Chapter 701 Fishing
Chu Yunfei had the following plans in the regiment headquarters:
Wu Guozhi came back from studying abroad with Devils, and he drove the Lichuan Type 99 trainer of Devils... Although there are still differences between the trainer and the Type 99 transport aircraft, the difference is not that big, so Wu Guozhi should be able to control the Type 99 transport aircraft to satisfy Li Yunlong "Fly it up" requirement.

But Chu Yunfei didn't want Wu Guozhi to give up so quickly, he hoped Wu Guozhi would delay for a few days.

Before leaving, Chu Yunfei explained to Wu Guozhi in this way: "If you can stay one more day, our army will have [-] more rockets. So, platoon leader, you know what to do!"

"Yes!" Wu Guozhi stood up and responded.

At this moment, Wu Guozhi felt that something was wrong.

Because Chu Yunfei never got any advantage in the open and secret fight with Li Yunlong, how could Li Yunlong be so easily "schemed" by Chu Yunfei this time?

However, Wu Guozhi couldn't figure out what the problem was. In addition, Chu Yunfei's orders were not easily controlled by him, the platoon leader, so he could only act according to Chu Yunfei's orders.

That evening, Chu Yunfei walked back and forth anxiously in front of the radio station. He was also a little uncertain, worried that he would suffer a big loss this time, so he specially equipped Wu Guozhi with a simple radio station. The pilot pulls out.

However, after thinking about it, Chu Yunfei still felt that nothing serious would happen.

The Jinsui Army has no planes, so it would not be a pity to lose these pilots.

The Eighth Route Army has no planes, so it won't be able to use these pilots.

It’s a pity to lose it here, and it’s useless to get it over there, so what’s the problem?

Three hundred rockets a day must be earned.

Chu Yunfei was worried for a while whether there was something wrong with these rockets, otherwise, with Li Yunlong's stingy character, how could he have given away [-] rockets so generously.

But after checking one by one and even picking out a few test shots, it was found that there was no problem.

Not only is there no problem, but the quality is much better than those produced by Jinsui Army...

The Jinsui army still used the old method, that is, the high-temperature rolling method to make gunpowder columns. The gunpowder columns produced by this method were not only dangerous, but the powder particles were far less uniform than the Eighth Route Army's new method, and the quality was of course much worse.

Because of this, Chu Yunfei felt that the exchange was worth it.

Even if Li Yunlong refuses to give rockets later, if only these [-] rockets top the [-] "vases" that are useless and cost money, they will not lose money!

At this moment, the correspondent reported: "Squad, the platoon commander is calling!"

Chu Yunfei turned around, waved and said, "Read!"

The correspondent took the telegram and read: "Teacher, our department has confirmed that this aircraft is the Tachikawa Type 99 transport aircraft, but this aircraft may be the latest modification of the Devil, with many extra instruments and joysticks, our department is not sure that it can take off successfully! "

Chu Yunfei couldn't help frowning when he heard this, and this kind of thing, it's the devil's latest modification that even Wu Guozhi can't fly?

If Wu Guozhi couldn't fly, how could he explain to Li Yunlong?He is not an easy talker, why is he willing to do this money-losing business!

Sure enough, Li Yunlong called in the next second.

As soon as Chu Yunfei answered the phone, Li Yunlong's dissatisfied voice came from the other end: "I said Brother Chu, you are not being kind! I gave away all [-] rockets, but you gave me a bunch of unsatisfactory Useless waste! After tossing for a long time and telling me that I have never seen this and that I have not touched it, are you cheating me?"

"Brother Yunlong!" Chu Yunfei thought he was in the wrong, so he explained slowly: "Airplanes can't be figured out in a day or two, you need to give them a few more days..."

"So that's your idea!" Li Yunlong interrupted Chu Yunfei: "Brother Chu, are you taking me for a fool or something? If you haven't even seen this before, it's all fucking wrong to ask him I don’t know, but you can figure it out? You’re just counting on the name of Wu Guozhi, these people can get a few more rockets if you think about it for a few days, right?”

Chu Yunfei didn't dare to admit it, so he hurriedly replied: "Where is that, Brother Yunlong is worrying too much! Is Chu a person who does not speak his word?"

"Don't fucking talk about trust with me!" Li Yunlong said: "I gave away these [-] rockets, if you don't give me some tricks, you don't want to play me like a monkey! "

Then Li Yunlong said earnestly: "Brother Chu, to tell you the truth, our Eighth Route Army has plenty of manpower and no shortage of rockets. Three hundred rockets a day is nothing, but you have to give me something to look forward to, don't you think? No. Just thinking about the empty-handed white wolf, I have no grades at all and let me produce [-] rockets every day... I can't explain it to my superiors!"

Li Yunlong released another bait.

This is where Li Yunlong is smart. If he loses his temper and breaks up, you return the rocket to me and I return the pilot to you, this scene will not be able to continue.

But it would be different if Li Yunlong said so.

What Li Yunlong said actually told Chu Yunfei the following information:

One, the Eighth Route Army has no shortage of rockets, so [-] rockets a day is a big deal.

Second, let Li Yunlong have some hope, that is, to make progress... In fact, it is a hint that Chu Yunfei sends more knowledgeable people.

Third, the Eighth Route Army still hopes to fly transport planes.

This made Chu Yunfei mistakenly think that the initiative in this matter was in his hands.

Because the Eighth Route Army wants to fly transport planes, this is the key point and the lifeblood of this transaction.

The only ones the Eighth Route Army can count on are the pilots of the Jinsui Army.

Then if you don't hit Li Yunlong with a few strokes of shame, when will you wait?

Thinking of this, Chu Yunfei calmed down, and said, "Brother Yunlong, it's your fault! I heard that this is the latest modification of the devil. It's not surprising that the pilots sent over didn't understand it. !"

"Then tell me, how to fix this?" Li Yunlong asked back.

"How about this!" Chu Yunfei pretended to think about it, and said, "I'll send a few more people to study with Wu Guozhi. But..."

"But what?" Li Yunlong asked.

Li Yunlong was cooperating with Chu Yunfei. At this time, he was actually rejoicing that the fish had already bit the hook.

Sure enough, Chu Yunfei went on to say: "However, the people I send will also be counted as ten rockets per day..."

"Is there anyone like you?" Li Yunlong replied without thinking: "No, just three hundred!"

"Then Chu is helpless!" Chu Yunfei said, "Brother Yunlong, these pilots are not members of the 358 regiment. They were borrowed by Chu from the commander. Difficulty!"

Li Yunlong was silent for a while, and then replied: "It's ok, you send people over! But I can make it clear, this time I have to send some knowledgeable people!"

(End of this chapter)

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