Chapter 990
Negotiations between countries only focus on interests. Although Wang Xuexin had a personal relationship with Sun Erwei before, Wang Xuexin still knows to distinguish between public and private in this regard.

Wang Xuexin also knows that it is not a good thing to have too many contacts and transactions with Ying Jiang.

Not to mention that Huaxia and Yingjiang will have several direct and indirect wars in a few years. Even from the perspective of the international situation, Yingjiang should not be too advanced in missile development...

Yingjiang is a country that is about to take the top spot in the world, and its military strength will far surpass Maoxiong in the future.

Of course Wang Xuexin knows the truth of "the snipe and the clam compete for the fisherman's benefit".

If you help Yingjiang, it means that Yingjiang, who already has the upper hand, will be more obvious, and it will be easier and faster to defeat Maoxiong in the open and secret battle with Maoxiong in the future, which is obviously not good for Huaxia.

On the contrary, if Wang Xuexin helped Mao Xiong, it would be a different situation.

This situation is not determined by personal friendship, but by future development strategies.

Therefore, Wang Xuexin told Sun Erwei that the appointment with Lemonokov was not an excuse, but a fact.

As usual, Wang Xuexin and Lemonokov still met outside the airport.

Lemonokov got up excitedly when he saw Wang Xuexin, and then saluted Wang Xuexin upright, saying: "Thank you, Comrade Wang Xuexin, thank you very much!"

"Thank you?" Wang Xuexin was a little puzzled when he heard this.

"Yes!" Lemonokov replied: "Moscow campaign, we put in ground attack aircraft according to your idea and used RS82 to attack the enemy's ground forces in large numbers, which revived our air force again and dealt a heavy blow. The enemy's effective forces and supply routes, and our army has invested a lot of rocket launchers, which have become the main anti-tank equipment of our army. Without your advice and rocket launchers, we might not even be able to hold Moscow! Do you know? Many People are giving up hope for this battle, but we won in the end! It is a miracle! You brought this miracle to us!"

Lemonokov held Wang Xuexin's hand gratefully as he spoke, his eyes shone with warmth, as if looking at a great man.

Then Lemonokov remembered something, and hurriedly took a satchel from his assistant, carefully took out a delicate embossed wooden box from it, presented it to Wang Xuexin with both hands, and said: "This is the general counselor's special confession to me." A gift to you, Comrade Wang Xuexin! The General Counsel also said that you will always be our friend! No matter what time and situation!"

"Thank you!" Wang Xuexin responded, took a look at the wooden box, and carved a few bear soldiers holding red flags and charging under the hail of bullets, which should imply heroes and meritorious deeds.

Opening the wooden box, there lay a Tokarev pistol, a magazine and a few rounds of bullets quietly inside.

"This is the General Counsel's gun!" Lemonokov said: "There is the General Counsel's name on the handle. At any time, you only need to show this pistol to our army, and they will treat you like the General Counsel. !"

Wang Xuexin took a closer look, and there was really a long string of Russian words engraved on the handle of the gun. Although he didn't know it, he thought it would be fake.

Wang Xuexin expressed his gratitude again. He knew that the significance of this gun was extraordinary, which may represent that he had made special contributions to Mao Xiong and was even endowed with a certain degree of privilege.

"In addition!" Then Lemonokov said: "The general counsel wants you to understand that we are willing to continue the transaction with you. I don't know what your army means..."

Wang Xuexin interrupted Lemonokov: "In addition to 'High Fire' and X1, we are also willing to trade with your army!"

Hearing this, Lemonokov was a little bit frustrated, because in addition to expressing his gratitude to Wang Xuexin during his trip, his other mission was to obtain the technology of "High Fire" and X1.

Lemonokov got the news from the recalcitrant army that the Eighth Route Army had a "high fire" flying [-] kilometers.

As I said before, the stubborn army is broken in all aspects, but it has never relaxed in dealing with the Eighth Route Army, including intelligence warfare, especially the battle situation in Yuncheng.

The reason is that the victory or defeat of the Eighth Route Army in Yuncheng will directly affect the pressure on the stubborn army's defense line south of the Yellow River.

Therefore, the recalcitrant army deployed many intelligence personnel in the area of ​​Yuncheng, and this time the Eighth Route Army's fatal blow to the devils was the improved "high fire", of course the intelligence personnel would not miss it.

It is said that when the Chongqing side heard this information, they were so surprised that the teacups in their hands fell to the ground:

"A bomb with a range of more than 100 kilometers was hit from Yuanchang Airport to Nanji Village. How could the Eighth Route Army develop such equipment?"

"If our army also has this kind of equipment and mass-produces it, does that mean..."

Thinking about it, the Chongqing side immediately sent people to the Eighth Route Army: "Hurry up, use the excuse of cooperation in the war of resistance, and ask the Eighth Route Army for this 'high fire' technology!"

However, due to lack of resources in Chongqing, the special envoy sent to negotiate with the Eighth Route Army took the train, but Lemonokov took the plane, so he was ahead of the curve.

Lemonokov asked with some doubts: "Comrade Wang Xuexin, can you tell me the reason why this kind of equipment cannot be traded?"

Wang Xuexin replied: "Actually, it's not that you can't trade, it's just that technology can't be traded!"

Lemonokov's eyes lit up, and he replied with a smile on his face: "No problem, you don't need to transfer technology from your army, and you can get finished products!"

Although Lemonokov respected Wang Xuexin, he still dismissed Wang Xuexin's "technology".

The reason is that Lemonokov thought that the so-called "high fire" could be developed even by the Eighth Route Army, so there was no high technical threshold.

Therefore, with Mao Xiong's industrial level and technological level, dismantle it, dismantle it, and do reverse engineering, it will come out soon, what technology is needed!

Lemonokov even thought that Wang Xuexin was a fool in his clever life and thought the bear was a caterpillar.

What Lemonokov didn't know was that Wang Xuexin had already considered this aspect in his heart.

First of all, there are technical issues. "High Fire" is not as simple as Lemonokov imagined... Although it is not difficult to build, the difficulty lies in the core data of its control system. As long as these data do not fall into the In Mao Xiong's hands, it would take several years of research and development with Hans' technological level, but Mao Xiong can easily do it?
Secondly, Wang Xuexin knows that "high fire" is not unique to the Eighth Route Army.

On the other side of the world, Hans is also developing this thing and it is about to succeed. Two years later, it will be put into actual combat today.

On the day when the World War ended, Mao Xiong and Ying Jiang invaded Hans and got the finished product and some scientists respectively, and they would soon be able to develop their own missiles.

At that time, the "high fire" in Wang Xuexin's hands will no longer be a "rare commodity to live in", why not sell it at a high price now?

(End of this chapter)

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