Chapter 199
It is strange that people living in the world today have not paid attention to medicine and studied alchemy. The first is to cure the diseases of the emperor and relatives, the second is to save the poor and the poor, and the middle is to protect the body and live long, so as to support their lives.

——Excerpt from "Preface to Treatise on Febrile Diseases" by Zhang Zhongjing (Han)


Taifu ordered someone to call Bai Fu and introduce them to each other.At the same time, Yan Jiming was asked to repeat the story of the spread of the plague in Luoyang.

Seeing that Bai Fu was a handsome young man, Yan Jiming couldn't help feeling underestimated, and said to himself, "The plague is a terrible disaster, and this young man has no hope. Let's get in touch with other disciples in Qingcheng through him. There must be other disciples in Luoyang." Same door."

Bai Fu sensed what Yan Jiming was thinking, but he didn't take it to heart. He saw this kind of situation a lot during his consultations in Chengdu.Let the facts speak for themselves.

Bai Fu turned his gaze to Grand Tutor Xu, and couldn't help being taken aback.Overnight, the Tai Tuo became so old.

Bai Fu hurriedly took Taifu's pulse with his hand, closed his eyes slightly, and focused on observing.Taifu's pulse condition was intermittent, intermittent.

Bai Fu looked anxiously at Taifu, Taifu's right arm twitched involuntarily, his mouth and eyes were slightly crooked.

Bai Fu asked, "Teacher, why do you feel uncomfortable?"

The Taifu uttered words a little unclearly, and said: "It's not particularly uncomfortable. Apart from headache, there is no special pain in the whole body. It is just a little dizzy, and it will suddenly become dizzy. The face, hands and feet on the right side are numb. When walking, I feel It's like stepping on a pile of cotton, with one foot deep and the other shallow.

Bai Fu was taken aback, this appearance was a sign of apoplexy.

Apoplexy is also known as apoplexy, which is divided into the meridian and the viscera.The middle meridians mostly cause hemiplegia, while the middle viscera mostly cause unconsciousness.

The situation is urgent, there is no delay, and there is no room for loss.Bai Fu hurriedly took out the silver needle from the medical bag to rescue him.

According to Qingcheng's nine-acupuncture theory, Bai Fu acupunctured Laogong and Neiguan acupoints on the Jueyin meridian of his left hand, and then switched up and down to Taichong and Zhongfeng acupoints on his feet.

Then, acupuncture the eight winds and eight evils at extra points outside the meridians.Bafeng point is between the toes, where the red and white flesh is located; Baxie point is between the fingers, where the red and white flesh is located.

After finishing the conventional silver needle application, Bai Fu took out the sharp needle for first aid in pricking.Feng needle is also one of the nine needles in Qingcheng, also known as the three-edged needle, which is mainly used for stabbing.Sharp needle is the pioneer of first aid, whether it is a stroke or angina pectoris, in case of acute attack, sharp needle can be used to puncture and bleed.When pricking the collaterals, it should be done on the spot where the veins are bulging, not limited to acupoints, anyone with bulging veins around them can be pricked.

Bai Fu applied acupuncture at Taifu's Baihui acupoint and the tips of both ears.Seeing that Taifu's mouth and eyes were crooked, Bai Fu used a sharp needle to pierce the earlobe.At the same time, cooperate with the opening of the four gates, that is, needling the four points of Hegu, Taichong, Neiting, and Xiangu.

After finishing the pricking with the front needle, Bai Fu was still worried, so he pricked the extra points outside the Taifu Meridian for ten Xuan and Qi Duan.The so-called ten points refer to the tips of the ten fingers of the hand, with a total of ten points on the left and right.The air end is on the tips of the ten fingers of the feet, with a total of ten points on the left and right.

Bai repeatedly used the sharp needle to squeeze out the blood, and the blood from the acupuncture point of the Taifu sprayed out in a jet-like manner, and the blood color was black.

Bai Fu was overjoyed, if the blood can be sprayed out, it can save the day.If the blood is squeezed by pricking, the bleeding is very little, and it may be difficult to recover.

After about a stick of incense, Tai Tu's illness finally stabilized, his complexion was no longer so ugly, and gradually became bloody.

During the whole process, Tai Tuo was calm and calm, with a composed expression.

The Taifu smiled and thanked in a soft voice: "Fu'er, thank you, I feel much better. My headache, dizziness, vertigo, tinnitus and other symptoms have disappeared, and I no longer have nausea, vomiting or hiccups."

Yan Jiming withdrew his contempt and praised sincerely: "Since ancient times, heroes have been born as teenagers! Today I opened my eyes. Shaoxia Bai is really a master of Qihuang, and he is worthy of being a son of a famous family in Qingcheng! In this epidemic, we must really rely on young heroes!"


