Chapter 991 Trading
Of course, this kind of "rare goods to live in" is only for Mao Xiong.

Because Wang Xuexin knew that Mao Xiong's scientific research ability was still far behind that of Europe and the United States at this time, and it was unlikely that they could reverse-engineer a copy of "High Fire".

If it was sold to Ying Jiang, Wang Xuexin would not be very sure.

On the other hand, Wang Xuexin also knows that the future world structure determines that it is better for China that Mao Xiong is stronger.

In other words, even if Mao Xiong succeeded in imitating "High Fire" and advanced the development of the missile by a few years, it would not be a big deal, and it would be beneficial and harmless to Huaxia, but it would set up a stronger opponent for Yingjiang.

Lemonokov couldn't wait to ask Wang Xuexin: "So, Comrade Wang Xuexin, what do you want us to trade with your army? Tanks? Aircraft? As long as we have it, you can rest assured to mention it!"

The reason why Lemonokov dared to say this was because he was authorized before coming here.

The General Counsel was also very surprised to hear that the Eighth Route Army had a piece of equipment with a range of nearly [-] kilometers, and he immediately reported the situation to Moscow.

Moscow was immediately sensationalized by it.

Many generals have said:

"No, it's impossible!"

"That's the Eighth Route Army of China! They haven't achieved industrialization yet!"

"Yes, a group of farmers can develop such advanced equipment? This is simply a joke!"


"Comrades!" The supreme deputy commander knocked on the table to silence the generals in the conference room, and said with a straight face: "First of all, I want to emphasize one thing, the rocket launcher we are using is what you think is 'impossible' Invented by farmers, do you think this is a joke? It is even better than all the anti-tank equipment that our army has, and many times!"

The Supreme Deputy Commander-in-Chief was right.

Mao Xiong's anti-tank equipment at this time is not only anti-tank guns, but also anti-tank grenades and anti-tank guns.

Although anti-tank guns are powerful, their targets are also large, and they are easily spotted and knocked out by enemy aircraft and artillery.

Anti-tank grenades need to be attacked at close range, which is basically to die with the enemy.

Anti-tank guns... not only have poor penetration, but also have unbearable recoil. Every time you shoot a shot, you feel like being kicked by a donkey. Switch back to the left shoulder and take another shot, and then you can almost go to the hospital.

All these equipments are incomparable with the bazooka. In the words of the supreme deputy commander: "This equipment is simply designed for our army. It is exactly what we need. We should try our best to produce the most bazooka equipped troops. I Think it should be prioritized over T34!"

The priority is above the T34... This should be the highest praise for the bazooka.

But this is not surprising.

Because Mao Xiong has always hoped to use T34, that is, use tanks to anti-tank, but the effect has not been good, although Mao Xiong's T34 has excellent performance in all aspects.

On the contrary, the bazooka is cheap, easy to operate, and has strong penetrating power. It can not only attack tanks but also infantry and bunkers. It was born for the bear's army.

After the Supreme Deputy Commander said this, the generals in the conference room fell silent.

"Secondly!" The deputy commander-in-chief continued, "I hope you can at least make a simple analysis. The opponent of the Eighth Route Army is the devils, and the devils use the 'Zero' fighters. The P40 that can defeat Yingjiang, but is defeated again and again by the Eighth Route Army's 'Hawker 81' in the Huaxia battlefield? This is a fact, is it also a joke?"

The generals looked at each other.

The Supreme Deputy Commander-in-Chief asked a good question. The P40 is a self-use version of the "Hawker 81", and its performance in all aspects must be higher than that of the foreign trade version of the "Hawk 81".

On the other hand, the pilot of the P40 is an experienced Yingjiang pilot, while the pilot of the "Hawk 81" is a pilot of the Eighth Route Army who has just been trained...

What caused the "Zero War" to break its wings in the sky of China, which shocked the world and made all the pilots blush?
"If you don't know the answer!" said the supreme deputy commander, "then I can tell you that those peasants you laughed at, those farmers without industrialization, invented the X1 and advanced tactics so that they successfully defeated the enemy! If you can, why don't you try it?"

After a pause, the supreme deputy commander added: "Finally, this information is the final information after I have repeatedly confirmed with the general counsel. I can tell you with certainty that there is no problem with it. The Eighth Route Army does have a 200-kilometer bomb!"

The generals in the conference room were once again making noise, but this time the tone of the conversation has changed:
"How did they do it? Two hundred kilometers!"

"Unbelievable, this is nothing short of a miracle!"


"Comrades!" The supreme deputy commander continued: "You may only see its range, but have you considered a problem, if we have this equipment and improve it, it can hit [-] kilometers Even further away, what will happen?"

There was silence in the meeting room for a while before someone answered: "Comrade Supreme Vice Commander, does this mean that we don't need the Air Force, we can directly use this equipment to attack the enemy's airports and logistics supply lines!"

The supreme deputy commander nodded.

There was joy in the meeting room in an instant.

This temptation is too great for Mao Xiong.

Because Mao Xiong was at a time when the air force was at a disadvantage... At the beginning of the war, Mao Xiong's air force was almost wiped out by Hans, and the production of new fighters was not able to meet the needs of the industry due to the transfer of industry to Siberia. Therefore, Mao Xiong almost It is fighting without air supremacy.

Now, if there is such a piece of equipment that can directly attack the enemy's airports and supply lines without relying on air supremacy, it is tailor-made for Mao Xiong, and it is Mao Xiong's hope of victory.

After some more discussions, the Supreme Deputy Commander no longer hesitated, and he sent a telegram to the General Counsel: "We must obtain this equipment at all costs. It would be even more ideal if we can obtain X1!"

This is the basis for Lemonokov's daring to say to Wang Xuexin, "As long as we have it, you can rest assured to mention it."

This really stumped Wang Xuexin.

What do you want?
Is the rifle too low? There is already a rifle production line. Although the output is not large, the demand in this area is no longer large.

Tanks or cannons?
Although it is very tempting, Wang Xuexin believes that this is still not what the Eighth Route Army urgently needs, at least with the bazooka, it will not be so urgent.

If there is any is still air supremacy!
(End of this chapter)

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