Chapter 20
In the evening, when the rain stopped, Bai Fu lit a bonfire, dried clothes, and grilled taro, hubing and other food.

When the food was cooked, the crazy monk smelled the aroma and rushed over, followed by a young man who looked like a scholar.The mad monk huddled by the fire to keep warm, with clear snot on his cheek.The scholar knelt down beside him without saying a word.

Bai Fu recalled that although the mad monk is sloppy and crazy, if he hadn't interrupted him today, he would have already fed the fish and shrimp in the river.Speaking of which, he also saved his life.So, instead of chasing the mad monk away, he handed him a few baked mustaches.

When the crazy monk saw that there was something to eat, he smiled and was not polite.After eating a lot of Hesse, he burped.After picking his teeth with twigs, he picked up a few lumps of dried cow dung as firewood, and roasted taro by himself.

The scholar knelt beside the mad monk with a peaceful expression.As if he didn't see him, the crazy monk took out two roasted taro from the cow dung and ate them with his mouth open.Stop after two bites, and scold the scholar for being uneasy and kind, and wanting to steal his things.While scolding and eating, he suddenly turned his face and handed the half-eaten taro to the scholar.

Seeing this, Bai Fu felt sick to his stomach.Unexpectedly, the scholar continued respectfully, not thinking it was dirty, and ate it properly.The crazy monk watched him finish eating the taro, clapped his hands and laughed, "Good! Good! You don't need to say more, and don't follow me anymore. Seeing how sincere you are, I promise you to be the Prime Minister of Taiping for ten years in the future! Daoye Stop talking!"

Then, as if there was no one there, he breathed out lotus flowers and chanted loudly:
The Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara, who walks deep prajna paramita for a long time, sees the five aggregates in emptiness and saves all suffering.


There is no hindrance in the heart, no hindrance, no fear, far away from reversed dreams, and finally Nirvana.


When the scholar heard the mad monk's chanting, he was fascinated and memorized it secretly.

After the mad monk recited it three times, he said: "This mantra is the secret saying of Prajna, which cannot be interpreted intentionally, but if you recite it silently, the speed of reciting the power is as fast as forgetting to understand it, and the power is incredible. The speed is the heart light that everyone has. All the Buddhas have proved it and think it is supernatural. If you can realize the original existence, you will return to the light at the moment, and you will be enlightened by one thought. The relationship between life and death will suddenly crack: just like a thousand-year-old darkroom, a lamp If it can be broken, don't ask for convenience. We have the ambition to live and die, and we will never have a boat without it!"

When the scholar heard it, he realized what he said.

The mad monk ignored the scholar, walked around Bai Fu a few times, looked up and down, and winked: "Ordinary people are Buddhas, and afflictions are Bodhi. Before thinking about delusions, you are ordinary people, and after thinking about enlightenment, you are Buddha. Leaving is Bodhi."

Recite another verse:
"Speaking and understanding the heart, it is like the sun in the sky; only the Dharma of seeing the nature is passed on, and the evil sect is broken in the world.


The Buddhadharma is in the world, and it cannot be separated from the world. Seeking Bodhi is like seeking the horns of a rabbit.


This hymn is a sudden teaching, also known as the Great Dharma Boat; if you have been ignorant of the sutras for many kalpas, you will be enlightened in an instant. "

After reciting, pat your buttocks and drift away.

The scholar stopped following him this time, knelt on the ground, looked at the back of the mad monk, and kowtowed a few times.

When the mad monk was far away, the scholar got up, walked to Bai Fu's side, sat down cross-legged, and asked Bai Fu for a few roasted mustard biscuits.Seeing his elegant appearance and free and easy manner, Bai Fu felt good about him.

Bai Fu asked: "I think officials are also people who have read poetry and books. Why are they so respectful to this crazy monk?" He doesn't like fame. He often seeks immortals among the famous mountains such as Songshan, Huashan, Zhongnan, Emei, etc., hoping to find the alchemy of immortality.

Half a year ago, I traveled to Lingyun Temple in Jiazhou to pay my respects to the large stone statue of Maitreya that was being built in Lingyun Temple.

This big Maitreya stone statue has a lot of background. Jiazhou has been the confluence of three rivers since ancient times. The Minjiang River, Qingyi River, and Dadu River converge at the foot of Lingyun Mountain.During the summer flood season, the river water hits the mountain wall directly, often causing the tragedy of shipwreck and human death.

