Chapter 995 The right to speak

Thinking of this, the only thing left is the price.

The general counsel is still a little distressed about this.

It wasn't the radars or the planes that bothered him.

In fact, the General Counsel believes that if the X1 and "High Fire" can be exchanged for radar and aircraft, it is worth adding a zero after the number requested by Wang Xuexin.

The General Counsel's distress is for those workers and technicians... At a time when Mao Xiong is in urgent need of production capacity to expand the production of fighter jets, these talents are actually sent to China to help it produce.

This also means that Mao Xiong lost as many planes as the Eighth Route Army produced.

Does this have an impact on Mao Xiong's future strategy?

But after thinking about it, the General Counsel felt...there is no such thing as a business in the world. Since you want to get the X1 and "High Fire", the two only equipment in the world, and the other two items are also in the rush, it is rare for Wang Xuexin Willing to trade with Mao Xiong instead of Ying Jiang, how could he miss this opportunity?
not to mention……

The general counsel thinks this way: the production line and the like can be made in the beginning, and after the one hundred X1 and one hundred "high fire" are in hand, once the reverse engineering of them is imitated in China, then the people will be withdrawn. Isn't it just an excuse to go?

So the general counsel stopped hesitating, and immediately sent a message to Lemonokov: "Basically agree with the terms of the Eighth Route Army's transaction, but we have an additional requirement that we cannot trade with Yingjiang!"

When Lemonokov told Wang Xuexin of this condition, Wang Xuexin pretended to be embarrassed even though he felt secretly happy.

"Comrade Lemonokov!" Wang Xuexin said: "You should know our relationship with Yingjiang. Our air force is even formed with Yingjiang's planes. If we fall out with Yingjiang and lose its assistance ... Our loss is great!"

"You will have 'La 5' soon!" Lemonokov said: "And the 'La 5' is easy to operate, the pilot will soon be able to master its flight, then there will be no need for 'Hawk 81' Already!"

"But there are other things." Wang Xuexin said: "Such as gyroscopes, and other assistance..."

Lemonokov was right after thinking about it.

At this time, the Eighth Route Army and Ying Jiang have cooperated in many aspects, and Ying Jiang will definitely focus on the two cakes of X1 and "High Fire". If the Eighth Route Army is not allowed to sell... This seems a bit difficult.

Lemonokov was about to report the situation to the general counsel when he heard Wang Xuexin say: "However, this condition is not impossible. Additional money is required!"

Then, Wang Xuexin got a hundred "La 5" from Lemonokov.

Wang Xuexin put it this way: "If we turn against Yingjiang, it may mean that the Yingjiang Air Force will withdraw, and our army will fall into a void in air supremacy. This is absolutely not allowed by our army. Therefore, we An air team must be stationed to ensure the safety of Yuncheng. In addition, these 'La 5' will also be equipped with bear pilots, and before our pilots form combat effectiveness, they are obliged to ensure the safety of Yuncheng!"

What Wang Xuexin said was reasonable, and Lemonokov had no reason to refuse.

The General Counsel heard that one hundred fighters could make the Eighth Route Army completely fall to his side, which is a great thing!
So without thinking too much, he nodded immediately.

Even the General Counselor was worried that the Eighth Route Army would really lose Yuncheng because of a problem with air dominance... The General Counselor in Chongqing had been paying attention to the Eighth Route Army's war and knew that Yuncheng was very important to the Eighth Route Army at this time.

Therefore, the General Counsel immediately reported to the Supreme Deputy Commander-in-Chief.

The supreme deputy commander immediately ordered that one hundred of the newly produced "La 5" be drawn out and a group of pilots with combat experience should be selected.

What Mao Xiong lacked most at this time was pilots, especially experienced pilots, but they were still able to extract a batch to fly to China, which also shows how much they attach importance to this deal.

What Mao Xiong didn't expect was that Wang Xuexin had no plans to turn against Ying Jiang.

Ying Jiang is not that stupid, and will choose to turn against the Eighth Route Army at this time.

When the information passed from Sun Erwei to Doolittle, Doolittle was still surprised.

"These fools!" said Doolittle, "they would choose Bear's fighter plane over ours! Don't they know that our fighter plane is much more advanced than Bear's?"

After all, Doolittle is a general who has been promoted from a lieutenant colonel to a high-level general in a short period of time. His overall view and vision have not yet been opened.

Not so with the Admiral.

The admiral said solemnly: "Perhaps, this is the right choice for the Eighth Route Army. The Eighth Route Army cannot produce our aircraft, Commodore! Even the 'Hawker 81' that has fallen behind!"

After being told by the admiral, Doolittle understood.

"So..." Doolittle thought for a while, then raised his eyes to the admiral: "Does the Eighth Route Army want to have an independent right to speak?"

The admiral nodded slowly, and seemed to have answered something out of the question: "Interesting, at this time, under this circumstance, they are thinking about this!"

No wonder the admiral thought so.

At this time, Huaxia is on the verge of being invaded by devils and is on the verge of subjugation. In the mind of the admiral, whether it is the stubborn army or the Eighth Route Army, the Huaxia armed forces at this time should have the mentality of "going to the doctor in a hurry", that is, As long as they can get rid of the devils, they will agree to whatever conditions Ying Jiang asks.

But this is not the case.

"Then!" Doolittle frowned, and said, "We should continue to provide assistance to the Eighth Route Army and let them suffer..."

"No!" The admiral interrupted Dolittle: "Are you crazy? Do you know how many 'Zero Wars' the Eighth Route Army has attracted in China? If the Eighth Route Army is cut off, all these 'Zero Wars' will fly to The Pacific Ocean is over our heads!"

Doolittle was too shocked to speak.

It's not that he didn't know what the admiral said. In fact, it was his idea at the beginning.

Doolittle just didn't expect that once something started, it would be very difficult to get out of it.

For example, let the Eighth Route Army attract "Zero War"...

Because the Eighth Route Army dispersed the pressure of the Yingjiang Navy, the Yingjiang Navy was able to breathe a sigh of relief in front of the Devils United Fleet.

But precisely because of this, Yingjiang dare not "sanction" the Eighth Route Army now.

Because "sanctioning" the Eighth Route Army is indirectly "sanctioning" itself.

"Let's talk about this after a while!" The admiral said helplessly: "Now, the most important thing is to stabilize the Eighth Route Army and let them continue to disperse the enemy's forces! In addition, order Sun Erwei to stabilize the Eighth Route Army. We need to maintain a good relationship with the Eighth Route Army! "

(End of this chapter)

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