei would definitely not buy rocket launchers.

Because this thing is not complicated, it can be done after putting the gun barrels together and loading them into the truck, and the Jinsui Army can do it by themselves.

But Brother Chu, do you think that the rocket launcher will be finished after it is finished?

A dozen of these things are twelve rounds, and a few random ones can fire hundreds of shells in a salvo, and they are still big guys with a caliber of 107mm...

With the Jinsui army's old-fashioned method of producing solid gunpowder columns, when will it be enough for a salvo?

Therefore, there is something to do in the future business!

(End of this chapter)

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