Bright Sword Military System

Chapter 989 Put it on the table

Chapter 989 Put it on the table
After thinking for a while, Doolittle analyzed: "General, have you considered the possible impact of this equipment on the war?"

The admiral nodded thoughtfully: "Of course! Two hundred kilometers, and this may not be the longest range, I mean... this is just a primary model, and if they develop it later, they may develop This kind of equipment has a longer range. That is to say, they can attack any target they want to attack from land, including airports! God, this will completely change the rules of war!"

Doolittle added: "General, let's think about that X1 again. If it's not a simple rocket, and it doesn't happen to hit an enemy fighter plane by chance, but a bomb like this that can hit an enemy fighter plane from a long distance..."

The Admiral nodded, then jumped out of his chair and said, "We should get this technology, right now!"

So an urgent telegram was sent to Sun Erwei.

Sun Erwei immediately rushed to Wang Xuexin's headquarters with his subordinates and the radio station... The reason why he brought the radio station was because Sun Erwei needed to report the situation back to Yingjiang as soon as possible and receive further instructions.

Wang Xuexin did not avoid seeing Sun Erwei.

Because Wang Xuexin knows that this matter can't be avoided... If he can hide today, can he avoid tomorrow?

But Wang Xuexin also felt embarrassed.

At this time, the Eighth Route Army still needs the cooperation of Ying Jiang, so it cannot turn the table with Ying Jiang.

So how should you respond?
Wang Xuexin decided to tell Sun Erwei directly...

"I know the purpose of your visit this time!" Wang Xuexin stopped Sun Erwei who was about to speak: "Stop talking, Sun Erwei, I can't help it. If this is my personal technology, then I can offer it with both hands, but it is not , it is the result of our team's research and development, and it belongs to our army's equipment!"

When Wang Xuexin said this, Sun Erwei's eyes widened.

He was still skeptical about this kind of rocket that can travel [-] kilometers, but now that Wang Xuexin said it, is it confirmed?

"So, it's real?" Sun Erwei asked: "Do you really have rockets that can hit two hundred kilometers?"

Wang Xuexin nodded: "Yes! It's true!"

Sun Erwei couldn't help being overjoyed: "We can exchange technology with you, and resources are also fine, or just planes..."

"Sorry, Sun Erwei!" Wang Xuexin interrupted Sun Erwei: "Do you know what a money tree is?"

Sun Erwei nodded. He has been in China for a long time, and of course he knows the story of the money tree.

Wang Xuexin asked again: "If you owned a cash cow, would you sell it?"

Sun Erwei understood Wang Xuexin's words in an instant: "You mean, this kind of bomb is your cash cow?"

"Of course!"

"No no!" Sun Erwei laughed: "You think too much about it, isn't it immature? It still has many shortcomings. I heard that the devils have come up with a whole set of methods to intercept it. I think interception is very effective! Therefore, it is not your cash cow, Wang!"

Wang Xuexin smiled indifferently.

Sun Erwei started to use the tricks of a businessman, first belittle what you have in your hand, make you think it is not valuable, and then bargain with you.

"But we can turn it into a cash cow!" Sun Erwei threw out a "huge benefit": "Think about it, Wang, with Yingjiang's industrial foundation and technology, if we cooperate with Yingjiang, we can produce a A bomb that hits farther, more accurately, faster, and then we'll win faster! Isn't that enough? Don't you want to end this damn war?"

Wang Xuexin couldn't help being stunned.

He never considered the problem from this angle.

In this regard, Sun Erwei is right. If he cooperates with Yingjiang to produce a more advanced "high fire", it can indeed end the war early.

After all, when the time comes, it will be the double attack of Yingjiang and Huaxia on the devils, and it will be difficult for the devils to hold on no matter what.

However, is this really right?
Then Wang Xuexin immediately thought of the war with Yingjiang after the founding of the People's Republic of China...

No, you can't just focus on the present.

Wang Xuexin really hopes to end this war as soon as possible and drive the devils out of the country as soon as possible, but in the long run, this is not in the interests of China.

"Whatever you say is useless, Sun Erwei!" Wang Xuexin said, "Do you think I'm such a gullible person? Besides, I can't provide you with technology in this area. It's up to the chief to decide. You should talk to him!"

Wang Xuexin tried to kick the ball towards the head, anyway, the head is good at "playing Tai Chi".

But Sun Erwei didn't believe Wang Xuexin's nonsense at all... Everyone knew that this thing was made under Wang Xuexin's leadership.

Seeing that Wang Xuexin was determined, Sun Erwei lowered his expression and said, "King, let's put it this way! If your army is unwilling to cooperate with Yingjiang in this aspect, we have every reason to doubt your sincerity in cooperation..."

"And then?" Wang Xuexin asked back: "Stop the cooperation?"

Wang Xuexin spread his hands and replied: "You seem to have forgotten one thing, Sun Erwei, all our previous cooperation was mutually beneficial and win-win, and even Yingjiang took advantage of it! So, why do you think that your army has taken advantage of it? Are you helping us? You didn't get any benefits?"

This question really choked Sun Erwei.

Indeed, Yingjiang's assistance to the recalcitrant army can also be said to be a "profit".

In fact, it can't be said to be "distributing profits".

There has never been such a thing as "help" between countries. The reason why Yingjiang is willing to help the recalcitrant army is ultimately for the interests of the country. And consume the devil's troops to reduce Yingjiang's pressure on the Pacific battlefield, why not do it?
In terms of benefits, the recalcitrant army is the one that has been tricked the most. It is clearly the victorious country. After the war, not only did it not get any benefits, but the land was divided by various powers... Is this the victorious country or the defeated country?
After it was over, the public had to be grateful to the great powers for this kind of behavior, saying that China would be so and so without Eagle Sauce.

They couldn't see at all that without the eagle sauce, the devils would not be able to launch a war of aggression against China with their industrial capabilities and fuel reserves.

Not to mention the Eighth Route Army.

Wang Xuexin said to Sun Erwei: "Whether you want to suspend the cooperation is up to you. Next, I have another appointment with Lemonokov, please do it!"

As soon as Wang Xuexin said about Lemonokov, Sun Erwei panicked. He hurriedly said: "No, Wang! You can't do this!"

Wang Xuexin just waved his hand, and asked the guards to "stop" Sun Erwei out in a friendly manner.

Wang Xuexin believes that now is the time to put the problem on the table and ask Ying Jiang and Mao Xiong for clarification, and it is not a problem to always develop secretly.

(End of this chapter)

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