In the early years of Kaiyuan, Zen Master Haitong of Lingyun Temple initiated the construction of a large Maitreya stone statue in order to reduce the water potential and save all sentient beings.The Buddhist scriptures say that when Maitreya is born, there will be "peace in the world". Maitreya Buddha is the future Buddha who can bring light and happiness. The people of Jiazhou believe that after the construction of this Buddha of Zhenjiang, which calms the flood, it will surely bring boaters to overcome the torrent. The courage and determination of the rapids.

Zen Master Haitong recruited manpower and material resources to repair and chisel. When the big statue of Maitreya was repaired to the shoulder, Zen Master Haitong passed away.After Zen Master Haitong passed away, the project was temporarily suspended.Many years later, Jiannan Xichuan Jiedu envoy Zhang Qiu Jianqiong donated the salary, and the disciples of Zen Master Haitong led the craftsmen to continue to build the Buddha. Due to the huge project, the imperial court ordered a tax payment of hemp salt, which made the project progress rapidly.Today, although the Great Maitreya Stone Statue has not been completed, it has quietly become the largest Buddha statue in the world, which is extremely shocking!

That night, I slept in Lingyun Temple.Hearing a monk recite scriptures, his voice is sad and euphemistic, and the scriptures' compassion has a sound that will last forever.I knew that the monk who recited the scriptures must be a good comer.After inquiring, they found out that this monk was not an eminent monk in the temple, but an old monk who chopped firewood and carried water to do hard work. No one knew his name.This monk usually picks up the leftovers that everyone has eaten to satisfy their hunger, and stretches when they are full, and finds a corner to sleep, so everyone calls him the lazy and disabled monk.

Ordinary people don't know that the Buddha is by his side.I was overjoyed. "Maitreya is the real Maitreya, with tens of billions of incarnations, showing the world from time to time, and the world doesn't know it." The Zen master must have a deep meaning in doing this.So, I didn't tell the truth, but I often went to him secretly by myself in the middle of the cold winter night.The Zen master never paid any attention to me, he treated me as if I was not there, and ate and slept as usual.I didn't dare to disturb the Zen master Qingxiu, I just served him.Two nights ago, the Zen master was drawing water from the well, and when he looked at the well water, he was suddenly taken aback.Then he dropped the work in hand, turned around and left.Knowing that something happened, I quickly followed the Zen master down the mountain.Along the way, there is no difference.Until today, Zen master fell into the river and was rescued by you. "

Bai Fu was ashamed, knowing that the scholar bumped into him today.

The scholar didn't reveal it, took a bite of the mustache, and said, "Do you believe it? I have served the Zen master for several months, and it was the first time that he talked to me today. Speaking of it, I still rely on your fate." After finishing speaking , turned to observe Bai Fu, and did not speak for a while.

After eating the pancakes, Li Mi got up, straightened his clothes, cupped his hands to Bai Fu, and said, "Thank you for the delicious food, I will see you again in the future. Let's not spend today!" Bai Fu hurriedly got up and returned the gift.

Li Mi took two steps, then turned around and came back, staring at Bai Fu with torch-like eyes, and said solemnly: "The Zen master's six supernatural powers are all perfect, and all of them can see time and space. There must be deep meaning in saving you today, and I hope my little friend Do it for yourself." After saying that, the white clothes fluttered and walked away.

Bai Fu was stunned on the spot, wondering what day it is today, when he met two lunatics.That's all for that crazy monk, this scholar is handsome, no matter what he loses his mind.The master often said that the most dangerous thing is to cultivate the supreme inner strength mental method. If you practice without a teacher, you will often go crazy.This Li Mi may be very talented, but the unknown teacher inherits the orthodoxy, claims to be intelligent, and cultivates the way of heaven by himself, I am afraid that he is in line with what the master said.

Thinking of Master, Bai Fu secretly felt sad.Staring at the bonfire, it took me a long time to fall asleep.

The next day, as soon as the sun came out, the sky was blue.The big rivers on both sides of the strait are rushing, and the turbulent waves are crashing on the shore, rolling up thousands of piles of snow.

Standing proudly on the boulders in the tidal flat, Bai Fu looked at the chaotic rocks piercing through the sky, the huge waves were surging, and he was full of pride in his heart!


(End of this chapter)

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