Seeing Taifu's condition improved, Bai Fu dared to leave for Luoyang.Before leaving, Bai Fu prescribed a few more doses of herbal medicines to strengthen the foundation and cultivate the vitality, and only after explaining to the Taifu's attendants repeatedly did he set off.In order to avoid accidents, Bai Fu kept Li Xuexuan by the Taifu's side. On the one hand, he asked Xuexuan to take care of the Taifu's condition, and on the other hand, he let Li Xuexuan get the Taifu's protection before the situation became clear.

Afterwards, Bai Fu and Yan Ji traveled night and night, and soon arrived in Luoyang.

At this time, Ding Shujian had already led the Qingcheng disciples from Luoyang to the resettlement site.Luoyang prefect and other officials warmly received.

After discussion, everyone decided to follow the Taifu's suggestion to let local famous doctors, medical practitioners, and medical monks enter the men's camp, women's camp and ward for consultation.

The disciples from Qingcheng entered the place where the epidemic was most severe - Camp C, to treat the patients.


The Qingcheng disciples had no complaints, and after taking the necessary protective measures, they went to Camp C.When passing through the military quarantine zone, General Tu led the crowd to clear the way for the disciples of Qingcheng.

After General Tu gave an order, thousands of soldiers saluted the soldiers with the highest military salute, and watched these warriors enter the C Battalion.All the officers and men knew that the Bing Battalion at this time was like a ghost, and it was as dangerous as the Shura battlefield.It is very likely that Qingcheng disciples will never return from this trip.However, everyone in this group of chivalrous men is indifferent to life and death, and they are desperate to take risks. With such a demeanor, they are worthy of being our heroes of the Tang Dynasty!

Bai Fu's first patient was an old woman in her seventies.Symptoms are: chest tightness, shortness of breath, superficial inhalation during breathing, dull pain in both ribs, no fever, cough, sputum and other symptoms.It's okay to sleep soundly, and the second is to adjust.Body of the tongue is dark red, with purple air, and the fur is turbid and greasy, slightly thick.The pulse is slippery on the right, slightly tight on the right, and weak at two feet. .

After Bai Fuwang heard and asked, he was diagnosed with panting syndrome, a combination of Taiyang and Yangming, two senses of Taiyin and Yangming, and turbidity of phlegm in the lungs.

Bai Fu took out the silver needle from the needle pouch and inserted it at a constant speed.First puncture the Neiguan acupoint on the right hand, and then pierce in the direction of the Outaiguan acupoint. After the needle was inserted, the old woman let out a long breath, and obviously felt that the chest tightness was relieved, and the dull pain in both ribs disappeared.

Bai Fu stabbed at Taiyuan point again, and pierced at Xiangyangxi point.Bai Fu's two stitches did not use the traditional needling technique of lifting, inserting and twisting, they were all Qingcheng's nine-needle technique.Seeing that the old woman is very old, she did not use special acupuncture and reinforcing and reducing techniques.

After the old woman kept the needle, she felt the affected area, and she reported that her chest tightness had improved significantly and her breathing was smooth.

Bai Fu wrote a prescription for the old woman to suffer and take according to the method described by Zhang Zhongjing in "Treatise on Febrile Diseases". After a while, sip the hot gruel for one liter to help the medicine work.”

Yan Jiming was the only Luoyang official who entered the C camp with the team. He had seen Bai Fu's methods and admired Bai Fu's medical skills, so he quickly copied a copy.

This prescription has been handed down from generation to generation, and thousands of years later, it still saves countless people during the epidemic.This is a later story, and I will not express it here for the time being.

  1. "Preface to Treatise on Febrile Diseases" is the original preface to "Treatise on Febrile Diseases", the author is Zhang Zhongjing of the Han Dynasty.The original preface is the central idea of ​​"Treatise on Febrile Diseases" and the purpose and program of the whole book.The article is concise and concise, with both writing and morality. It is a famous educational article on medicine, medical ethics and medical ethics that has been passed down through the ages, and it has an important warning effect on the real society.

  2020. "A Case Study of the Combination of Acupuncture and Medicine in the Treatment of Novel Coronavirus Pneumonia", Liu Lihong et al., May 5, 28.

  2016. "The Yellow Emperor's Inner Acupuncture", Yang Zhenhai, Liu Lihong, China Press of Traditional Chinese Medicine, [-].
  2011 "Prescriptions", Deng Zhongjia, China Press of Traditional Chinese Medicine, September 9

  2005. "Treatise on Febrile Diseases", Zhang Zhongjing (Han), People's Health Publishing House, first edition in August 8

(End of this chapter)

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