Bright Sword Military System

Chapter 996 Anti-Tank Missile

Chapter 996 Anti-Tank Missile

The next day Sun Erwei came to Wang Xuexin.

"King, I brought you something!" Sun Erwei opened the box in his hand and took out a bottle of wine while talking: "Whisky, would you like a glass?"

Wang Xuexin looked at the tooth cup on the table with some embarrassment, and said, "I only have this kind of cup!"

"Why not?" Sun Erwei laughed, unscrewed the cap of the wine bottle, poured wine into the tooth cup, handed it to Wang Xuexin, poured half a glass for himself, touched each other, and said: "You are right , There is no dependent relationship between us, I mean between the Eighth Route Army and Yingjiang, sorry! I may be used to substituting you into the stubborn army, after all, you are all Chinese troops!"

Wang Xuexin nodded noncommittally as a response.

He actually understood why Sun Erwei had the domineering attitude last time.

This is not just a matter of him substituting the Eighth Route Army into the stubborn army, but also a condescending psychological advantage over China as a major industrial country.

Perhaps, if Wang Xuexin and Sun Erwei switched roles, Wang Xuexin would also have this psychological advantage.

Wang Xuexin took a sip of wine and asked Sun Erwei: "So, you don't want 'High Fire' and X1?"

Sun Erwei replied helplessly: "The superior orders, unless you are willing to trade, otherwise..."

Said Sun Erwei shrugged: "We should respect your wishes, the superiors think this is your freedom!"

Wang Xuexin just smiled and didn't take Sun Erwei's words seriously.

Ying Jiang has always whitewashed his behavior as fair and just, but in fact it is not the case at all.

If the Eighth Route Army and Ying Jiang were not in a cooperative relationship today, and Ying Jiang's own interests were even involved, Ying Jiang would not care about the so-called "will" and "freedom".

Sun Erwei then said doubtfully: "But to be honest, I've always wondered why you would rather trade with Mao Xiong than us? Could it be that our fighters are not good enough?"

"No, Sun Erwei!" Wang Xuexin replied, "It's precisely because your fighters are so good!"

"What do you mean?" Sun Erwei was a little confused.

Wang Xuexin explained: "For example, the 'Hawk 81' has an all-metal body and is equipped with advanced communication equipment and control systems, but the problem that follows is...with our industrial capabilities, even if you sell the production line to Us, do we have the ability to produce 'Hawk 81'? Is the quantity of 'Hawk 81' produced enough for us to fight against the devils, a state machine?"

Hearing this, Sun Erwei understood, and then he asked again: "Is Mao Xiong's plane okay?"

Wang Xuexin nodded: "Do you know? We bought fighter jets with wooden fuselages from Mao Xiong. A production line can easily produce hundreds of fighter jets a month! Hundreds of fighter jets a month... This is also beneficial to Ying Jiang Isn't it? So I think you guys should support this deal!"

Sun Erwei was taken aback for a moment, then nodded in agreement.

The facts are indeed true. If the Eighth Route Army has an independent aviation industry that can independently produce fighters, first of all, Yingjiang will not need to provide as many "Hawk 81s" as before.

The second is that the Eighth Route Army can attract more devil aviation troops to China.

No matter which point it is, it is beneficial to the eagle sauce.

At this time, Sun Erwei suddenly understood why his superior ordered him to repair the relationship with the Eighth Route Army instead of using "sanctions" to coerce the Eighth Route Army to hand over the technology.

"Okay!" Sun Erwei raised his glass again and touched Wang Xuexin, saying, "I hope this time it won't affect our relationship. I mean, not only the military's, but also ours!"

"Of course!" Wang Xuexin nodded.

"It's just..." Sun Erwei raised his eyebrows: "Skinnai seems to be a little dissatisfied!"

Sun Erwei is using another way to spy on the secret of "High Fire"... Since Wang Xuexin refuses to trade, what about the project developed in cooperation with Yingjiang?Do you also want to be mean?
"Really?" Wang Xuexin asked knowingly.

"Of course!" Sun Erwei said: "He complained to me yesterday, saying that if the Eighth Route Army can produce X1, he means... If a bomb aimed at fighter planes can be controlled, then a rocket aimed at tanks will still be able to be controlled." What is the difficulty?"

Sun Erwei still wanted to continue talking, for example: "If this is the case, he will doubt the sincerity of the Eighth Route Army's cooperation with Yingjiang, so there is no need to continue this cooperation project!"

But the words came to his lips, and Sun Erwei finally swallowed them abruptly.

Because he knew that it was best not to threaten the Battalion Commander of the Eighth Route Army in front of him, otherwise the situation of not being able to get down the stairs like last time might happen again.

Wang Xuexin was right when he thought about it. The cooperation project with Skinny is still in a state of stagnation, and he has even completed "air-to-air missiles", which is a bit unreasonable.

If it is said that Skinner's research is of no value, then Wang Xuexin can be determined to stop the project.

But this project is a big fish... There are many high-tech equipment and parts that Maoxiong doesn't have, which can be obtained from Eagle Sauce through this project, so this project cannot be stopped.

Thinking about it, Wang Xuexin thought it was time for the anti-tank missile to take a step forward.

So he explained: "My fault, Sun Erwei, I have been so busy and dizzy during this time that I rarely pay attention to Skinner's projects. In this way, you can bring him a word, if the wireless control is not ideal, we will You can try to use wire control, simply put, it is to connect the rocket with a thin wire, so that the timing, flexibility, and anti-interference will be much better than wireless control!"

Sun Erwei's expression changed, even a layman like him could understand this idea.

Because the wireless remote control technology was not yet mature at this time, Skinner only thought about controlling the rockets with wireless remote control, so the accuracy could not be improved and the experimental results were not ideal.

But if the wires are used simply and rudely... In principle, all technical problems will be solved, and then the problem of realization will come.

Sun Erwei nodded slowly, and thought to himself: Fortunately, he didn't choose to sanction the Eighth Route Army, otherwise, these technologies might all be Mao Xiong's.

When Sun Erwei returned to Wangxing Airport, he immediately told Skinny about Wang Xuexin's suggestion.

Skinner was stunned for a while, and then angrily swung the hammer and smashed all the wireless control devices they were tinkering with.

While smashing and cursing: "Fuck it, we have been working hard in the direction of wireless, and no one thought that we can install wires!"

Sun Erwei was a little helpless, who would have thought of installing wires behind the rocket to control it?
(End of this chapter)

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