Chapter 19
According to the Qingcheng gate rules, expulsion from the mountain gate for a year is not to drive the disciples down the mountain and leave them alone, but to organize the punished disciples into Qingcheng's free clinic team in other places. The purpose of paying equal attention to chemical education.

Bai Fu was incorporated into the third free clinic team, which is currently in Chengdu for free clinics, and the team leader is Bai Fu's brother Ding Shujian.

Bai Fu was lonely and angry, and without waiting for the luggage team to go to Chengdu to accompany him, he went on the road alone with a sword.

On this day, it was raining and the sky was blue.The old man who stayed at the house persuaded Bai Fu not to go on the road when the heavy rain was coming.Bai Fu smiled sadly, thanked the old man, and continued on his way.After walking for about ten miles, the heavy rain came as expected.At this time, Bai Fu was walking to the riverside.Putting on his hat and coir raincoat, he stood quietly in the rain, gazing at the river.

Taking advantage of the rain, the Fujiang River roared and rushed, engulfed by the giant trees and sundries washed down from the upper reaches, with a ferocious face and wanton tossing.Bai Fu was full of grievances, just like this river...

Friends betrayed, teachers framed, classmates laughed at each other, and even the master who was as close as a father wronged himself.The world is so big, where can I return?The road is difficult, the road is difficult, there are many roads, where is it now?

If I throw myself into the water now, Master Fang believes that I have been framed.To complain of grievances with death, the master will know my humiliation.At this time next year, if he thinks of me, will he regret it?
Thinking about life forever, unstoppable, lingering.Bai Fu was emotionally agitated, his shoulders trembled, and the rain mixed with tears, and he walked into the water step by step...

When the water reached my chest, I saw a monk in ragged clothes appeared on the other side of the river, as if he was drunk, dancing and talking plausibly.The drunk monk didn't know the danger, he stumbled and fell into the river, and he was ups and downs on the surface of the river holding a big vermilion wine gourd.

After the drunk monk fell into the river, he was mostly sober, only to know that he was afraid, and shouted for help.

At this time, the river was very windy and the waves were turbulent, the horses were galloping like ten thousand horses, and the thunder was like thunder.Occasionally, if you are not careful, you will lose your life if you fail to save people.

At this time, Bai Fu only wanted to die quickly, and he had nothing to fear.Stretching his arms, calculating the velocity of the flow, he floated down the river, grabbed the drunk monk, stepped on the water with his legs, dragged and dragged, and floated to the shallows downstream, so embarrassed.

The monk was fed water and passed out.After removing the dirty clothes, the monk was covered in skin sores, pus and blood gushed out when he touched it, and the stench was extremely disgusting.

Bai Fu was eager to save people, and he didn't care about the rules of the epidemic.Hold your breath and quickly remove the mud and debris from the monk's mouth and nose.Bai Fu knelt on the ground with his right leg, bent his left leg, and placed the monk's abdomen across his left knee, causing the monk's head to droop.Pressing the palms against the monk's back, the dantian exerted strength, injecting a stream of profound energy into the monk's body.When the true energy entered the body, the monk began to breathe, and then he vomited profusely, vomiting out all the water in his abdominal cavity.

According to the law, the monk's complexion began to turn rosy, and his breathing returned to normal after a stick of incense.Only then did Bai Fu feel relieved, and put the monk down on his back.

The monk woke up, beating his chest and stamping his feet, mad and unruly.Not only was he not grateful, but he pointed at Bai Fu and cursed: "Zhuzi, I am the God of Rivers and Rivers, and the God of Rain sent wine today, what are you doing here? Do you want to make wine and medicinal materials? Don't spoil my good wine! Idle people wait, Step back quickly!"

Bai Fu cursed bad luck secretly, and met a crazy monk when he was looking for death.Don't pay attention to him, turn around and leave, and continue to throw himself into the river.But it's strange to say, once interrupted by this crazy monk, the death thoughts in my heart disappeared without a trace.

(End of this chapter)

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