Chapter 702

Chu Yunfei responded with a full mouth.

But this time he played tricks, saying that he sent a team, but this team consisted of 30 people.

Chu Yunfei also explained to Li Yunlong: "Brother Yunlong, this team is different. This is the teaching team of the Jinsui Military Aviation Academy. Do you know what a teaching team is? It is used to teach other people to fly airplanes. They must be able to OK! If you are not satisfied, I will change to another team for you?"

Li Yunlong hesitated for a moment, and then replied: "Okay, let's just use this team! If I change to other laymen, I will be in vain for a few more days! Send people here, but I'll be ugly, if If we can’t fly, our business will be ruined!”

"Of course!" Chu Yunfei on the other end of the phone couldn't help but smile from ear to ear.

In fact, this is not a teaching team, it is purely a team that Chu Yunfei put together with ordinary pilots. Except for two of them who are indeed experienced pilots in the aviation school, the others are all novices, and some even have planes. Never opened.

Fang Ligong also boasted next to him: "The team has a great plan, with more than [-] pilots, there are [-] rockets a day, as long as there is a delay of a few days, it will be thousands of rockets! This is not a small amount. !"

Chu Yunfei nodded in satisfaction.

Back then, he exchanged 1000 tons of grain from Li Yunlong for one rocket launcher, and each rocket launcher was only equipped with three rockets.

If you calculate it this way, this pilot can get almost 3000 tons of food a day, which is a good deal.

How could Chu Yunfei think that Li Yunlong on the other end of the phone was so happy.

He hung up the phone and sat down anxiously on the kang, knocking on the kang table with a "hey hey hey" and shouting at Zhao Gang who was lying on the opposite side: "Full up, full up!"

Zhao Gang had been working for a long time and was leaning against the quilt to rest. His eyes lit up when he heard Li Yunlong's words, and he immediately sat up and asked, "What? It happened again?"

Li Yunlong raised his chin arrogantly: "I will make a move, can I do it?"

As soon as Zhao Gang was happy, he filled Li Yunlong's bowl with a wine jar in his hand, and asked, "How many this time?"

Li Yunlong knocked on the wine bowl and said, "Same as last time, you have to toast me with two bowls!"

Zhao Gang was stunned when he heard this: "Does this mean that there are thirty more?"

Zhao Gang couldn't believe it anymore, and secretly thought that Chu Yunfei is not stupid, how could he be so easy to deceive?
Li Yunlong seemed to have seen through Zhao Gang's thoughts, so he proudly talked about his own experience: "Old Zhao, don't believe me, the reason why this person was deceived was because he asked for something! In addition to the fact that the Jinsui army lacks rockets, it is difficult for Chu Yunfei not to be fooled!"

In Zhao Gang's mind, he was unwilling to accept it. As the saying goes, "flies don't bite seamless eggs", Chu Yunfei is the seamless egg, and Li Yunlong is the pervasive fly.

Speaking of deceiving people, no one in the independent group can compare to Li Yunlong.

The next day, Li Yunlong took 30 rockets to replace people... [-] of them belonged to Fu Wu Guozhi and his group, and the other [-] belonged to the [-] newcomers.

When picking him up, Li Yunlong was still cursing, as if he had done a loss-making business, which made Chu Yunfei secretly proud.

As a result, in the evening, Li Yunlong called again: "I said Brother Chu, what did you give me? The batches are useless. I have been tossing for a long time and still haven't bothered to come here!"

At this moment, Chu Yunfei was stunned. This is impossible. Although this teaching team is not a teaching team, the captain is a genuine instructor, and the other named Muting is a ground crew who specializes in aircraft maintenance abroad. It was Yan Laoxi who invited him back from abroad at a high price, just to enable the Jinsui Army to produce its own aircraft.

Forget about the instructor, it is indeed difficult for pilots who have never seen a new type of aircraft.

But this Muting knows the principles of flight, just take a few more glances, and you can immediately know which joysticks are used for which instruments give what data.

With the cooperation of the instructor and Muting, plus Wu Guozhi, how could two transport planes be able to move?

So Chu Yunfei became suspicious, and said, "Brother Yunlong, let a member of the team named Zhou Shurong answer the phone, and I'll ask about the situation!"

This is Chu Yunfei's brilliance, he has arranged a confidant among these pilots, who can be regarded as an insider or a spy, and this spy is not so easy to be instigated.

As soon as Li Yunlong heard the strange name, he secretly murmured that something was wrong, and Chu Yunfei kept his hand, so he hurriedly said with a "hehe" smile: "But brother Chu, we are not in a hurry, let them try for a few more days, maybe in two days It will be clear!"

He pretended he didn't hear him, hung up the phone, walked around the headquarters with his hands behind his back, and then waved for the guards to arrest Zhou Shurong first.

When Chu Yunfei saw Li Yunlong's reaction like this, he felt something was wrong. His complexion suddenly lost all color, he gritted his teeth and said nothing.

Chu Yunfei is also a face-saving person. If he pierce this layer of paper, it means telling others that he has been fooled by Li Yunlong.


There is no way to go on like this, and people will find out sooner or later.

So Chu Yunfei could only hold a glimmer of hope that the other party made meritorious service and ordered: "Send a report to Wu Guozhi immediately, and everyone withdraws to the area under our army's control!"

Fang Ligong looked at Chu Yunfei in surprise, then realized that something was wrong, and immediately conveyed the order.

But the result was as expected, Wu Guozhi responded: "Please give our department a few more days, and our department will return immediately after completing the task!"

Fang Ligong handed the telegram to the ashen-faced Chu Yunfei, and said, "Boss, it seems... Li Yunlong's target is actually these pilots."

Chu Yunfei didn't know how to answer, he felt that Li Yunlong was being played like a monkey again.

Fang Ligong frowned strangely and said, "But, what does Li Yunlong want these pilots to do? How did they instigate these pilots?"

Chu Yunfei snorted, and said, "Need to say? The Eighth Route Army needs so many pilots. It must be Yingjiang who gave them planes as reinforcements."

The reason why Chu Yunfei guessed it was Yingjiang was because Mao Xiong was too busy to take care of himself at this time, and he had no ability to reinforce the Eighth Route Army, especially the planes... Mao Xiong lost a large number of fighter planes as soon as the battle started. Of course, it is impossible to have extra reinforcements for the Eighth Route Army.

When Fang Ligong heard it, he understood.

If Yingjiang reinforces the Eighth Route Army fighter planes, it is understandable that those pilots would surrender... The Jinsui Army has no planes, to be precise, they have no planes that can rival the devils, so what is the use of pilots staying in the Jinsui Army?

(End of this chapter)

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